All of a sudden things are falling into place. Did Kim and her mother Kris Jenner CONSPIRE to time this divorce filing on the eve of Kris’s press tour for her book? With Kim in Australia, interviews with Kris Jenner are suddenly vitally important, and TV shows are fighting over her. Her book sales can only profit from all this extra publicity and Kris is thoroughly enjoying all the attention. Next we expect the E! channel to announce a televised special about the divorce…



  1. Interviews are “vitally important”? LOL That’s a good one. There couldn’t be anything more trivial than this family.

  2. Kris J was on one of the morning shows today totally denying a conspiracy. Then she went on The VIEW and said Kim was essentially torn to pieces over the divorce and she even faked a few tears. I don’t think the old bats on the View bought it for a second. More of this b*llsh*t to come, oh when will it end. Maybe Kim will find her an Australian hunk to console her until all this is sorted out. LOL

  3. I really hope people finally wake up and realize how conniving, attention seeking, and greedy this family is. Kim claims to have given alot of thought whether or not to divorce?? You try counseling and putting your husband-who you just promised to stick with through good times and bad-first and putting your career second. She should return all of the wedding gifts instead of making a charitable donation for which she will get a HUGE tax break for! I’m not a hater, I used to enjoy the show, but Kim is so self absorbed I can’t stand to watch anymore. Kris Jenner is just awful, so money hungry and a fame fanatic herself. This family will not go away til people stop watching the show and buying what they’re shilling. Please stop!

  4. ….and you can bet anything that at the E! Channel they’re busy editing the upcoming season of Kim and Kourtney take NY to make Kim look sympathetic and Kris H. look bad.

  5. Just wait. Kim and Kris will gain the headlines AND SYMPATHY again when she announces that she is PREGNANT. Then she will say she miscarried and then get more sympathy.

    I don’t know if she is or isn’t but it would not surprise me for a moment.

  6. This just in.

    We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin. Kim Kardashian has fled the country with Kris Humphries broken heart, a Hermes bag of nonreturnable wedding gift cards and a case of Gucci KY lube. Be on alert. (Film at eleven…sex film at eleven)

  7. the nasty old battle axe and that sick pansy Semencrust exploited the kardashian name notoriety and not in a good way. Kim stole a credit card before her venture into internet porn. Kris and Bruce use to do a ripoff infomercials pre-murders. The debit card was predatory.Silly bandz are a blatant money grab.They use that little bastard Mason like a prop.They shit on the holy sacrament of marriage. Everything is for sale. THEY TARGET THE YOUNG AND STUPID.It’s not surprising because they surprising because they became famous for their daddy’s role in a savage sick and twisted torture killing of two young and beautiful Americans

  8. OMG Janet, can you give up on the conspiracy theories already, geez!! What is it that really chaps your ass about the Kardashian’s? Is it jealousy? Then the next question is, jealous of what? Their beauty? Brains? Money? Fame?

    You seem hell bent on shaming their name. It just seems that you take this family a little too personal. Maybe you are that ranting guy on here that goes by the name of Tom(I think that’s his name)? Hmm

  9. Muffin…I invite you to be like kim your fashion idol and allow a bum to cornhole you. Then eat your own shizz of his bone. Then allow him to piss on you. I HATE YOUR FUCKING GUTS YOU FAT STUPID LOW CLASS CUNT. Have a nice day you ugly stupid shit head. Sorry Janet, I know you run a first class blog but I hate these head up their ass bitches.

  10. I have no patience for the rats who follow these pied pipers down into the sewers. NONE Tell us about yourself muffin . Did Daddy not love you ?

  11. tom, I’m with you. I wouldn’t watch these phony low class scum if I had cable, which I don’t. It was so obvious when Kris Jenner was on the View (see my above comment) that she was faking that she was so sorry the marriage ended and she felt so sorry for Kim. I would not want to be any one of the “K” Klan if I had triple the money they have. They will fall sooner or later and when they do it will be a long and hard fall.

  12. Sounds like Muffin need to take a break from this site. Have a beer or go to a ballgame.

  13. tom and muffin need to hit the bong a few times…then pass it down the line

  14. Amazing.

    KK is already making tracks with BLACK Reggie Bush it is said. She will certainly go full on black this time. Kris should get checked for std’s.

