This picture of John Mayer holding Jennifer Aniston’s dog’s leash reveals a lot about their relationship because Jennifer is VERY fussy about who takes care of her dog. Her pooch Norman has been with Jen through thick and thin – that’s numerous boyfriends and one husband, and he’s the longest lasting male in her life. Jen must hold John in high esteem to trust him with Norman. The three of them flew from Miami to Orlando where Mayer performed, while Jen watched backstage.
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we waste too much time
I hate the over-used phrase “Gimme a break” >>>>but in this case…”Gimme a break”. Just because he’s watching her dog while she pees is trusting him? She should try to meet a non-famous person. She will get dumped by him like he dumped all the others when another whore wiggles by and gives him the eye. Our Johnny boy is planning on 10 more years of being a playa before he settles down. And both should remember, who their previous sex partners were are also who you are sleeping with. I have a feeling she is grasping at anything and anyone, and she wishes she had 2 or so kids with the Pitt and maybe she would still have him. She is not as happy as she pretends to be.
4:50 PM, I agree completely. John Mayer is a ho-monger scuz-bucket who has morals lower than an alley-cat. Why would she take up with someone that is 9 years younger and is constantly on the lookout for a new piece of thrill. I hope both get checked off and on for STD’s. You never know when you have received the gift that keeps on giving and that could even kill you. This girl is so unlucky in love. To be fair, she also has morals like the proverbial alley-cat. Ah, such is Hollywood and the lifestyles of the rich and shallow.
I heard that there have almost been several cat-fights over the grand and glorious Mr. Mayer. He will never tie himself down to just one when he can spread himself around and make many little slutty fluffs soooo very happy. Keep him on a short leash, Jen, for as long as you can.
Many boys/men spreading themselves thin in the world of desperate women. Many girls/women desperate to snag one of these elusive creatures. John and Jennifer… could it be they fall into this scenario? Such a pity.
Puts her trust in him to do what? Be faithful?
…….Jenn and I have the same taste in men.
We like them “HOTT AND FIERCE!!”
8:30 pm.
REMEMBER I’ve warned you:
This lazy FAGGOT is the secret DOG “PUSHER”!!
She’s getting panic strickin’ without a man to call her own so she takes what comes along and it’s his time to get inside her head and inside her body!
He’s Bi. And its known. He also likes really DIRTY sex. YUCK!!!
2:35 PM: That must be why the self-professed Christian Jessica Simpson is no longer in the picture?
Her body language says it all, she is absolutely giddy ~
something we have not seen from her in a long time. Certainly she knows she will be dumped!
From a source (no lie)…He has already been caught cheating in New York.
jennifer aniston is stupid. she’s too old to be this stupid. i used to feel sorry for her, but now i see that she deserved to be dumped by brad pitt.
this woman will die alone.
you get the men you deserve like hit and run mayer, I see another meltdown coming and media pity will throw more roles at her in their quest to make her a stahhhhh.
Desperation !!!!!!