Photo Credit: Splash News
Lindsay Lohan was snapped on her way INTO Chris McMillan’s salon looking like she’s getting ready to play a mermaid in a remake of Daryl Hannah’s move “Splash.” With all that bleaching and extensions already done, we wonder what she looked like when she came OUT.
I guess she doesn’t like being called FIRE CROTCH. The funny thing is that it’s not just that she’s a redhead but that she a walking Petri Dish of STDS so the fire crotch has a double meaning.
Anyways, she’s a skank ho who has been selling herself to rich men for quick cash.
Lindsay is filthy, diseased and uneducated. Everything I look for in a woman…
I can understand why HOhan wants to be blond. The fact she’s as dumb as saw dust makes her want to be a blond. Besides, she knows she is giving redheads a bad name thus she was told by the Red Haired Mafia to dye her hair or suffer the consequences.
Poor stupid girl..has bad genes and she’s stuck with that..besides she’s a giant ugly freckle with a career that she’s ruined with her bad traits, stick a fork in her, she’s done!