  15. I thought the same thing when I saw Kris on the Today Show this morning. I am sooo sick of the Kardashians. p.s. Who would buy her memoir?

  16. shirley- i hope you are wrong. it would be aweful for a baby to be brought into that kind of a mess.

  17. Tom or whatever the frick the freaks in your ward call you. Go FUCK yourself!!

    All the shit you were talking about in your latest RANT makes it sound like you been around the block a few X, so to speak.

  18. First, it was Paris Hilton, and now, Kim, and her whole, sick, disfunc-
    tional , famewhoring family, headed down the gutter. Thank God.
    People need to face up to the fact these are greedy, manipulative pigs
    who don’t bring anything of value to this world. Humorless, crass, ego
    driven spoiled brats, that feel the world revolves around only them.
    No talent, no intelligence, nothing but superficiality, and vapidity –
    Let people finally wake up, and begin appreciating people who really
    DO something. Act, sing, dance, write – SOMETHING, other than try-
    ing to scam the public, and be phtographed.

  19. Do people think this is just a coinsidence? Really? The timing is perfect.New book, divorce,
    round of Kris interviewes. Come on! grow up people it’s a game.

  20. Do they call you muffin because the blubber on your back and gunt spills out over your beltline much like a muffin? I suspect that is true. You’re one of the sausage girls who wear clothes two sizes too small like the k-skanks. Guess what you stupid slag…the k whores wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire. They just want your money you pathetic dumbass.

  21. Strom It’s nice to know in this day and age chivalry is not dead. It’s the fans of these wicked cunts that keep their ugly mugs in my face. You support the hos you’re in my sights.

  22. They are disgusting. Of course it’s all planned. Kim wants to have multiple marriages and children so she can be like Elizabeth Taylor which is hilarious to mention the two in same sentence. Kim the talentless hooker/porn mama. The whole wedding was a scam. These people are low lifes….Kris Jenner used to do drugs with Nicole and her sleazy friends. Then couldn’t be bothered to go help her the night she was murdered and is now USING THE STORY TO SELL A FREAKIN BOOK. When did scuzzy become popular is what I want to know and WHEN WILL PEOPLE STOP “FOLLOWING” these morons. They’ve taken hooker to a new level in income. UGH….SOOOO DISGUSTING ALL OF THEM.

  23. Lauren, You’re right about Kris.She is a piece of shit.The good die young and Ron and Nicole were too young. Nicole was a down to earth California girl who was loyal to her friends. Her friends were regular people not the Hollywood crowd. Nicole was an infinitly better mother than Kris who brokered a deal to market an anal porn movie starring her precious daughter. Nicole was a classy beauty. Google House of blues Nicole Brown and see how elegant Nicole was.

  24. Oh sure, Kris Jenner is doing damage control while Kim is zipping off to Australia???

    We gave them three to 6 months in our betting pool. The way Kim was so disrespectful to Kris H during the days just before the wedding should have told him alot. He did say he felt like he wasn;t even about to get married. He should have acted on his feelings. He seemed sincere about truly loving Kim, yet she didn;t even tell him she had been married before! WTF! He will be fine and soon he will realize how he is SO much better off without Kim and her family running his life.

    Kim is such a SLORE! She can just go hide now.

    These 4 Kardashian women ALL NEED TO GO AWAY NOW! Poof! Just vanish into the dark! Go back to the cave in Armenia they crawled out of. Let them all get hairy faces and hairy arms and legs and WHY do we need to know they have bikini waxes? Just let them all grow their hair and let their true ‘ugly’ show. Even photos of Kim, Khloe and Kourtney when they were little girls they already had mustaches!

    They are all nothing but greedy money grabbing legends in their own minds!
    Kris Jenner needs to STOP what she is doing to all of them.

    Our society needs to stop putting these people on a pedestal!
    They have done NOTHING to deserve celebrity status.

    Oh and how timely, Kris Jenner’s book is coming out tomorrow.
    Shame on her for saying she didn;t have time for her ‘best friend’ Nicole Brown when she knew Nicole was in trouble.

    To those who say the Kardashians are famous because of Robert Kardashian, Sr…the FACT is, Robert Kardashian the ‘lawyer’ was not a defense attorney at the time. He was a music industry attorney. He was only put on OJ’s defense team to protect him from having to testify against OJ. Robert Kardashian KNEW what OJ had done to Nicole. During the trial it was suspected Robert Kardashian and Al Cowling were WITH OJ and another man, as neighbors saw 4 men lurking in the dark that night.

