Last February we wrote about the Cavalia Odysseo show we saw in Burbank that featured 67 gorgeous horses, beautifully trained. It so happens that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s little girls Violet and Seraphina are crazy about horses so Jen and Ben took them to see the show. They loved it enough to stop a visit with the stars of the production – the horses – in their stables afterward.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
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Nothing like whipping a bunch of horses to make them do things that are totally unnatural.
I give these two another year, tops. Ben has been rank lately and Jennifer has been over compensating for Ben’s dick-headed awards speeches.
JenGar is definately the top dog in this relationship.
damn uppity WHITEs liberal Morgan Freeman Lesbian enablers damn race traitors knarly anal rainbow whales and puppies etc.
@strom hit it !
strom: you hate puppies?
…………for girls we would change the world.
I like them. I hope they can beat the odds. And while I like the new normal, there is nothing wrong with just normal and Jen is trying to raise her girls normal in the weird environment of Lala land with people like us yapping about them in blogs. Life is tough enough but add all our judgement… I wouldn’t want to be there, so I wish them well and hope it works, both the marriage and raisin’ ’em right.
I’ve read that Ben still craves nights out with the boys, preferably at the gambling tables, and he doesn’t like to be harrassed about it. They have had many fights over his gambling and drinking problem and Jen is constantly trying to keep him on a short leash, but she is doing 80% of raising 2 girls and the baby. Therefore, she is looking like a worn out mom while Ben still is trying to reign in the fact that he is a spoiled mama’s boy and likes to do what he wants to and when he wants to. This is pretty common knowledge; I predict they will stay together at least for a while.
I agree animals should NOT be used in entertainment. It is a horrible and unnatural life for them filled with abuse and cruelty. It is all about profit.
dear christina india
“Ben still is trying to reign in the fact that he is a spoiled mama’s boy and likes to do what he wants to and when he wants to. This is pretty common knowledge; I predict they will stay together at least for a while.”
this is so funny, you silly stupid person, I wonder how’d they describe your life … haaaa.
gosh, what a sack of hate you are, I’d bet you’re unmarried – living somewhere in the south with your in laws, who are stuck with you , poor folks…
Does Ben ever have a real smile on his face? And as far as Jen goes, you can see she’s trying to make it work.