#justinbieber #janetcharlton
Here we go with the BLAME BLAME BLAME again. The devastating death of young photographer Chris Guerra cannot be blamed on Justin Bieber, whose car he was following, OR on the lack of paparazzi laws. Bieber’s friend, who was driving the Ferrari, was pulled over for speeding, NOT the paparazzi. When Guerra stopped and attempted to photograph the cops ticketing the driver (whom he believed to be Justin) they told him to get back to his car across the street. Sadly, the distracted photographer didn’t think and walked into traffic where he was hit by a car. We side with the paparazzi – it’s not fair or necessary to legislate anti-paparazzi laws. Speeding and reckless driving are already against the law for everyone. We’ve never understood why celebrities try to out-speed paparazzi – no one is trying to kill them. The photographer in this case did no wrong and put HIMSELF in harm’s way.
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If the the trash rags didn’t paying such huge amounts for the photos that would make a massive difference too. The money makes them all do risky things.
At the very least, maybe the senselessness and absurdity of this photog’s death will prompt others to rethink what they do for a living.
How many pictures does the world need of some teenage singing product and his ridiculous car?
No it is the photographer’s fault. He was the one who crossed the street to get the photos for his “scoop.” He didn’t cross the road where he should. It’s a shame he got killed an it was an accident but as you say, he put himself in the position and sadly his carelessness caused his death. It was JB or his friend’s fault. It was a tragic accident.
I don’t agree at all with Janet’s stance about not needing new pap laws. We live in between the 101 Fwy and PCH. On both roads, many, many, m a n y times, we have been terrified as these fools (celebs & paps) go weaving through traffic at extremely high speeds, both chased and chaser. We have had both Kartrashian & Beibers cars come within inches of our cars on these already fast highways. Someday, one of these idiots (and by idiots I mean both celebs & paps) is going to kill an innocent person or persons. Maybe even a whole family, or a car load of teenagers. What the hell is wrong with these morons? The celebs for freaking out if someone takes a pic of them driving…who the fuck cares? Or the morons who are the instigators of these events, the papparazi. They are going to destroy some family’s lives someday. No, it is past time for the state of California to crack down on this shit. I’m writing all my representatives and congresspeople today.
Well I suppose if us gossip junkies didn’t want to see pictures of celebs or read stories about them, there would be no need for paparazzi. So in a way, isn’t it our fault? Discuss.
Oh and tragic is how I would describe the ridiculous pants the “Biebs” is wearing in the photo above.
A better discussion of this issue would include how a very sub-par ‘talent’ lije Bieber achieved fame in the first place.
at least he died for a good couse: AVOIDING THE FISCAL CLIFF!!
Denise, thats an interesting point you make; however, when you look at the past, you see that the gossip industry survived and flourished for generations without skanky pap pix. We could still come here and read about celebs and Janet’s gossip without seeing pix of celebs coming out of Gelsons, or driving their cars.
Justin is 18 and it seems having difficulty dealing with his true idenity.
Smoking large amounts of Pot will not help. No doubt Ms Gomez really knows “what is going on” with him. Perhaps it may take 3 years before Justin’s real idenity emerges.
He should be able to have some private moments to explore and live a life as himself.
He’s such a tiny little wart. He should have a burger, fries and large milk shake, looks really fragile at times.
He was in ‘the right place at the right time’ and luck was smiling on him. That’s how he got ‘discovered’. life taint fair.
The poor idiot that died pursuing Beiber ultimately has only himself to blame. But, there are however, significantly complicit players in the tragedy.
Sites like this in particular, encourage the wanton pursuit of celebrities, often at the expense of public safety and privacy.
If this idiot had caused a multiple car accident (as has happened in the past), the conversation would have been quite different today.
Janet you’re not, what one would call a deep thinker are you ?
A person’s right to privacy, must trump our rights to know the salacious details of another’s private life (unless they are offending public morals or committing a crime).
I don’t think we really need to see pictures of Kim’s ass, or Anne Hathaways’ vagina, nor even parents at the market with their kids. It’s not ok, anymore than cheering on a rape or family violence is.
I am saddened at the level of humanity or even intellectual clarity on this site. It’s too often a cesspool for racists, religious fascists and sexual obsessives. I presume that’s because of the anonymity, for if there was a way to see them, they’d hold their tongues.
time to to sign off
georgie, I do see your point. Part of the issue is that these photographers appear to be in a competition to get the best picture of whatever and whoever at any cost, even apparently, their own life. That is the fault of the various gossip sites and papers who only pay for the best pictures.
Jerome S “Janet you’re not, what one would call a deep thinker are you?” That was funny.
You can’t be serious with ( I am saddened at the level of humanity or even intellectual clarity on this site. It’s too often a cesspool for racists, religious fascists and sexual obsessives.)
Have you looked at the news? Read the NYtimes? You should be saddened by the drones the current president adminstration use everyday in the middle east.Rockets to bomb out shools. Intellectual clarity was shown this Sunday when jewish professor from Georgetown university, not that it matter what university, adovcating america should abolish using the Constitution. We should all live like Palestines. Racism, one group was crying like a biotch about being killed in the 40’s, but turn around and kill many more for over 70 years. American soldiers are literally killing themselves for one group religious hunger to take over the world. The sexual obsession of men wanting to have kids but still take in like a man while women should be able to shut down when they are being raped by a man so they won’t get pregnant.
This site didn’t produce any of that, posters are just responding to the humanity that the powers that be produces.
Why is that idiot Bieber wearing a women’s minidress over those ridiculous drop crotch pants?
Where is Rachel Uchitel when she is needed!
ref. @Hello’s comment
“This site didn’t produce any of that, posters are just responding to the humanity that the powers that be produces.”
This is one of the most immediately obvious by-products of this kind of site. ( talk about stating the obvious … )
What a shockingly stupid response @hello,
@JeromeS comments were sadly, spot on, and if you had an inkling of personal or geo-political awareness, that extended beyond your ridiculous personal obsessions ( see above) , you would have understood.
In fact,
@Hello’s ( your ) posts’s are routinely part of the very stream of stupidity, race hatred, and gross insensitivity that he was originally commenting on for Christ’s sake. he was talking about you, you dummy ! and we ALL knew it !
yes we knew :-}, glad he said it. shut it Hello, go far away .. ( FYI not jewish )
Look who is calling people stupid. You (ock riding on someone else’s name becuase you to stupid to think of your own.
avoir de pois, you to stupid as well, it is du pois not de pois.
no, you stupider by far, you is way big stupid ( I know )
how many mistakes can you find in the following ?
” becuase you to stupid to think ”
go away, grow a brain.
general idea, read a book or two and or newspapers. Yeah, just as stupid as you guys calling me stupid. So we are all stupid. We do live in a land of stupidity.
Obama drove us over the cliff.
But is the Biebs Gay?
Yes, it’s terribly confusing for Biebs: a skin tight long, long tank over a skirt, over leggings, ending with pink shoes, and a hat on backwards.
Ultimately, blame it on you and I. We who frequent gossip sites, read gossip news papers, watch gossip TV. We are the ones that generate the money, that trickles down, and makes a fine living for the paparazzi. If it weren’t for you and I, there would be no money in chasing celebrities, the studios would release publicity material,and we would be nattering about that, however true or studio produced it may be. I could go on, ’bout the ‘studio system’ but I believe most posters here already know what I am talking about.
totally, toetaly
he looks like he has on a diaper
When some one searches for his required thing, so he/she desires to be available that in detail, therefore that thing is maintained over here.