    I do feel sorry for Bruce, the 2 younger girls and Robert Jr.
    They need to get away and get a life of their own.
    Save themselves while they can!

  25. ” You support the hos you’re in my sights.”

    is tom threatening strom? you have to be kidding. you don’t actually think that strom gives a shit do you? fill up the bong and relax

  26. Skunkhead was not an active attorney at the time of the murders. He had a business providing music to movie theatres. The evidence shows Oj was alone and he premeditated the murders. He tortured Ron while killing him. Skunk hid evidence which put him in good graces with a certain segment of society. This element also supports his whore daughters as a sort of echo sack dance. I dont know if there is a God but these bitches got some splainin to do if there is. Life is short .Hell is forever.

  27. Nina, I dont threaten I just do it. However, I dont think its appropriate for you to advocate use of hallucinegenic drugs when we’re having a discussion about the corruption of our great country’s youth by these nasty fuckin cunts. Where do you stand Nina? Are you a sewer rat? Do you need a man? Maybe strom will strap up for you you miserable dog shit.

  28. tom, of course there is a God and He is just biding His time, until the time is right for the Kardashians to get what’s coming to them. And that’s just my feeling on the subject of judgment, heaven, and hell.

  29. Take it easy on our Muffie, Tom.
    You’re coming across a little too vulgar and harsh and losing credibility with your original point.

  30. Tom if Nicole was so elegant why did she marry O.J.?
    Was she confused, couldn’t see the reality of what a goof O.J. was?
    Or did she just like money?
    You know…like the Kardashians.

  31. Tom aka Norman Bates, are you in the closet or out? In my experience, only gay boys talk to women the way you just talked to me. Either that, or you need to amp up your meds, BIG time, STAT!!!

    It is really scary as a woman to know that there are freaks like you on the loose.

  32. she already met LOSERS in the past so she is helping her own daughter………

  33. Nina is correct on the one point. And its not about posters and rants at other posters should not be tolerated by JC.

    This board has been over Tom’s tirade again and again. Nicole was pretty much a trashy slut when she got involved w/ BLACK OJ for fame and then got more than she bargained for. Ron was obviously out to get as much head as possible and it cost him his life. The Goldman family suffered a losss and followed the normal jewish practice of going for the money to soothe their grief.

    Kardashians are trash of the lowest form that are more money huungry than yids and gravitate to blacks. But their fame in USA would instantly go away if no one watched their shows or bought products they endorsed. There should be a NO KARDASHIAN DAY declared and then they could go overseas and whore themselves off to the rest of the world.

  34. Let me get this straight…we all dislike the Kardashians and we are arguing who dislikes them the most?

    Yes, there really should be a no kardashian day…that eventually grows into cancellation of their shows, clothes and crap.

    We get your point Tom but aren’t you capable of making a point without such nasty language? I bet you are.

    “advocate use of hallucinegenic drugs ” …please. It doesn’t mean literally. Just another way of saying calm down.

    If someone is ever needed to run them out of town, believe me, I would gladly nominate you. I suspect you would do it with glee and much pleasure. I have no doubt you could do the job.

  35. Tom is right; there should be a NO Kardashian day every week in my opinion. And he is right they do prey on the young or the very gullible. What they do is simply indefensible and yet they are making millions for what? It’s hard to believe that a mother would think to capitalize on a sex tape of her daughter being used and abused by a dog of man, because only an animal pees as a means to mark their territory. And yet here we have Kris Jenner doing just that and people buy it. Turn off E! Entertainment Network until they are off the air, don’t by People if a Kardashian is on the cover, don’t tune into any radio or TV. show that they are a part of. Kris Jenner is a Madam and her daughters are the whores of Hollywood and they are famous for it, where as people like Heidi Fleiss go to jail for it. Their fame simply does not make sense to me.

  36. Patrick (as usual) has a point: tom, don’t lower yourself by using vulgar language, it takes away from your initial point. I understand that Ron was your friend, and your grief remains palpable. I too do not understand how Robert Kardashian was allowed to remove anything from the OJs house.

    Frankly, everyone associated with OJs trial who tried to make money from whatever their participation was, including the jurors, prosecutors and defense attorneys, made me ill.

