Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

Nick Cannon looks to be in good health as he and Mariah Carey carry their twins for a visit to Alicia Keys and Swiss Beatz. Little Monroe and Moroccan turn one on April 30 and Alicia’s son Egypt is just two, so soon they will be real playmates.

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  1. Was the point of those names to use the nicknames “Roc” and “Roe”? heh.

    Sure is a cute little guy. Daddy is pretty cute too.

    anyway: masturbating is NO crime!!

  3. Oh! THOSE twins. Was thinking of something completely different. (Don’t flog me.)


    Cute baby. Cannon seems like a nice guy too.

  4. Now Walt, what would Mrs. Walt say?

    Their twins are adorable.

  5. Mariah & Nick look great!

    The baby’s, or baby looks pretty darn cute too!!

  6. What is it with the stupid position of the baseball hat? Now that is the dorkiest thing I’ve seen in a long time. I guess the babies were convenient for a papparazzi opportunity on Sunday.

  7. More ghetto trash look….Obama could do his race a favor and tell them to drop the look and set an example for their people before they are totally passed by by every other race….he wont do this because he wants to keep them dumb, poor, and dependent.

  8. Strom you are so funny I love how you so arrogant and racist but with no point. You are so concern about blacks but you didnt notice George Sotos called Europe a third world nation. Tim geinther is going to resign after he stoled, manipulated u.s. stock and destroyed the u.s market. The so called smartest whites and Europeans don’t know how to make money. They just know how to steal and defraud and now they are stealing and defrauding their own but what I love the most is white population are too stupid to take notice. As much as you want to ridicule blacks the whites and European are the foundation of being poor and dependent on black labor.

  9. Denise, she already swatted me over the head with a dish towel. lol

  10. I read where Mariah is worried about Nick working too hard, as he has been diagnosed with the worst form of lupus which has already affected his kidney. She says they have enough to live on with her income only.

  11. Something is wrong with babies that are almost a year old and remain in that infant carrier. That is not normal. Babies grow out of that thing by five months old.

  12. Hello, Strom can’t help himself, he’s got bigot in his blood. Never comments on whites unless there Jews. God loves his hateful heart.

  13. “The so called smartest whites and Europeans don’t know how to make money.”

    Interesting, idiot, but we have created whole nations.

    “As much as you want to ridicule blacks the whites and European are the foundation of being poor and dependent on black labor”.

    U’re much too delusional. Whats next? Jesus was black, ancient Egyptians were black? Go chimp out somewhere else. U need to be “trayvoned”. Hope one day a Zimmermann will cancel ur shitty existence.

  14. “They just know how to steal and defraud and now they are stealing and defrauding their own but what I love the most is white population are too stupid to take notice.”

    Shame on u, idiot! Go back to Africa where u belong, where u arrived from. Take a look at ur scummy race, then criticize the White race, monkey!

  15. The so called Hammer once again fails to hit the nail:

    Obama could do his race a favor and tell them to drop the ghetto act and set an example for his people before they are totally passed by by every other race….he wont do this because he wants to keep them dumb, poor, and dependent.

  16. hello, spot on!

    XYZ, yes you created nations while you had to kill and assualt, then force the living inhabitants to do the physical labor for you.

    but it’s not like poor whites are treated all that great. right, strom?

  17. Gina, not necessarily… And in my country they recommend keeping them rear facing as long as possible, as this is the safest type of seat and placement for them in the event of an accident.

  18. Hope & Change Obama should do his race a favor and tell them to drop the ghetto act and set an example for his people before they are totally passed by by every other race….he wont do this because he wants to keep them dumb, poor, and dependent.

  19. Rock Out, you got to know Strom, he has a Black detector and he’s only making comments about them and he’s not a bigot, so he says. But we all know the truth.

  20. She is blessed with peace and love and most of all being a parent and having a family to love and care for…Just think as soon as Cps got into her life…They got out of her life…Allowing her to have a peaceful and secure life and future…Her children are Beautiful and worth the wait.. Bless her and her husband. It looks like the future is bright!

  21. XYZ and Strom,

    “anonymity is the new white sheet” I guess,

    Btw I suspect that XYZ is in fact a virtual construct, as no one with a functioning neocortex could possibly be that stupid.

    and If he is indeed human, then I’m glad he’s that stupid, as then he’s no real threat to anyone else, except for the few unlucky small unattended farm animals he’ll choose to mate with.

    what a dumbass, dummer than the Strom !!!

  22. oh, hate that the silly hat look, but what a lovely, glowing baby

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