Looks like some of Kanye West’s Calabasas neighbors aren’t crazy about gospel music, because they called the cops Sunday, complaining that it was too LOUD! Kanye’s invitation only “church” services are held outdoors and a very large choir accompanies the musicians. Maybe the choir just got TOO BIG, but when police arrived to ask them to turn down the volume, the celebrities couldn’t get away fast enough – Chris Rock and his daughters, Courtney Love, Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Rick Rubin etc scooted to their cars. Do you suppose they pass a collection plate around during these services?
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Busted Church Kanye West Police
Very odd cult like behavior
he was trying to be a minister?
” I need to screw the IRS, I need to make tax free money, I need a place to launder other peoples money…….I know I’ll start my own Church”