We just have to congratulate Leeza Gibbons on winning Celebrity Apprentice without ever giving in to petty feuds, insulting comments, or ego driven tantrums. She is a credit to the female sex. (Ironically, she and the other finalist, Geraldo, had competing talk shows back in the 90’s) Granted, all the histrionics between competing apprentices make for entertaining TV, and they are undoubtedly encouraged to act up and be snarky about each other. Along with the trumped up drama, there are a lot of character revealing moments and Leeza managed to make NO enemies. She just focused on the task at hand and got every job done. She proved her intelligence and regard for others – if only there were more CEOs like her.
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I knew Leeza was going to win because she is good friend with the first Apprentice winner: Bill Rancic! I am sure Bill coached her!
Best of all Janet admires her because she is not ‘fat’
OK Janet: time to start doing THIS: I for one am puking sick of strom and anyone else making obscene filthy sexual and racist comments that have nothing to do with the post…..can’t you clean this shit up or don’t you care???
Michael k from d listed finally did this on his blog: i highly suggest YOU do the Same AND GET RID OF THESE FREAK SHOWS….
Our commenting rules are pretty simple: If you make any overly offensive comment (racist, bigoted, etc..) or go way off topic when not in an Open Post, your comments will be deleted and you will be banned.
Poor little imposter…wants to play the leading role of Strom ad trying to be funny. But it cant make the grade…just comes across as ignorant and boring. Go back to your call center pod before JCH takes away your little life!
“She is a credit to the female sex”. Not exactly.
@IKMalone Agree.
As far as Leeza goes, she was awesome and I admire her very much. Not only because of the show, but because of what she’s trying to accomplish with her nonprofit.
Before you get too gushy about her “nonprofit” it is good to investigate to see if it is not paying her or her family a huge salary….usually that is the case but it is overlooked in all the soft music and tears!
At least Geraldo did not win. Remember when he was Jerry Rivers?
Like every other “reality” show, it was fixed from Day 1!