Photo: WENN
Former model Milla Jovovich has finally given birth – after swelling up to enormous proportions. Her baby girl was born Saturday at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles – and named Ever Gabo Anderson. Her father is Milla’s fiancĂ©e and the director of her Resident Evil movies, Paul Anderson. No one was more astounded than the lanky Milla, 31, when her weight shot up to 200 pounds. We wonder how much little Ever weighed. No matter – she’s bound to be beautiful.
Ever? What kind of stupid name is that? All these celebrities try to be so different naming their children it’s really ridiculous. Next thing she’ll say is “it means beautiful flower in russian” or something idiotic like that. The kids at school will have fun with it. Hey Whatever, come here!
The reader above is typical of the people who comment on Janet’s stories: bitter,angry,bitchy, cruel, and not funny,,just stupid.
Never any positive comments on this site,,it’s rip ’em to shreds straight away,even if they have a difficult pregnancy during a hot summer and have a healthy baby who they will be a great mother to. Not a “congratulations!” on this site,,NO ,,,NOT HERE,, just condemnation and ridicule.
If you don’t like it, don’t come here…
luv her. she and her baby will do well.
Who cares what she names the kid. But….Ever Gabo? Oh, I know, was she trying to say Ava Gabor? May God bless her.
what the world needs is love sweet love.
That’s one big gal.
She ought stay at 200 lbs and model for Catherines Stores.
Look at those perky breasts – cause there not going to last much longer!
i was certain jovovich was carrying twins, she gained a substantial amount of weight.
imo, jovovich took advantage of her pregnancy to a thing she does not usually do: EAT.
That’s what’s great about these sites. There’s no mandatory kissing ass and bullsh*t. People say what they feel. Most of the time it’s true. To bad celebrities can’t do the same to each other. All the hypocrisy especially at these boring award shows. I guess if they did say what they really think they wouldn’t be employeed. That’s why Kathy Griffin is sooo cool. Like the above post said. If you don’t like it don’t come.
I know an actress (not that well known) who just had a baby and named her Target. Pronounced just like the store.
JESEUS CHRIST MILLA!! You’re having the looks as a dead make-up doll!! I cannot imagine somebody really likes it. Your looks are sooooooooooo DEAD!! YUK,YAK, UGH, PUUUUKE!!
To the negative kooks that post on this site,,,perhaps YOU should go somewhere else…sad Losers.
Gerard, we know that’s you in the 5:39 post.
Hate. her.
Not a good actress. Gets the jobs cause she blows all the directors.
let’s all be nice to one another she is just a little heavy but i’m sure she will really have to work out to get back in shape as she once was. ta! ta!
Actually, I kind of like the name Ever, maybe not Gabo so much. There you are again Positive Being spreading your joy like the flu.
Actually, that’s prettiest pregnancy moment I’ve ever seen. And I like the name Ever. Go figure!
She looks like a whale. Pregnant women are repulsive. People need to start adopting more if they want kids – there’s too many people on this planet as it is.
Crappy actress and poseur. She sucks, she might be a good model but that’s about it. She looks awful in those sucky “Resident Evil” movies.
I like the name Ever too. I like the names Never and Clever even more!
To: Vomit of 12:22 PM..RIGHT ON!! What is the all in all of having a kid? I like to play with cute fat chubby ones, but I would totally VOMIT if I had to change s_ _ _ over and over. I have a weak stomach and if I had ever adopted one, they would be of potty trained age. I don’t have any and do have a full life. Kids are over-rated, altho as stated above I like to play with chubby ones, about 7 mo. old. Sorry for the length.