A step BACK for Justin Bieber! Justin’s cameo on CSI’s Thursday premier did NOT pump up the ratings. The show usually debuts with 20 million viewers but despite high expectations, Justin only pulled in 14.6 million. The Mentalist beat CSI when Justin’s teenage fan base failed to tune in to see him act. (Despite his character’s problems, every hair was in place) It was a huge disappointment and it remains to be seen if Justin’s character will reappear on the show.

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  1. I think the little midget dwarf is pissed off that he can’t grow another badly needed 7 inches. What is he, 5 foot 3. Anyhoo, even teeny-boppers may be getting tired of his egotistical attitude, his perfect hair and red puffy girly lips.

  2. His fan base is 5 to 8 year old girls. They have to go to bed before the show airs, and they wouldn’t understand the story line anyway. And everyone else deliberately tuned out.

  3. I heard this kid sing and he pretty good. But the question will be shelve life.

  4. Sebastian: It’s OK. We got the incredibly brave and talented Michael J. Fox. I could never be that brave in face of such a horrible affliction.

  5. This child is certainly nothing to look at, is he? I mean even for a teen boy, I believe he is 16? When I was young enough to dig 16 year old boys (back in the dark ages) a guy that looks like this would have never gotten any girl to look twice. There’s NOTHING masculine about him and I think he could easily do drag successfully, which is a scary thought. He needs a makover desperately!!!

  6. But Reta, shouldn’t we let him choose if he wants to be raised male or female?

  7. I just don’t understand why he is so popular with the girls. He really looks like one of them. And poor boy still single at 16? He looks 12.

  8. Looks like a queen in training. Contrived hair, lip-gloss, bitchy pout. THAT BOY IS GAY.

  9. These sorts of teen idols appeal to the sexual confusion girls experience in their tween years. In the old days, such confusion would be expressed in schoolyard girl crushes, now it is expressed through the adoration of celebrity girly-boys. Perfectly normal in a 13 year old. Thirty year old women with crushes on people like Robert Pattinson should get therapy…or a golf club membership and some flannel shirts and sensible shoes.

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