We actually started to forgive Kanye West for his arrogance and egocentricity after his mother died so tragically. His appearance on the Grammys changed all that good will. He used the memory of his mother to call MORE attention to himself and solicit pity. First he sang that melodramatic song dedicated to her, with all the James Brown theatrics, including angels floating in the sky. But that wasn’t enough. Later, when he was making a long dull acceptance speech and the music started softly playing to hurry him up, he became outraged. Holier than thou Kanye started up again with a dedication to his mother to make himself look not like a blowhard, but a devastated son. Cheap manipulation.

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  1. Trying to circumvent his lack of talent with tactics he THINKS are working…If you’re still grieving, GO GRIEVE.
    We’ve all been thru huge losses & it does take time; don’t make this the GRIEF TOUR though…
    To exploit it is really sad.

  2. I couldn’t even handle watching him sing that idiotic song. It had no place at the Grammys. I changed the channel. What about the word Mama shaved on his head. How stupid was that? Pathetic.

  3. It’d be different if his songs were any good, but they’re not, and they’re mostly samples. Was glad (the rather large) Vince Gill had the gall to zap him with that comment! And his mother was a dumbass to go to that doctor anyway.

  4. This story should be put to rest. And he should suck it up….does he think he is the only one in the world that has sorrow and suffering. At least he has money to help him out….think of all the Iraq vets that have little medical care and no government help…these are who we should be thinking of. How long has he been looking for sympathy; please no more coverage. Plus, this is a good singer? Not hardly.

  5. This American Negro needs to be off of the television, airwaves and out of popular culture. He is a gangster and a thug.

  6. OK so what you fail to realize is that he took a break after his mothers death and stepped away from the spot light. His mother was a huge part of his success. She was at every Grammy’s show with him. How he chooses to honor her memory public is his gig. And he was right to call out CBS. Its rude when they start playing that tired song. oh and by the way I don’t think he was looking for sympathy. And please stop calling black men are thugs and gangsters. Why don’t you get on Burke for constantly being on Entertainment Tonight for exploding his daughter. I will concede the haircut was a little over kill.

  7. Obviously the man has no sense of class or decorum. I turned the station when I saw his head. I have no sympathy for him or anyone who exploits their personal loss in public situations. We, the audience, don’t give a damn, we’re there for entertainment, not a memorial service.

  8. I disagree…he was trying to honor his mother. Everyone grieves differently. Don’t judge unless you’ve been through it.

  9. It was a moving, sincere performance. You guys are a-holes. And also, at least quite a few, racist.

  10. Go Vince Gill…what a great comment he made to Kanye during his acceptance speech. Kanye needs to regain his perspective and learn to be humble. It’s not him against the world any longer…

  11. I have always thought he was am A-hole. U cannot put my comments on because they are to short. Forget u. That is not even right.

  12. Kanye West is a Punk and an arrogant one at that; what a disgrace he is. He’s not grieving his mother. People that really grieve don’t need to make such a public spectacle of themselves. What a jerk! Wanting as much attention as he can possibly get. He didn’t even deserve to win any awards. He’s pathetic and can’t sing.

  13. i guess you shouldn’t tune into the grammys if you’re not expecting people to pat themselves on the back and grand stand. they should have started playing the music over alot of acceptance speeches, including ringo starr and herbie hancock. why stop there? they could have played the foo fighter song over that whole josh groban and blind dude’s performance.

  14. It’s honor for his mother! Very acceptable. So, he can’t exploit her for GAIN as he had already won the awards.. sheese!

  15. It was stupid…can you imagine Michelle Williams showing up at the oscars with Health Ledger carved into the back of her dress. ! Same thinking ! He is so low class, trashy, no talented gangster wanting attention. Stupid ass.

  16. It was stupid…can you imagine Michelle Williams showing up at the oscars with Health Ledger carved into the back of her dress. ! Same thinking ! He is so low class, trashy, no talented gangster wanting attention. Stupid ass.

  17. It was stupid…can you imagine Michelle Williams showing up at the oscars with Health Ledger carved into the back of her dress. ! Same thinking ! He is so low class, trashy, no talented gangster wanting attention. Stupid ass.