  37. Lets cut to the chase.Nicole was an 18 year old virgin when she met OJ. Everybody agrees Oj was a personable and charming man. I believe Nicole was in love with Oj. Nicole believed in one true love. As time passed Oj controlled her through violence and intimidation. He also bought her forgiveness.Nicole admitted that she would accept expensive gifts after a beatdown. At the time of her murder she returned expensive ear rings signaling to Oj she would not be bought off and their relationship was over. Kris had to have been aware of the constant abuse but Nicole was not as important as Oj and his fame. Kris was no doubt jealous of Nicole’s place in the world and after cheating on her husband she remarried an athlete. Nicole predicted to her friend Cici that long after her death her friends would exploit her death. Not to beat a dead horse but Fred Goldman is a hero. I personally have never once grabbed resorted to violence against a female. If you support or defend these devils than I’m going to exercize my 1st ammendment rights amd call you out. Did I hurt your little feelings you dumb bitch? How do you think Justin and Sidney feel when they see these nasty cunts exploiting the murder of their lovely angel of a mother? How do you think Fred feels when some yahoo pops off about his motives for pursueing the cowardly murderer of his only son? How do you think Ron’s friends feel to have lost a kind and sensitive friend in the prime of his life? Get back to me on that after you smoke a bowl.

  38. Perform a virginity test, Tom?

    She was a white cheerleader and gave it up to BLACK OJ right away…doesnt sound like a shy little virgin to me. She certainly wasnt shy after the divorce from all reports and went down on Ron at the drop of a hat (or a zipper).

  39. You are correct about Kardashians being nasty cunts Tom. No one disputes that fact. But not our Muffie. And I will call ÝOU out for it.
    Strom is right about Nicole as well, she was not some innocent little mid-west girl who found herself in the big bad L.A. and it ran her over. Her positioning with O.J. was calculated by her unfortunately much to her eventual demise. As predicted by her!
    “You know the saying, ýou lay down with the dogs, you get the fleas.”
    It’s all about picking the right partner, Tom .Nicole did not.

  40. And Ronnie was messin with natural selection by fucking with the psycho O.J.’s action.
    I wouldn’t! Would you be that foolish?

  41. Nicole was not a cheerleader.She was a typical southern california beach girl. She was voted homecoming queen at Dana Point High in 1977 where she was in the gifted program. She was a mix of german and irish heritage which created a very spirited headstrong woman who valued loyalty and hated all Hollywood pretentiousness. She was terrorized for 17 yrs. and then murdered in a nightmarish way. Perhaps as a result, Kris suffered some psychological damage which turned her into the greedy succubus we see today. They had a whole fuckin two hour show devoted to their Oj experience during “early years”. They put it away for a while after all their other publicity stunts made them money. They have gone back to the “source” of their fame with the latest “book”. They probably did some ritualistic sacrafice too

  42. Tom, my heart goes out to you and your family regarding Ron. However, Nicole wasn’t as innocent as you portray her. OJ was married at the time to his first wife when Nicole hooked up with him. Regardless how it went down it takes two to tango.

  43. The best advice for Fred is to ask him to read the New Testament of the Christian bible. Alternatively emigrate to Israel and spend time seeking vengence for all slights actual and imaginary.

    The Pam Am 103 bunch (many jews involved) have spent years and years seeking $$$$ payoffs for the terrible occurance which killed many people but for them it has become “all about the money”.

    Probably it doesnt matter but you leave yourself open for all sorts of comebacks by laying your life out on a message board with people you dont know and can not help you. Once again, its not about the posters.

  44. Tom aka Norman Bates, maybe I should forward your RANTS and nasty threats to the LAPD? Maybe your the freak that has been threatening and stalking the Kardashian’s. This is a crime in LA, no? Sure seems to be the case. The only time you come out to RANT is when Janet post about the Kardashian’s. Which is probably why Janet posts bout them so much.

    Mmm, get back to me on ha will ya.

    Oh yeah, have a great day LUNATIC!!

  45. Go tell your mommy on me too bitch! Nicole was a girl of 18 when Oj pursued her. I think she regretted getting involved with Oj married or not. My belief supported by FACTS was Oj lied to her in the beginning.Who are we to judge an 18 year old women swept off her feet by an older famous celebrity albeit a manipulative and abusive cunt. I can only compare it to Kimbo and her classy toilet bowl born.

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