Photo Credit: Splash News

These are the seats at the Grammys that were reserved for Rihanna and Chris Brown. Rihanna’s family is hoping they will never see Chris Brown’s face again, after he beat up Rihanna. The two families are trying to keep Chris and Rihanna as far apart as possible. For legal reasons, Chris’s family doesn’t want him contacting her. And Rihanna’s family is terrified that Chris will beg for forgiveness – using those old lines “I lost control because I love you” and “It’s your fault – you made me do it.” They’re scared that after the dust settles and bruises heal, she might LISTEN.

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  1. She’s lucky he didn’t kill her. If he did what they say then he’s capable of anything. She better wake up and be way more selective in the future. No more NWA’s.

  2. If anything this incident will help with Brown’s street cred. All he needs now is to be shot a few times. You would think Rihanna’s folks would also want to keep her away from the pimp, drug dealer and common street criinal Jay-Z.

  3. If Rihanna decides to continue her relationship with Chris Brown, then I’m sorry to say she gets exactly what she deserves.

  4. Stop talking, just sentence the boy AND SEND RIHANNA TO ME, folks!!

  5. Most of these comments sound like they came from a bunch of racist people. People of other races have domestic violence problems too, do they not? This has nothing to do with Chris brown being an “NWA” or Jay-Z being a “thug.” My president is BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Get over it. 😉

  6. Im sorry Rihanna’s family, he will not call her and tell her that he loves her. Truth she is obsessed with him, he dropped her, she cant get over it, she attacked him and he left her…She hurt herself and play the victim. Truth is that she is an attentionseeker and will be put to shame for all this drama.
    Why do you think that Chris Brown is keeping a low profile? And why would he leave her in such a condition?

  7. Im sorry Rihanna’s family, he will not call her and tell her that he loves her. Truth she is obsessed with him, he dropped her, she cant get over it, she attacked him and he left her…She hurt herself and play the victim. Truth is that she is an attentionseeker and will be put to shame for all this drama.
    Why do you think that Chris Brown is keeping a low profile? And why would he leave her in such a condition?

  8. This are the same people that poison the culture and glamorize everything that is wrong and tell us what to buy , who the vote for…
    and then do a PSA about drugs or violence.

  9. Jay Z acting all self righteous, he is no better than chris CHeater and a Beater, he just doesn’t leave visible bruises.

  10. She attacked him? Then why isn’t he injured and she’s a mess? People that defend beaters make me sick.

  11. Chris and family to RIRI’s peoples.. Keep your crazy as a bat herpes and STD infected daughter outta my life.

  12. I don’t know of too many full blooded “Black” men that are born out of white vaginas. Obama’s mama was lilly white.

  13. His mama was lily white and his papa was black as night, which makes him just right.

  14. Folks: don’t sweat it, she’s not going back with him; just like J-Lo didn’t go back with Puff Diddy.
    She’s 20; she’ll move right along.

  15. hahaha diz is soo fuckin funny if he so call attack her y dnt we see any pictures HUH?? oops cuz of wat da fuckin media is sayin BULLSHIT i tell ya.

  16. i just want to say rihanna i love u so much im one of your fans get over him babes your so pretty and young

  17. cara amiga sono una fa
    me dispiace tanto ti trovo meravigliosa
    spero che dio ti aiuti in questo momento difficile
    ma spero che non darai piu oprtunidade a nessuno tocarti I LOVE RIHANNA… KISS DA FRIEND BRASILIANA KISS KISS

  18. I understand Jay-Z about Chris “but come on Jay you do have a wife man “Bey is going the start thinking chill out. Chris was not into Rhianna the way she loved him. He started lookin at other girls and wont out of the relationship “she couldn’t handle it. Now he still assaulted her and was wrong. This girl will take him back if he asked her no matter what Jay and people say.

  19. Where I come from domestic violence happens every day!I’m not saying it’s okay what has happened 2 Chris n Rhianna,but damn this is reality.I hear people say “I can’t believe Chris Brown would do something like this”.Well believe it,they are human and we’re just on the out side looking in.Look at Ike N Tina “WHATS LOVE GOT 2 DO WITH IT”

  20. Where I come from domestic violence happens every day!I’m not saying it’s okay what has happened 2 Chris n Rhianna,but damn this is reality.I hear people say “I can’t believe Chris Brown would do something like this”.Well believe it,they are human and we’re just on the out side looking in.Look at Ike N Tina “WHATS LOVE GOT 2 DO WITH IT”

  21. I dont think you can make a judgement about how someone else lives their life. Its is especially unfair to lay any blame for any of this, including the decision to stay with her abusive boyfriend, at the feet of the victim. Speaking from my experience, when abuse happens in the form of a beating you go into shock. It doesnt leave you feeling empowered or indignant. Quite the contrary, you feel weaker than you have ever felt, and no one is more prepared to step in and fill the hole in your heart than the boyfriend you just beat you. When you feel that low, like you have lost yourself, the last thing you feel is the power to leave. You want it to have never happened. You want to stay. You dont want to lose your relationship, your home, your plans for the future,on top of the loss of security you are facing from the one person you should be able to trust completely. You want to stop the losing, and keep anything else from getting away from you. I dont leave, because that means I lose more and more and more. What do you do? Start over? Its seems like alot more painful to do that, than forgive this. THEN IT KEEPS HAPPENING. THEN HE BREAKS YOUR NOSE. THEN YOUR ARM. Then you start to see staying is not an option. She will leave him, just not yet. I give them less than a year. Once a wife beater, always a wife beater.

  22. dear rihanna why you attack my boyfriend it is not your boyfriend any more you broken my boyfriend heart you and chris brown are not relationship any more it is over between you and chris brown are not good couple I’am sorry chris brown want me you can’t have him any more goodbye rihanna you are not see him again he change he want me not you

  23. Best of everything to Chris, I’ve seen him over his career and he seems to be more decent than most of the young celebs out there. I despise what he did to Rihanna, yet I know it was not as horric as the media and you all portray it. I hope they both learned that putting your hands on a person, can lead to nothing but a bad situation.

    As for Obama’s ethnicity – he is BLACK. And for any white woman,asian woman,india, or any or nationality – if you lay down with a BLACK man your child will be BLACK. Due to genetics,a scientific fact – the BLACK gene is dominant for race. That is actually the start of racism – and white supremacy – they all realize that the Black man’s gene has the ability to anhilate every race. And at the rate things are going – everyone will be ‘OF COLOR’, at least in the United States eventually.

  24. Casonia of Seattle is only trying to get the attention of Hells kitchen and not on here to fight with you people...Meaning enore me and stop talking to me Kitty or I am going to hurt your feelings says:


  25. Casonia of Seattle is only trying to get the attention of Hells kitchen and not on here to fight with you people...Meaning enore me and stop talking to me Kitty or I am going to hurt your feelings says:


  26. Casonia of Seattle is only trying to get the attention of Hells kitchen and not on here to fight with you people...Meaning enore me and stop talking to me Kitty or I am going to hurt your feelings says:


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