Sometimes there IS justice in this world. TV chef Anthony Bourdain called Food Network cook Paula Deen, 64, “The most dangerous person in America” because she told an obese nation it’s OK to eat food that’s killing us. Paula is finally paying the piper for her southern fried overindulgence. According to RadarOnline, Paula developed type 2 diabetes (associated with fatty foods and obesity) and will no longer be able to indulge in her own unhealthy cooking. She intended to keep the disease a secret but when she started using Novartis for her condition, the drug company offered her a big bucks deal to endorse the drug. So now she gets paid for being sick. We think ANYBODY can make food taste good if they use gobs of salt, sugar and fat, but a really talented chef can make healthy fresh food taste delicious.

About The Author


  1. Reta, if you lived near us, you would benefit from some wonderful home cooking. My wife likes the same type of food as you do. We grill and bake all kinds of fish and chicken breasts often. Our neighbors (when they aren’t traveling) reap the benefits too. Plus, all the neighbors (we live in a tiny subdivision) come to our holiday barbecues.

    Our red velvet cakes have a chocolate flavor to them and extra fluffy creme cheese frosting (although some use butter creme, some like white chocolate icing and others dark chocolate). Just the vision of one makes me want to pass out. lol Love those things.

    We try not to put back very few if any leftovers. Instead, we take food plates to those that have been sick or friends or church buddies and drop off plates til there isn’t any left. That way more people get a good hot meal and less poundage on my body. lol

  2. Walt,roast Beef medium rare and Yorkeshire with a rich gravy, tonight. Bacon and a cap of fat over the Top Sirloin roast to add to the drippings and flavour. Horseradish that will make your eyes water. Cognac and the couch to follow. Bliss. You and yours are invited.
    My Yorkeshire’s cannot be beaten. They are easy to make, but not easy to pull off, if you want the dinner plate sized ones.. If that makes any sense.
    A great meal for a snowy, cold day.

  3. Patrick, that’s a fine dish and makes my mouth water. That’s the kind of dish that I would rare speak through. I would be too busy rooting & snorting around my plate like a hungry pig.

    Growing up in my teen years after supper, our Papa would take the male guests to the porch or sit next to the fireplace (depending on the weather) and they would smoke and have a couple of swallows of brandy (which was really “shine”). lol

  4. After we had guests over for a dinner of home cooking during the three years I actually had a stepmother who could cook, my dad (drunk as usual, but never showing it to ANYONE) would go out back and bring in another “Guest”. Our pinto horse, who he would walk thru the back porch, kitchen, dining room, into the living room, and then turn her around and back her up to the sofa where she would plop her horsey arse right on down, and her front legs would be between her back legs which would be sprawled outwards comfortably. “Babe” knew the drill, and was comfortable with it, walking over the hardwood floors with her clomp clomp clomping hooves.

    Dad taught her many tricks and was the only one who could handle her OR ride her. My brother, as a teen, tried to ride her and she ran him along a long row of eucalyptus trees that were wind blocks for the orchards we lived by. He had to pull his leg up on top of the saddle to keep from having it ripped off by the trees.

    She also once purposely stepped right on my foot and her black eye stared right at me as she refused to move off me no matter how hard I tried to shove her off me. We were inside the corn rows at the time she did that. My dad had to come and pull her off me. Luckily, probably due to the dirt, my foot wasn’t badly hurt, but I swear that horse was insane. I never could figure out how my dad managed to handle her to such perfection. But he was originally from Utah and was a farmboy, so he knew how to grow anything, and we did, and he knew how to keep animals of all kinds and we did that too. So, for some years of my childhood, it was pure magic, and this was, believe it or not, in the middle of Compton Ca. which, where we were then was very rural. NOW Compton if famous for rappers, gangbangers (same thing) and extreme poverty and crime.

    My idylic childhood from first grade thru 5th couldn’t have been more magical, OR sad without a mother, and a mostly absent/drunk dad. But, I loved him, as I’m sure Courtney Love’s daughter loves her and wishes she would snap out of it.

