Kelsey Grammer’s exwife Camille ungraciously summed up her husband’s sexual equipment as “Big hands, big feet, big disappointment.” Unable to ignore the insult, Kelsey’s present wife Kayte Walsh responded “Perhaps the fault lies not so much with the member in question, but rather the inspiration at hand.” Either Kayte speaks JUST LIKE Frasier Crane, or she had SOME HELP with that quote!

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  1. I mean who really is interested in these ridiculous people that are clearly just promoting their rubbish bin Television?

  2. Ouch, that must have stung her a little bit.

    Big tits, big mouth, big s—-h??

    No wonder he left her, she is the phoniest person I have ever seen on TV!!

  3. Former stewardess Kay-tee labored for weeks over delivering, “Fancy sum peanuts?”

    You’re right, Jan—that ego-stroking quote came straight from Kelsey—who is growing more obnoxious by the second. And we loved Frasier! 🙁

  4. Elocution lessons for his waif.
    Say, anyone up to speed on the latest Hells Kitchen?!

  5. OOOH, the future former Mrs. Grammer is getting fancy now, isn’t she?

  6. Lol… Too funny! Of course she DID NOT WRITE THIS. I mean really?? She’s British for one, and that is no British quote.. No, this is Krammer all the way!!! I’m surprised they didn’t have a better comeback..

  7. Think he’s put more than words in her mouth, nudge, wink, wink. When is this clown going to realize, marriage isn’t for everyone & you should stop after your 100th time.

  8. Why is it every time there’s a breakup we have to hear about how tiny the guy’s “manhood” is. As if the fact that he’s an egocentric dope is not enough.

  9. There is nothing more heartwarming than seeing a grandfather and his young granddaughter…….of course, the opposite of that is in the photo above. (insert gagging noises here)

  10. Casonia Sade Logenberry And Hells kitchen..Who is next to be kicked off the show?No Music or T.V. or Sex...No wonder people snap on Hells kitchen and who is going to be ashamed of there downfalls? says:

    That has to really hurt a mans feelings when a woman says that…He is not Big enough for her..But on the other hand…What he is saying is that she was Big already in her private area.? Freak out and know adays people sleep with each other before they get married and…Woman you already know what your going to get for the rest of your life?

  11. Casonia Sade Logenberry And Hells kitchen..Who is next to be kicked off the show?No Music or T.V. or Sex...No wonder people snap on Hells kitchen and who is going to be ashamed of there downfalls? says:

    That has to really hurt a mans feelings when a woman says that…He is not Big enough for her..But on the other hand…What he is saying is that she was Big already in her private area.? Freak out and know adays people sleep with each other before they get married and…Woman you already know what your going to get for the rest of your life?

  12. Casonia Sade Logenberry...Hells kitchen..Who are you going to pick on know? It looks like your ready to kick off more then 1 person at a time off the show..MasterChef Chefs cook way better then Hells kitchen try out...Right! People always say..I can do Be says:

    They where not meant to be and they really dislike each other and are saying hurtful things to each other and when you have passion and want to feel it! You should know if it Big Enough and if He was not Big enough..Why would you marry him..I Hope little lady..Your not a Gold Digger and just married him for his money. Because know adays ladies use all that crap junk and stretch there stuff out? Faithfulness in all directions.?

  13. What she should have said was,“Big hands, big feet, Big Wallet. And now it’s all mine Bitch!”

  14. @Nancy:
    Hello and TGIF!!

    Dare I borrow a line from Tom Arnold when his famous ex made a “short remark” about his manhood.
    Classic line credited to Tom,
    “Even a 747 looks small inside of the walls of The Grand Canyon”!!!

  15. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen..Your words have to match your actions and do what you say and say what you do. Sabotage is not good when it comes down to your team says:

    Well it is all about this woman use of those toys? Gross and nasty and weird and strange…I Just don’t get woman use of that crap and of course every one in the world who is over 21 watched porno and people are stretching out there organs for a toy? Gross and Nasty and when you get a real man..Your stuff is stretched and it is nolonger tight and…It is not going to fit right and feel right..If you get my drift.

