A little bird told us that Kris Humphries’ family back in his hometown of Minneapolis are NOT happy about the upcoming Kardashian wedding. (The “little bird” is CJ, columnist for the Star-Tribune in Minneapolis.) CJ says that Kris’s family has been completely left out of all wedding preparations, although they were eager to be involved. Kris‘s dad, who used to do all his son’s business deals, is already irked since Kris Jenner took over managing the ball player. Now even Kris himself is unhappy because he cannot select his own groomsmen – instead of his buddies, the Kardashians want their own men in the ceremony. Even if Kris has second thoughts, we think he’s too scared of steamroller Kris Jenner to back out….

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  1. No matter how many pix you run of Lurch and Pumpkin Butt, they as a couple still won’t be compelling—nor will their nuptials. 🙁

    As you have probably figured out for yourself.

    But I like her earrings!

  2. Better couple (or at least they’ll do for variety’s sake):

    Jane Fonda and her Hollywood Dentures-of-Death boyfriend.

    Jane seems to be on a crusade these days to shout to the world that her old man has her bent over a walker 23 hours of the day, stuffing the daylights out of her! *Deep Blush*

    Jane we get it. You’re 73 and still gettin’ some. Let’s move on.

  3. Dammit Janet, didn’t we tell you we’re boycotting this wedding? Yet you still bring us news!

    By the way, I am so not surprised by the Humphries family being disappointed. Maybe Mr. Humphries should tell his son to grow a set.

  4. I love those boots she’s wearing. And wow huge height difference.

  5. The fact that the K family is famous speaks volumes about the state of American society which has been destroyed by the former Bush administration.

  6. If he has any sense, which he clearly doesn’t, he should be heading for the hills cause it’s only going to get worse

  7. Yep Janet is being paid well to show this dribble but puts a negative Kardashian spin on it to cover it up.

    Kris the groom obviously doersnt have the balls to stand up to the K family and he should really make a name for himself just like Ben Afleck did when J Lo publicity machine was roling and break off the wedding and engagement. His last chance to get out of what will ruin his sports career and his life.

    A man whose wife is famous only for screwing a sucession of BLACK men!

  8. Kris not being able to select his own groomsmen is the mark of Doom for that “marriage.” The time to run is now. Run, Kris, Run.

  9. Judging from her boots, looks like Kim just finished her first shift on the streets. Someone’s got to pay for that fake eleborate wedding. This story sounds like another cheap attempt for headlines.

  10. @muffin, boycott as in not watching the ridiculous 2 hour wedding special.

  11. @Say Something Nice





  12. Poor Kris H. is simply star struck thanks to the media who makes stars out of people who do nothing to earn it. He comes from a very sheltered place where he was surrounded by family and friends. The age difference between Kim and Kris may only be 5 years but in maturity levels (and actual experience) that gap becomes huge. Kris H. needs to run and run fast because Kim and her family care only about making money for THEM everyone else is an outsider. Poor dumb kid is what he is.

  13. Please forgive my insensitivity, but who wear black thigh high leather boots in the middle of summer?? These two pictured together look like Andre the Giant and a gazing Miss Piggy!!
    Was I finished??
    These two together is the equivalent of a peanut butter and jello sandwich, it is just Not the real thing!!

  14. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen..Who are you going to pick on know? It looks like your ready to kick off more then 1 person at a time off the show..MasterChef Chefs cook way better then Hells kitchen try out...Right! People always say..I can do Be says:

    People are allowed to get married as many times as they want and if the family is not happy and wants to do things down the road and swing some deals…It can happen again and again but for know it is what the couple wants and what makes them happy and every one should be as nice and as kind and as understanding and thoughtful to the couple in this time and need and don’t bring the stress and drama and trama for them to deal with.

  15. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen..Who are you going to pick on know? It looks like your ready to kick off more then 1 person at a time off the show..MasterChef Chefs cook way better then Hells kitchen try out...Right! People always say..I can do Be says:

    Lets make sure that every moment is special and nice and Calm and at ease for this Couple and let them both start there life off..On a Beautiful and happy and cheerful Note and No stress related to this relationship and I do hope each and every person gathers a understanding and…As times goes on things will get Better and really start to pick up.

