Jenny McCarthy has been on a wild spending spree in the Pacific Design Center and at high end furniture shops in LA, decorating the 6 million dollar home in Beverly Hills that Jim Carrey bought for her. She and her decorator are picking out nothing but the best. Jim and Jenny are a committed couple in love, but Jim doesn’t want to get married. He’s been married twice and doesn’t want to make a third mistake. Carrey prefers to have a close relationship like Kurt and Goldie without the legal documents. Jenny’s perfectly happy with the arrangement – Jim is very generous with her and her son, and they’ll all live together – but Jim will keep his Malibu house for a summer place.
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If she was the RIGHT one he would have married her…Million dollar homes still won’t take the ouch out of just being the “girlfriend”
She should be happily married to a guy who appreciates her. Drop the drippy, self-involved, fearful whiney looser girl
They are both oddballs
I would think he would marry her if he loved her…Why not? Furniture and houses are just stuff..Millions in gifts still leave her just the girlfriend..Maybe he thinks she isn’t good enough to marry…
a miss match couple she needs to find someone alot better lookin.
honey you need a better guy thank GOD you are not married it nice he gives you all those gifts but when you die you can’t take them with you?
Jim, right statement!!
Jim Carrey is a has-been. His movies of late have been huge money-losing bombs. And that skanky long hair does him no service, either.
I have NEVER liked Jim Carrey and all of his dumb panned faced characters he does. He is also just gross looking. Something about him seems ewwwwww. She could do much better!
Lauren Holly did the same. Jenny McCarthy is in it for the money, time will prove me right.
Janet, I hear Jim Carrey is this close to marrying Jason “gummi bear” Davis. I guess he uses Jenny to throw off media attention and the paparazzi. Lucky Gummi is said to be losing weight for the upcoming nuptials and is learning French for the honeymoon in Paris! Michael Caine, Jim’s favorite actor will perform the ceremony in Rio!
Loved Jenny on Oprah. What a girl!! She’s a great mom and a terrific person. Love her.
They both look very happy. And with a happy environment Evan will do extremely well.
If your getting the loving then why get married and just think it would be stupid and dumb to let some one come to your pocket and be able to get to your wealth and it is better to be lover buddies and be able to tap that ass at a drop of the hat and not every one is meant to be married and some people try it once and that is enough for most people and some people just stink at be married and tied down and they both have been married before and when the relationship hits the fan it is hard to get out of the relationship and so why try again? And is there any one worth giving it a shot to and after getting married the person really changes to some one you don’t like…And of course you want to run away and get away from the person that is the cause of the stress and tention! But if you are married you have to work on the divorce and give this and that just to get out of the trap!