Photo Credit: Splash News

Dyan Cannon is a fixture at Lakers games but we don’t often see her daughter Jennifer Grant. Jennifer started her acting career on Beverly Hills 90210 in the early 90’s and she’s been on CSI a few times but hasn’t done anything big lately. Of course she doesn’t HAVE to work – she IS the only child of matinee idol Cary Grant. And she’s been busy giving birth – in August her son was born, and she named him Cary.

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  1. Yikes!
    It looks like she’s taking styling cues form her look-what-the-rottweiler-dragged-in mom!

  2. Dyan Cannon was always a favorite of mine. Her daughter has benefited from a great gene pool.
    Cary Grant was gorgeous – but a little bit “out there”.
    Thanks for the picture.

  3. I wonder if Cary was her real dad….she has a very African look….maybe momwas on a hunting trip at conception!

  4. I think they both look great. I like Jen’s hair. Of course she is Cary’s child, even if she doesn’t have his great looks! Would like to see a picture of the baby some time.

  5. I think they both look great. I like Jen’s hair. Of course she is Cary’s child, even if she doesn’t have his great looks! Would like to see a picture of the baby some time.

  6. Cary wasnt doing much boning at his age…I believe brown Jim Brown was the father.

  7. (she doesn’t have to): W O R K?
    you really mean off the streets?
    …………………..give me a break, folks!!

  8. Same bad nose job that Mommy has. But Mommy’s plastic from head to toe, so hopefully Jen won’t go that far.

  9. so who is little cary grant’s daddy?
    is jennifer really not cary’s biological daughter?

  10. wow, it’s so nice to see a current photo of Jennifer. The last photo I seen her is when she was a little girl with her dad.

  11. They both look awful. Gawd. Don’t these people in Hollywood realize how ridiculous they look with all their procedures?

  12. Dyan looks 80 (and she nearly is).
    Jennifer looks 60 — and she isn’t!

  13. I am Cary Grant’s firstborn. I received a phone call Dec. 30, 1986, telling me that Cary Grant was my father, and that he had left an inheritance for me. It included a safe deposit box with my name on it. And $ 26,666,666.66.66. My best GUESS is rhat IF invested well (trust fund), it MAY be worth between $ 230,000,000. and $ 500,000,000. Jennifer’s son is “Cary Benjamin Grant”. My son’s name is “BENJAMIN” (he is now 13 yrs. old.) I AM CARY’S first born. I hope to prove that ! … I “IS” the first born. :-))

  14. I am Cary Grant’s firstborn. I received a phone call Dec. 30, 1986, telling me that Cary Grant was my father, and that he had left an inheritance for me. It included a safe deposit box with my name on it. And $ 26,666,666.66.66. My best GUESS is rhat IF invested well (trust fund), it MAY be worth between $ 230,000,000. and $ 500,000,000. Jennifer’s son is “Cary Benjamin Grant”. My son’s name is “BENJAMIN” (he is now 13 yrs. old.) I AM CARY’S first born. I hope to prove that ! … I “IS” the first born. :-))

  15. Congrats to a very blessed family!!! many blessings to the baby- child and family Jennifer Cary’s daughter!! 🙂

  16. The looneys are out on this issue it seems:

    By karen
    On December 23, 2008 at

    I am Cary Grant’s firstborn. I received a phone call Dec. 30, 1986, telling me that Cary Grant was my father, and that he had left an inheritance for me. It included a safe deposit box with my name on it. And $ 26,666,666.66.66. My best GUESS is rhat IF invested well (trust fund), it MAY be worth between $ 230,000,000. and $ 500,000,000. Jennifer’s son is “Cary Benjamin Grant”. My son’s name is “BENJAMIN” (he is now 13 yrs. old.) I AM CARY’S first born. I hope to prove that ! … I “IS” the first born. :-))

  17. The looneys are out on this issue it seems and practicing Nigerian $$$$ scamming techniques:

    By karen
    On December 23, 2008 at

    I am Cary Grant’s firstborn. I received a phone call Dec. 30, 1986, telling me that Cary Grant was my father, and that he had left an inheritance for me. It included a safe deposit box with my name on it. And $ 26,666,666.66.66. My best GUESS is rhat IF invested well (trust fund), it MAY be worth between $ 230,000,000. and $ 500,000,000. Jennifer’s son is “Cary Benjamin Grant”. My son’s name is “BENJAMIN” (he is now 13 yrs. old.) I AM CARY’S first born. I hope to prove that ! … I “IS” the first born. :-))

  18. The oddballs and looneys are out on this issue it seems and practicing Nigerian $$$$ scamming techniques:

    By karen
    On December 23, 2008 at

    I am Cary Grant’s firstborn. I received a phone call Dec. 30, 1986, telling me that Cary Grant was my father, and that he had left an inheritance for me. It included a safe deposit box with my name on it. And $ 26,666,666.66.66. My best GUESS is rhat IF invested well (trust fund), it MAY be worth between $ 230,000,000. and $ 500,000,000. Jennifer’s son is “Cary Benjamin Grant”. My son’s name is “BENJAMIN” (he is now 13 yrs. old.) I AM CARY’S first born. I hope to prove that ! … I “IS” the first born. :-))

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