Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Mickey Rourke has developed the unfortunate habit of walking around with his hand stuck in his pants. No kidding, if he’s not carrying his dog, chances are his hand is in his pants. Is his belt too tight or does he have a bit of dyspepsia? It could be he’s totally unaware of it, but it looked particularly awkward at the SAG Awards on the red carpet chatting with Kate Winslet. (She pretended not to notice.) Hey Mickey, knock it off!

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  1. Janet did your ‘confidential sources’ relay this important news to your blogging team?

  2. Of all the seediness, drug use and w-horing in Hollywood, you really are concerned with this? If this was Brad Pitt or someone else, this would become all the rage and in style for people to do. Besides, this is something done by someone who is a hero to many males and that is AL BUNDY.

  3. That’s funny how she’s talking to him but tries to keep her body as far away from him as possible.

  4. He is a very tough old goat. He would think nothing of grabbing her tit with one hand and his weenie with the other.

  5. Mickey,take your hands out of your pants! What are you trying to pull?
    Kate Winslet, I advise a trip to the CDC to be checked out thoroghly after this incident.

  6. In this picture, body language says everything. She’s trying to keep her body away from him. Even her hand, which he has in his, is pulled away from him. It looks like she’s trying to be polite and talk to him, but wants to make a hasty exit. I don’t blame her. That is one scary dude.

  7. uh, no one can tell what’s going on in one photograph because we don’t have full context of whether she was moving towards or away from him. Only a fool would try to interpret what’s going on in a one frame picture. But heck, tons of morons out there.

  8. He is still the hottest guy on the planet! And he has the greatest personal style.!

  9. Thank you Janet for elevating the intelligence level of your website–time for the on-line medical dictionary.

  10. He probably has a hernia after all that weight lifting he did. Where he has his hand is the probable area.

  11. Hey, run out and buy the February 2nd edition of the Globe Magazine. It will tell you everything you need to know about the president of the USA.

  12. Kate: My director husband always gets me nominated .
    How did you get your role ???
    Mickey: I’m just talented.

  13. It’s just a creepy old man thing, like wearing your hair long, greasy, and in a long outdated style, having had bad plastic surgery, and skeezy long, yellow fingernails.

  14. WHY – most americans are VULGAIR people.
    GET USED TO IT, honey!!

  15. It’s his hot guy readiness meter.. apparently showing it all for a reaction Kate doesn’t make it rise to the occasion.

  16. Mickey rourke is a sexy guy. his plastic surgery is settling in, he is looking good. No amount of bad plastic surgery could take his charisma away from him. He is unique and has his own style, he is the only interesting actor in hollywood now. The guy is magnetic!
    No one over the age of 35 thinks hes gross, only the young ones do, who missed out on barfly, pope of greenwich village, and 9.5 weeks.
    He deserves the oscar, hope he wins!

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