  18. Who allowed Kanye to even sing that song with the angels floating around? The show’s producers are as much to blame as Kanye.

  19. He wore those stupid glasses & jacket with the glow effect to distract from the fact that the song he was performing was pure shit and he has no musical talent whatsoever! Hate him!

  20. how is Kanye West racist?
    because he declared George Bush does not care about Black people?
    You really need to get a clue.
    And I love ya, Janet C but my teeth are set on edge whenever I hear someone dismiss a Black person as “arrogant”.
    Do you mean to say he doesn’t know his place?
    You don’t use the word arrogant to dismiss a turd like Paris Hilton who has demonstrated more than once a bad attitude and uppity manners.
    And unlike Kanye West, Paris Hilton is a completely unaccomplished individual.
    Her last movie earned a whopping 26,000.00 on it’s opening weekend.
    Just look at all these jackassholian comments posted here about Kanye West being an “amercian negro” and a gangster.
    Racism never dies because you need to feel superior to someone for some reason even a random reason like skin complexion or national heritage.
    It’s really sickening.

  21. Kayne West is an extremely talented singer songwriter. It is music for the ages which will never go out of style. He is this centurys John Lennon. Buy, buy, buy.
    Talented. eloquent, genius.

  22. Now I’ve seen everything.
    I can’t believe people buy this crap.
    Give me a break.
    Get lives people.
    Everyone knows this guy is a fraud.
    Really, ever get the feeling your being cheated.

  23. He’s not talented and who cares about his dumb mother who was an ill informed idiot for going to that doctor in the first place. He’s exploiting her and is so dumb he doesn’t realize it. The Grammy producers shouldn’t have let him do 2 numbers in the first place, he’s not good at all.

  24. He looked like a fool and sang like a tool. Who buys this sh*t? The music industry has really gone downhill.

  25. Whenever an awards show fails to give him an award he ends up throwing a temper tantrum either backstage or in front of cameras then the next awards show gives him a handful of awards that he doesn’t deserve. I’m convinced this time it was pure sympathy.

  26. 10:03 He is a racist punk. At least Paris Hilton doesn’t go on ” give a black man a chance” tirades. Last I checked Kanye makes a hell of a lot more money than me – but apparently he is “oppressed”. And yes, he BEHAVES like a punk. That’s not being rasist… that’s calling him out for how he acts. You won’t hear anyone say that about Usher… Kanye needs to learn gratitude & humility.

  27. Usher needs to learn humility, too, he thinks he’s Michael Jackson (in his prime) and NO WAY are his records or performances as good as Michael. I’ve heard stories about Usher from my flight attendant friend, he’s a nightmare to deal with on flights. And he won’t order his own drinks at parties, makes an underling order for him with “Usher will have a scotch & soda!” YEESH, the egos on these people!

  28. Anon. 6:13-
    WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH IT. And some of us have watched our parents struggle though unimaginable years of suffering.
    The show was an awards show; NOT a tribute for his personal gain.
    Yes, his personal gain.
    Are we going to be watching the Grammy’s 2009, & having the same crap thrown at us.
    Like I said before, if you are still in grief then for God’s sake go & grieve.

  29. 12:46am.
    Paris Hilton was imprudent enough to use the n word while she was being taped.
    Asking for more opportunities for a group of people who have been consistently denied is NOT racist.
    using the N word as Paris Hilton used is racist.
    Kanye West is not going to humble himself before the likes of you so you just need to get over it.

  30. Can’t wait for the day when some young talented black man comes along, like a young Prince, and obliterates the memory of these egoed-out, talentless nobodies, like West & P Diddy. Marvin, Smokey, Al Green, The Temptations, these were the real talents.

  31. Some of these comments are so disgusting. “American Negro” what the hell is that supposed to mean.
    As for you Ms. Charlton, whenever you mention a black person on your site it is almost always negative.
    Vince Gill thought he was being funny, I don’t think it was meant to be a slap in the face.

  32. Janet, you hit the nail on the head. A no-talent arrogant ass…pathetic!

  33. I dont care for his music but WTF?? Dont bash his ass for mentioning his dead mama??! Now thats really pathetic!

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