We’re not usually fond of golf clothing – especially when worn by someone young like Justin Timberlake. It’s very unappealing. But President Obama golfing in SADDLE SHOES makes the whole sport more fun. There’s something endearing about this footwear. We hope these shoes catch on because of who is wearing them.
Golf President Obama Saddle Shoes
Sorry to break it to you, but those are called golf shoes. They all look like that.
Drink koolaid much?
Go to YouTube.
Obama – anti-christ
Obama admits he is a Muslim
Read for 3 days.
Why would ordinary golf shoes “catch on” because Obama’s wearing them?
Apparently Janet’s not been paying attention.
a long time ago flying was impossible either……
Google “Cloward Piven” and don’t use Wikipedia as your source for info. Connect the dots for yourself.
lol, those are just regular old golf shoes. A traditional style worn forever. He does look good, tho. 😉
Jerry lewis redux
He is adorable. Nice legs too! *WHISTLES*
Funny how when Bush went back to Crawford, he was ridiculed for taking a “vacation” and not working yet when the first half white President goes to Hawaii to play golf, especially when a terrorist attempts to blow up a plane, not one libtard makes a complaint about it. Not even Michael Whore..er I mean Moore. The hypocrisy of the left is about to blow up in their face.
oh yes, of course, the Republicans do everything correctly and the Democrats are complete idiots. I forgot…