  16. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen..Your words have to match your actions and do what you say and say what you do. Sabotage is not good when it comes down to your team says:

    She Married for the money and not love..Or maybe she did not do him…Before they got married or she must had been into the toy more then her man.. I Think that when you fit a man…Your body is molded to his and…I am old fashion but nothing should go in there but his stuff and then it fits just right? No Toys and stretching out your insides…Just have your Husband do it instead. Or maybe she was used to really big men..But when she married she knew what she was getting into..

  17. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen..Your words have to match your actions and do what you say and say what you do. Sabotage is not good when it comes down to your team says:

    Gold Digger Delight..She knew he was not the right size and every woman can feel how hard some one is when they get turned on from kissing and even if you wait to make love after you get married…Then you know that it is going to be good enought to please you..But if it felt to small..Then why marry the man..Money and his fame and his life style..Crazy and stupid and for all the wrong reasons.

  18. Casonia Sade Logenberry and Hells kitchen..Your words have to match your actions and do what you say and say what you do. Sabotage is not good when it comes down to your team says:

    When you get married it is to be for love and that you really enjoy the other person company and you really value the friendship and some people are Blood Sucking two faced..Liers who are in the relationship for all the wrong reason and know Frasier has to pay to get rid of the person..Who is full of Fraud and a Gold Digger and…Divorce is the break down of relationship and understanding is nolonger a factor.

  19. @Leo

    Excellent quote!!!! 🙂 LOL!!!!



    PUT DOWN THE LUDES. You’ve had enough now.

  20. Casonia Sade Logenberry..On Hells kitchen are the men ever going to get smart and really study the menu and understand and also open up start Talking and know who is going to get kicked off the show? says:

    Frasier and his wife are going to be History soon and know they have to split everything up and…Divorce Hurts on so many level and most of all it is shameful to both familys to some degree.!

  21. I don’t see how any gal could fall for him, except of course for his money, (same ole story). I don’t especially like his ex, Camille, but she swears he is a cross-dresser and caught him in her undies. Also, there have been rumors he also leans to the men at times (not my words).

  22. @Casonia

    I agree! (Plus, I understood your post completely. Thank you! I have no doubt you have much to offer.)

    In the old days (during my younger years) “shame” was exactly what people felt but I think with these two (Camille and Kelsey) there is little if any shame left in them (regarding their relationship).



    I loved Cheers and Frasier. Such brilliant writers. There were a quite a few gay actors on Frasier and I always assumed he was as well due to the things I had read in tabloids. I am not convinced that he and Camille had a conventional marriage. Didn’t she make mention that they had only made love a handful of times?

  23. Oh how clever. How gob-stoppingly cleaver. Kelsey got himself, yet another prize package! (He sure knows how to pick ’em ) (Blond, too young, and and embarrassment to us tru blonds, females, adults,…..human beings.-

  24. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    It is all about money and having some one rich to live off…Walt Cliff what do you mean? In relationship love comes and love goes and when you live with some one and have a relationship you never know if they are going to change or have really bad habits but…I Was never a fan of the show and did not find the men attractive.

  25. Casonia.. Hells kitchen season 10 is on its way and what is missing on his wall is color of a black woman next..I am alway asking for Hell kitchen to pay attention to me and looking more like a fool as time goes on and don't you ever want to find out if! says:

    Fact not ever one in the world is gay and not every one are cross dressers and..I believe he is straight and he acts straight and seems like a bland type of actor but on the other hands love his movies more then anything and…I like the fact that he has reached other directions in life?

  26. Well, I hate Camille Donatacci Grammer now that I have seen her in action (she’s a good dancer, though, but then she ought to be since it was her trade before Kelsey was). But I have to say that “hers” was a clever quote, as was “Kayte’s” (I am sure that neither women wrote either quote)

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