Ben Affleck


Just because they’re living apart, didn’t mean that Ben Affleck didn’t do something extra special for his estranged wife, Jennifer Lopez. The couple celebrated their second wedding anniversary (already?) on July 16 and according to my source, although they didn’t spend the day together, Ben did make sure to send Jennifer an anniversary gift – and QUITE a gift it was. As we previously reported, the couple are trying to figure out their future, and although they’re selling their Beverly Hills home, they’re not ready to throw in the towel on their marriage just yet. Ben’s not known for extravagant gift giving, but he splurged on massive vintage emerald ring for Jen which he tucked in the pocket of a cotton robe. Why a cotton robe? Cotton is the traditional gift for the 2nd anniversary, that’s why.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Emma Roberts made headlines when she remarked that Hollywood women are far more often called out as “nepo babies” than Hollywood men, while appearing on the podcast Table for Two. She pointed out George Clooney as the ultimate nepo baby. Emma had a valid point: although George is talented, his aunt was the iconic Rosemary Clooney which opened doors for him in Hollywood. Although she sort of backtracked her comments, Emma’s aunt, who just happens to also be one of George’s best friends, Julia Roberts, was miffed over the incident. Our source told us that hours after the podcast became news, Julia got on the phone to Emma and gave her quite the earful. We can reveal that Emma, at Julia’s urging, reached out to George and apologized for bringing his name up. Even though Julia was upset, good-natured George just laughed it off.

Alec Baldwin made the news again for all the wrong reasons. This week his attorneys asked the New Mexico judge to dismiss the case against him over firearm evidence. The long shot move is unlikely to fly and here’s what we know. Behind very closed doors Alec’s legal eagles are trying to negotiate a plea deal which will allow him to serve any time in house arrest, pay a substantial fine, and work on legislation banning REAL guns on movie sets. Nothing has been agreed to as of yet, but secret negotiations continue.

Estranged lovebirds Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez created some buzz when they were spotted in the same Beverly Hills office building. Although they arrived and left separately we are hearing that the “meeting” was actually part of a therapy session. Ben arrived first and had an individual session, and then later in the day J.Lo arrived to join him for a joint couples session. Their future together seems to change by the moment, but they want to make sure they give their marriage every chance to survive.

Miranda Lambert’s handsome hubby, former NYC cop Brendan McLoughlin made news and she ain’t happy about it. Brendan was seen getting chummy with other females that weren’t his wife, and he did it at the Nashville bar, Casa Rosa, that Miranda’s OWNS! While Brendan claimed he was just being a good host (he occasionally works there) we are hearing that Miranda was nonetheless irked at his misstep, and put him on notice that he won’t be hanging out in her bar, or any other bar for that matter, unless she’s WITH him!

Finally to end the week on an uplifting note, Selma Blair was spotted all over Paris this week looking great during the countless fashion shows. We know this. Selma’s trip wasn’t all pleasure. The brave MS sufferer also spent a great deal of time meeting with designers to encourage them to include canes in their accessories. Selma relies on a cane to help her with stability issues caused by the MS and she’s made no secret that it’s hard to find anything stylish. As my source puts it, Selma wants to make canes more attractive and fashionable.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


On June 7 in our seemingly popular Here’s What We Know feature we revealed that Jennifer Lopez was planning a summer vacation now that she canceled her music tour. It only took them 10 days, but People magazine just confirmed our scoop. (See link below) What People didn’t know is that J.Lo plans to spend part of the summer traveling with her kids but will definitely meet up with Ben Affleck and his kids and turn it into a make or break summer vacation. They’re both hoping to save their marriage and this vacation, if it turns out as planned, could be just the thing.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Jen and Ben in line at Jack in the Box


Jennifer Lopez shocked the world when she abruptly canceled her soon-to-start summer tour to promote her new album. According to my source, although ticket sales were tepid, the real reason she nixed the tour is to save her marriage to Ben Affleck. Workhorse Jen isn’t about to give up her career however, so she’s looking for something that can keep her firmly planted in LA. (making movies and touring doesn’t accommodate that) But she DOES have an idea: My source revealed that J.Lo is now contemplating joining the talk show circuit, most likely with a syndicated daytime show. That way she can film a few days a week, and still have plenty of time to spend with Ben.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Jen and Ben on their way to Jack in the Box after Samuel Affleck’s basketball game


Well it only took them 8 days, but People Magazine just reported OUR May 20th scoop on Jennifer Garner. We were the first to tell you that Jen was hoping that her ex-husband Ben Affleck can save his marriage to his current wife, Jennifer Lopez. Mostly because J.Lo keeps Ben committed to a healthy non-alcoholic lifestyle. We also added the tidbit that Garner was actively playing the role of an unofficial marriage counselor doing everything in her power to ensure they stay together. See the link below of the item people ran today. Once again, you know where to turn to for the best Hollywood scoops!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


Jennifer Lopez has an unexpected ally during her marriage crisis to Ben Affleck – his ex-wife Jennifer Garner! While J.Lo and Ben are working to figure out their future, an insider reveals Garner has offered her support to BOTH, encouraging them to make their marriage work. The former Alias actress has been divorced from Ben since 2018, (she’s happily dating businessman John Miller) so she KNOWS what it’s like to be married to Ben. She also knows Lopez has been a positive factor in his life, and the life of the kids. Garner’s biggest fear is that Ben will fall off the wagon and spiral out of control again if his marriage to Lopez disintegrates, so she’s actively encouraging them to stick it out.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Ben and Garner  chatting by her car


Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez dominated the headlines this week as rumors swirl that their marriage is dunzo.  Here’s what we know.  The couple are going through a rough patch,mostly due to their different spending habits.  SHE likes like live large, but he’s more frugal and finds her excessive spending a turn-off.  In J. Lo’s defense, she is worth more than Ben, so she understandably finds it insulting that he would tell her how to spend HER money. My source says the one thing the both of them have in common is they’re quick to react, BUT do love one another, so while anything is possible, it’s most likely their marriage will stay intact, considering they are in counseling.

