#kellyosbourne #adamlambert

Kelly Osbourne has been taking a lot of flak for her dyed grey hair (she lost her Material Girl job because she looked too mature) but apparently she has at least ONE admirer: Adam Lambert! Adam and Kelly were the only young people to show up at Fashion Week in New York with grey hair and we wonder if they’ll start a trend. Every once in awhile Lady Gaga wears a grey wig, but you couldn’t call her committed to the color.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Do they think alike?

    Kelly is thinking why she cannot get and/or keep a man for any length of time.

    Adams is thinking along the lines of George Michael. Georgie, you remember, was caught a few years ago in a Bev Hills public restroom, where there are penis-sized knotholes between the stalls. Yep, these great minds think alike. XXX rated. LOL

  2. um, hasn’t kelly said repeatedly that her hair is purple/lavendar and not grey?

  3. Christine: Right, because all gay men are exactly the same. Join this century Grandma, gays and lesbians run the full range of human sexuality just like straight people, from some of them hooking up to some in long term loving relationships and everything in between. Your casual hateful prejudice and harmful stereotyping is the kind of thing that perpetuates the pain of young gay people leading them to commit suicide in despair.

    Btw, Adam is crazy in love with his boyfriend of two years, and his tweet of #chromeashplatinumfantasy means what he was actually thinking was “hey I bet this color would be fun to try.”

  4. @Christine India, You are about the biggest idiot in the world. How the hell did you get to be you. Disgusting person and to be pitied! You do not dignify any other response!

  5. FYI, all Bible illiterates:

    The Lord Almighty does not care if a man is in a ‘loving relationship’ with another man.
    If a female is in a ‘loving relationship’ with another female. (How many ‘loving partners’ has Rosie O’Donnell and ellen Degenerate had?)
    HE does not care if one is indiscriminate in cruising for a lover, such as George Michael or Travolta.

    Homosexuality is just one sin among multitudes of other sins, which must be repented of and forsaken, in order to enter the Pearly Gates on Judgment Day. HE never said he hated the sinner, never, only the sin.

    See Romans, Chapter 1, Verses 24 thru 32. Some hate the truth, but this is just another sign that we are in the Last Days.

  6. Christine – it’s “christians” like you who’ll never enter the pearly gates.

    And how do you know about the Bev Hills bathrooms – been there?

    It’s usually those who preach the most who end up actually being what they preach against.

  7. Dahlings, I didn’t write the Bible.

    I’m not a grandmother.

    I am the very last person on earth to be a lesbian. I’ve always dated men only, and then found the perfect man.


  8. To C. India—–I partially agree and partially disagree. It is very confusing but hesitate to say anything against the bible.

  9. Christine India: Why so obsessed with other people’s private lives? You might miss the Pearly Gates yourself if you don’t stop hating.

  10. Also: It is somewhat presumptuous to tell other people what the Lord Almighty does or does not care about, don’t you think?

  11. i would like to add also that I believe in Jesus and read these verses in the bible in Romans and appears to be thats what is said.

  12. Christine do give it a break, please. It’s as vacuous as Strom’s droolings. Lakes o Fire and homo island …. tired fictions both.

  13. I thought accepting our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as the propitiation for our sins was the ticket to heaven. Not by work but by faith.

    We must read a different Bible.

    And I’m very interested to know how you know about the restrooms in Beverly Hills. Sounds naughty.

    Field trip maybe?

  14. @ Christine. Studies show “religious” people have lower IQ’s-you have to to believe in an imaginary friend. But, since you are SUCH a scholar do read the translation of the DEAD SEA SCHROLLS by John Allegro. THERE WAS NO SUCH PERSON AS JESUS. There is NO historical record. Jesus was an experience, a psych experience gotten to thru the hallucinogenic mushroom cults which flourished at that time.

    It is always a laugh to know that ignorant simple minded ‘christians’ don’t even understand what their CULT is based on!LOL

  15. @ Christine. Studies show “religious” people have lower IQ’s-you have to to believe in an imaginary friend. But, since you are SUCH a scholar do read the translation of the DEAD SEA SCROLLS by John Allegro. THERE WAS NO SUCH PERSON AS JESUS. There is NO historical record. Jesus was an experience, a psych experience gotten to thru the hallucinogenic mushroom cults which flourished at that time.

    It is always a laugh to know that ignorant simple minded ‘christians’ don’t even understand what their CULT is based on!LOL

  16. 1) One must accept Jesus, the Son of God, as their Savior, at which time the Holy Sprit lives within that person. “No one comes to the Father except through the Son”. “We are saved by grace through faith, not by works which we have done.”

    2) Regarding the Bev hills Bathroom that many gay celebs frequented. It was all over the internet when George M. was caught indulging in dangerous gay activities. I just verified this through Wiki, as it seems like a few months ago instead of years. Why the heck would anyone think I’ve been there.

    3) But I do thank all of you for your kind remarks.

  17. “Wanna be dork” ?? Silly statement. No need to want, just be. It’s a personal choice, mindset, opinion.

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