Photo Credit: Splash News

We’ve never seen Madonna wear GAUCHO PANTS before – but in this case she’s dressing for the occasion. Although the style is not exactly flattering, Madonna went out to a fancy restaurant with Guy Oseary in Buenos Aires wearing the official pants of Argentina.

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  1. This disgusting woman belongs in the dustbin. She is pure unadulterated evil, the Antichrist.

  2. Why is Madonna hyped as a fashion icon? This is up there with wearing a kimono and your eyes taped back in Japan, or a beret and onions in Paris. Oh look, I’m just like one of the locals! How they will admire me!
    I wonder what her rabbi would think of her big moony nipples showing like that? As long as she keeps on buying kabbalah centres for them I don’t suppose they’ll care if she walks down the street naked – oh no wait, she’s already done that…

  3. She has no soul. She has sacrificed it for fame and fortune and mansions and men and lesbians and and and and and. Down she will go, maybe fast, maybe slowly, who knows.

  4. Yes Mrs Einstein, fast or slow, but won’t it be fun to watch?

  5. She wore the same pair last month and she is a ugh-face stringy haired ol’ grannie now.. Haha

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