Kansas City Chiefs’ Harrison Butker didn’t win any female or gay fans this week thanks to a commencement address where he basically voiced his controversial opinions against the LGTBQ community and women’s rights.  Making it worse he quoted Taylor Swift in the address, referring to her as his teammate Travis Kelce’s girlfriend.  Here’s what we know.  Taylor was PISSED that he dared say her name in such a hate filled speech and she told Travis under no circumstances will she ever be photographed anywhere near him.  She also made it be known to the powers that be on the team that she doesn’t feel comfortable publicly supporting the team if it has a misogynistic homophobe in its ranks.  My NFL source predicts Harrison will be traded, but the question is, who will want him?

Justin and Hailey Bieber made headlines when they announced they’re expecting their first child together. They kept the news a secret from family and closest friends, but now we’re hearing that Justin has been taking parenting classes with a therapist who visits his home three times a week to help him cope with the demands of being a first time dad. My source says he’s determined to do everything RIGHT and get his unpredictable mood swings under control before the baby arrives.

The Sex and the City spinoff, And Just Like That recently started filming its third season in New York City and we can tell you that Kim Cattrall will definitely appear again in another cameo and this time she will share the screen with a cast member -but it won’t be Sarah Jessica Parker.  We are hearing that Kim’s character Samantha Jones is living in Europe and will be visited by one of the cast, and the scene will take place there.  Producers haven’t decided if it’s going to be Cynthia Nixon or Kristen Davis, but it’s going to happen.

And as usual, what’s a week without a piece of Donald Trump gossip! Donald’s youngest son, Barron made headlines when he was announced to be a delegate at the upcoming Republican national convention, only to have his mom Melania publicly decline the invitation the next day, citing a “scheduling conflict.” This makes no sense, since Barron would be expected to be at the convention when his father is nominated to be president, anyway.  We heard that Donald actually gave the okay to announce Barron as a delegate, but Melania immediately nixed it. My well-placed source says that it was a screaming match unlike any other, as Melania threatened to boycott the convention herself if Donald forced the issue of having Barron as a delegate. Needless to say she won.


Jennifer Lopez wants to turn her rekindled romance with her husband, Ben Affleck, into a business opportunity! Although her recent documentary focused on her and Ben’s second chance of love, an insider reveals that Jen is hoping to monetize their later in life marriage and transform it into a lifestyle brand. Jennifer is developing a website, similar to Ben’s ex-girlfriend Gwyneth Paltrow‘s GOOP. Everything will be geared for the 50+ crowd and focus on couples who reconnect. She envisions selling everything from sleepwear to candles, books, to even a signature scent. If all goes according to plan, it should launch before the end of the year.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA  Jennifer in NYC- hopefully she’s not going to the gym with THAT handbag


Jennifer Lopez’slove don’t cost a thing,” except maybe the price of a laser tattoo removal. Jen is still madly in love with her hubby Ben Affleck, but she just can’t say the same for the ginormous tattoo covering his back. Ben got the large multicolor Phoenix tattoo during a low point in his life (he reportedly wasn’t sober) and he’s well aware that his better half dislikes it. It’s reported to be far more painful to laser OFF a tattoo than it is to get one, but Ben wants Jen to be happy so he’s beginning the process of having it removed. Unfortunately for him, his tattoo is SO large and colorful that it’s going to take multiple sessions – and very likely a few years.

PHOTO: Instagram (We couldn’t afford a photo of Ben’s full back tattoo, but you’ll find it online)


Paula Abdul’s sexual harassment lawsuit against her former coworker and friend, Nigel Lythgoe is making headlines as the two engage in back and forth of he said /she saids. Here’s what we know: The two had a major falling out prior to Paula filing her lawsuit and behind closed doors a settlement conference is already in the works. Our source says this will never go to trial and that it will likely be gone from the news cycle by the summer, since neither wants their dirty laundry aired in public. From what we hear, both sides have enough dirty laundry to open a dry cleaners!

Ben Affleck and his ex-wife Jennifer Garner were spotted together at Disneyland without their current significant others to celebrate their son Samuel’s birthday, and it raised a few eyebrows. Here’s the scoop: Ben and  wife Jennifer Lopez and Garner and her main squeeze, John Miller, celebrated Samuel’s birthday TOGETHER with dinner and cake at Garner’s house after the Disney outing. Our source says all four adults have developed a friendship and there’s no hard feelings between Affleck and Garner. Ben is pals with John and the two Jennifers have developed a bond. This is co-parenting at its finest.

Nikki Haley suspended her presidential campaign the day after Super Tuesday, but what she did NOT do is endorse her fellow Republican Donald Trump. Here’s why: Nikki deplores Trump’s misogynistic ways and while she’s a fan of most of his policies, she finds him repulsive as a human being (and we use that term loosely). Here’s some inside scoop: Before Nikki caves to pressure and endorses Trump she has a top secret call scheduled with President Joe Biden. Our source says that Biden is prepared to offer Nikki a role in his cabinet, or her former UN position, if she endorses him instead!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA