

It’s been fun writing about androgynous model Andrej Pejic as his career blossomed in both the male and female fashion world. But androgyny isn’t enough for the Serbian born Australian raised model. Andrej has had sexual reassignment and changed his name to Andreja. A documentary was filmed of the process – the bottom photo is a still of Andreja in her hospital bed recovering. The transgender male to female surgical procedures were performed by Dr Toby Meltzer in Scottsdale, Arizona. Cost: $23,000 to $28,000. Andreja says she will only model as a female from now on. We can’t help but wonder if she will be as much in demand as a model now that she’s just another “female.”

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  1. Pushing the gay/tranny agenda further. Sorry, ull always be a man, stop trying. U mutilated urself for nothing

  2. Born a man, die a man. Removing body parts does not change your male chromosomes. If a woman gets a double mastectomy, is she a man, no.

  3. I don’t understand transgendered and homosexual people who confuse femininity with womanhood.

    ” I always felt like a woman inside.
    I wore my mother’s dresses and makeup and played with Barbie when all the other boys played football”.

    IMO wearing high heeled shoes and makeup doesn’t define womanhood, many women ( who were born women) don’t do either.

    Gay people and transgendered people are stridently holding onto gender roles even as they cast gender identity aside when it suits them.

    and oh yes, gay men have very little respect ( or use) for woman transgendered or otherwise.

  4. “Gay people and transgendered people are stridently holding onto gender roles even as they cast gender identity aside when it suits them.”

    Well said anonTWO

  5. anonTwo, agree about the respect part, at a deep level.

    You will notice the adam’s apple is still prominent on Ms./Mr. Pejic.

  6. Andrej will now be on the downhill drag so far as a modeling career. It will end up with some rich old gay. Maybe Angelo can weigh in on the subject.,

  7. Sign of end times. What are real men gonna do when they wake up to find out they married one of their own kind?

  8. What is worse is that our elected officials praise this behavior as celebrating our diversity.

  9. Did gay Andrej lose his perverted balls? Did the Pied Piper? America wants to know!

  10. Bob will be all worked up over this but will be mad if its “not all there”!

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