  16. Kris is too embarrassed to run away. Why, what’s he going to do after spelling out, “Will you marry me?” in rose petals. And, besides, puppies obey their masters.

  17. This does not bode well for the marriage, if Kris isn’t even allowed to choose his own groomsmen. I mean, come ON! Does that pushy beyotch Kris Jenner have to take over everything? She’s probably also drawn up a sex schedule for the wedding night, too.

  18. @Kitty:

    Hilarious remark!!
    Kim K. has suckered this goof into a wedding. I hope he doesn’t turn into Mike Tyson and knock out walls after he come to the realization that he has married a woman who’s family has completely taken over his life!!
    @ Nina:
    First time greeting to you!!
    It seems that we all know the K’s too well, and clueless Kris H. is being led by the Nose to a shotgun wedding!!

  19. @Casonia

    “……make sure that every moment is special and nice and Calm and at ease for this Couple and let them both start there life off..On a Beautiful and happy and cheerful Note and No stress related to this relationship”

    This just isn’t realistic. I picture you in a room with rainbow wallpaper, life size unicorns, baskets of baby kittens, endless Brady Bunch reruns, cool prizes every time in your Cracker Jack box and a river of prozac pumping through your happy little veins.

    I also suspect there is a box under your bunk bed filled with Hell’s Kitchen voodoo dolls. 🙂

    I am not trying or intending to be mean or poke your cage. I am just trying to understand you because your posts make very little sense to me and I don’t know if you mean to or not. ????

  20. Walt. Denise said she googled her name. So I did too. She’s a notorious non sensical blogger.

  21. Thank you Strom. I believe you are correct. Perhaps she is medicated and can’t help it.

  22. This is amusing, I know Kris’ father fairly well. He is not a push over by any stretch. I also do not see Kris being dumb enough to let pimp momma run his business affairs, no chance. She is going to rep him for his basketball contracts?? He is signed with an agent, non of that goes away, even when the greedy fame wh*re Kardashians enter the picture.

  23. What more can be said about the Krazy K Klan? They are all nuts, every one of them. And it will be interesting after the wedding to see which Kris will have the final word on everything….Kris Jenner or Kris Humphries. LOL

  24. She’s gazing up at him, thinking “I so wish you were interesting to me, but you’re not. At all. The K machine is forcing me to marry you, a successful, young, white boy. We will divorce soon, but it’ll be good for both of us. At least our careers. Please don’t be hurt, you naive dolt.

  25. The posts above is not from me. Very amazing that there seems to be a Strom impersonator and possible a Strom-stalker on the loose!

  26. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Walt Cliff, Your not talking about me!Sir your talking about your mother or aunt or sister but that is not my life..Again don’t assume and make an ass of yourself. Good luck to the new couple!

  27. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Stop lieing about me Walt Cliff and why should you even bother me at all and why are you making up stinking stories about me and…again I am going to say this screwing with me is your life and…I don’t have one single thing on that list above and as far as medications go! MAYBE IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO GO AND TAKE YOURS? Making up stories and playing head games. You must have too much time on your hands…Why don’t you go watch The Brady Bunch they need rating…And I don’t watch that crap…EVERY TIME YOU MESS WITH ME…I am going to mess with you… THIS TWO WONDERFUL PEOPLE ARE TOGETHER AND WELL WISHS.

  28. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Strom and Walt Cliff…You two butts are always talking about medication..GOT A GREAT IDEA…WHY DON’T YOU BOTH GO TAKE YOUR PILLS AND DOUBLE YOUR PILLS AND LEAVE ME ALONE AND IGNORE ME…WHY ARE YOU TWO JERKS MESSING WITH ME AND IF YOU KEEP TALKING THAT CRAP ABOUT ME…THAT MEANS YOUR DOING IT YOURSELF? You keep bringing up pills and medications…take it yourself and learn to mind your own business.

  29. Casonia..Thank God Elisa did not win Hells Kitchen..She is a real bitch and she will stab you in the back but this girl can really cook! But her mouth has to go and her hateful ways suck ass. says:

    Happy and in love this two people look and they are going to make some amazing children when the time comes.

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