    Sorry for the timewarp/rant…

  5. Oh yeah REta! My dad used to go into the woods just before dinner and wrangle a Cougar through the back door, drag it to the kitchen table, punch it in the ear and sit it’s ass down beside me.
    I just stared very quietly straight ahead, crying softly in terror as the cougar ate the chicken off my plate then licked my face.
    Dads was such a joker.

  6. Reta, thank you so much for sharing that wonderous childhood memory.

    All the really good memories in life seem to be bittersweet. Sounds like the horse would have liked to have rubbed you and your brother out so it could have a bigger spot on the couch and house. lol

    I always associate you with horses because you have mentioned them before. You had written awhile back about riding your horse on the beach and that stays with me. That is how I see you. JC ‘s resident female rebel riding a mighty stoney grey steed into the cool wind of a September morning.

    I continue to hope (and pray) that your health improves and test results are good. 🙂

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  8. I don’t care about Paula or the Food Network but shame on them for being so gutless as to cancel her over an admission she said the N word years ago.

    The parading BLACKS and white enablers are cowards in this issue as BLACKS say Nigga constantly and any white, especially a southerner who denies saying it is a liar. Who cares and maybe this obvious overreaction will cause the word to be used again. Lazy BLACK welfare loafers should be identified by some word and this is a good one.

    The Food Network is totally gutless in this instance and people should quit watching.

    The hero of BLACKS, LBJ used it constantly and has not been hounded….look at the whole picture,,,but that would not give the enablers of dependence the issue they want.

    Paula should ask why 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes?

  9. Where is JC on this issue….nowhere it seems it wasn’t on her cut n paste radar!

  10. Where are the parading blueberry eaters? They should be protesting.

  11. No doubt Oprah will be crying over the intolerance of Paula years ago,,,,while she goes back for seconds with Gayle.

  12. hey Strom, what happened buddy ? leave your lithium on the short bus ? haaaa

  13. Where is JC on this issue….waiting for Kardashian and Jlo press releases to arrive before deciding on the topics?

  14. Paula should ask why 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes?

  15. Joe nailed this one:

    By Joe
    On January 14, 2012 at

    Mel I’ve been watching this site for a long time and you are one whiney ass. complaining about people being racist, attacking anyone. you never have anything interesting to say. i bet you are some kind of phony thereapist without any clients becsuse once someone figures out how needy and whiny you are they run away.

  16. Where oh Where is JC on this issue….waiting for the Kardashian and Jlo press releases to arrive before deciding on the topics?

  17. Issue getting bigger!

    Where is JC on this….waiting for Kardashian and Jlo press releases to arrive before deciding on the topics?

  18. It’s actually very complex in this active life to listen news on Television, so I just use the web for that purpose, and get the hottest information.

  19. Important:

    Joe nailed this one:

    By Joe
    On January 14, 2012 at

    Mel I’ve been watching this site for a long time and you are one whiney ass. complaining about people being racist, attacking anyone. you never have anything interesting to say. i bet you are some kind of phony thereapist without any clients becsuse once someone figures out how needy and whiny you are they run away.

  20. Try this out in French:

    The parading BLACKS and white enablers are cowards in this issue as BLACKS say Nigga constantly and any white, especially a southerner who denies saying it is a liar. Who cares and maybe this obvious overreaction will cause the word to be used again. Lazy BLACK welfare loafers should be identified by some word and this is a good one.

    The Food Network is totally gutless in this instance and people should quit watching.

    The hero of BLACKS, LBJ used it constantly and has not been hounded….look at the whole picture,,,but that would not give the enablers of dependence the issue they want.

    Paula should ask why 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes?

  21. Try this out in French, and then try it out again:

    The parading ghetto BLACKS and white enablers are cowards in this issue as BLACKS say Nigga constantly and any white, especially a southerner who denies saying it is a liar.

    Who cares and maybe this obvious overreaction will cause the word to be used again. Lazy BLACK welfare loafers should be identified by some word and this is a good one.

    The Food Network is totally gutless in this instance and people should quit watching.

    The hero of BLACKS, LBJ used it constantly and has not been hounded….look at the whole picture,,,but that would not give the enablers of dependence the issue they want.

    Paula should ask why 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes?

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