Nobody is more surprised than Amy Winehouse by the fact that she’s become the golden girl of the fashion industry. (Especially since she has been dubbed “worst dressed” by so many fashion pundits.) Karl Lagerfeld of Chanel, no less, has declared that Amy is his fashion muse and the inspiration for his current collection. Beehives RULE on the Chanel runway! Amy the style icon is currently negotiating to start her own clothing line. Meanwhile, Lagerfeld continues to rhapsodize about Amy as “the new Bardot“
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have you seenwhat bardot looks like now ,? if amy will follow her footsteps UGH! bardot is ugly ole hag now not when she was young but now please!
Bardot was SEXY! Not Skanky!
It’s funny how this f ag uses a totally strung out classless skank for inspiration.
Don’t know about the new Bardot, maybe the old Ronnie Spector?
In her day, Bardot was absolutely gorgeous, & natural, no plastic surgery. If Amy looks like Bardot did at this age, someone needs glasses. Also, don’t remember Bardot being a druggie.
there is a serious dearth of fresh ideas in the fashion industry.
of course, amy winehouse is a fashion icon, they dont have any ideas of their own to work with!
and they all use hard drugs.
those people are boring and bored, theyre always looking for something/someone else to amuse them.
..people and fashionistas
love Amy, because Amy is
herself and does not give
a flying bleep what anyone
thinks. Amy does not vogue
like so many celebrities,
Amy lacks pretention, she is not in pursuit of her own reflection…finally genuine
behavior has been rewarded.
Amy does have her own sense of style, she appears to me, to be an original. Her hair is cool, yea I can see the fashion industry very interested, the BIG problem I see there’s going to be toooo many copy cats……..
I think this internal ANUS-INVESTIGATER must only do clothes!!
Don’t think Bardot has/had an obvious drug problem. Winehouse is a very close to be modeling a body bag if she doesn’t clean up her act soon.
He’s just totally sucking up to the Grammy winner, that’s all. suck, suck, suck!!!!!