Is anybody out there as turned OFF by this photo of P Diddy as we are? And for SO many reasons. He posed this way for Italian Vogue and it makes us wonder WHAT the Italians must think about American men and their egos. What do you like or hate about this picture?


63 thoughts on “IS P DIDDY KING OF THE WORLD?

  1. i hate the fur and his arrogance. he may have money, but he has tacky taste.

  2. At first glance I thought it was a picture of a gorilla! Seriously, look at it with your eyes squinted

  3. Janet, I agree with you and your team of bloggers. This man is a disgusting example of what is wrong with America today.
    That this man was allowed to procreate and accumulate wealth is a sad state of affairs.

  4. Seriously. What does this guy do, actually? (What does Diddy do sounds like something the Ronettes would sing) And he is a prime example of something valueless that is way over-valuated — kind of like the stock market back in the days of 14000s. Wonder if he’ll crash too.

  5. I’m Italian…I can assure you all that we hardly know we don’t care about him at all… If we ponder a bit we just don’t understand US music business: it gets people like him soooo rich while millions American are as poor as the 3rd world….unbeliveble!

  6. If it is real fur then he is a prick! I agree with the last comment he looks like a pimp no doubt!

  7. Puff Daddy, P. Diddy, what is that?
    He should go back to PUFF Daddy, because he always puffs his lips out, which is totally irritating. How did he get to be so mega-rich? I’ve never seen him do anything. He should have been neutered long ago, he doesn’t need any more little illegit blings running around.

  8. Diddy or whatever he is going by has a big ego. His attitude is what makes him a turn off.

  9. I reside in Canada and always enjoy your website, even though some pics and blogs are sometimes unsettling, now this one from that distasteful man P Diddy. The pic with the coat is just another statement ‘look at me, aint I beautiful’- gag, gag, gag, he is the epitome of whats wrong with this world, self-involement with no talent.

  10. Forget about this pic what janet should have posted was the one with the naked babies only wearing a bow tie. The D.A. need to put him in jail for promoting kiddy porn on the highest level. Promoting little naked girls for pedophiles to jack off on. When will he ever go down for the love of god!?!?!

  11. He is headed for eternal h*ll for not repenting of his sins and turning from them. Materialism and low low morals will put him in the lowest part of h*ll. I would not want to be him if I had 3 times the $$ he has. He is pitiful.

  12. Forget about this pic what janet should have posted was the one with the naked babies only wearing a bow tie. The D.A. need to put him in jail for promoting kiddy porn on the highest level. Promoting little naked girls for pedophiles to jack off on. When will he ever go down for the love of god!?!?!


  14. He looks like a drag queen with a facial hair problem. He looks absolutely ridiculous.

  15. HaHaHaHaHa! He is about a useless jackass isn’t he ?
    He fronts like he is the coolest thing EVVA…
    He’s a clown.

  16. He is a queer who is trying to make everyone think he is straight. Won’t make it in the movie business.

  17. He thinks he is so cooool.
    But……not in the eternal realm. He’ll be hot, the everlasting kind of hot, really hot.

  18. I have always disliked him because of his ego. Have you seen his show to find him an assistant? He acts like he’s king of the world. He and other ego busters (Kayne West is one) need to come back down to earth and see what’s happening in the world around him and use his money to help.

  19. I have always disliked him because of his ego. Have you seen his show to find him an assistant? He acts like he’s king of the world. He and other ego busters (Kayne West is one) need to come back down to earth and see what’s happening in the world around him and use his money to help.

  20. He’s disgusting. Absolutely useless and a HORRIBLE music exec. None of his acts last more than two years. I can’t wait for his inevitable downfall.

  21. I saw him on the Oprah show once and he said one of his proudest accomplishments is that his son’s basketball team that he coached won the state championship. He seemed so everyday and normal. But when I saw this picture, two words popped into my head: pimp city. I guess this is just his schtick.

  22. P Doody is not only homely – he is a jerk for promoting the use of fur.

  23. You are all haters. He looks damn good. Stick up your asses. Jealous haters. I can be an educated businesswoman during the day; but, when I play. I play hard and lood good doing it. He made that money – didn’t take it from any of you. You Wish. Spice and diversity – pallid monotone haters. Peace to you still.

  24. You are looking at a young black Hugh Hefner. Wait til he gets old and wrinkled like Hef. But, yep, with his dough he’ll still have whores out his ass, even when he is ancient like Hef.

  25. Everyt ime I see him on TV he is an ass. I’m just thankful that he is not smiling or talking. The two most hated things about that man. I really hate a gummy smile.

  26. Hey 6:39,
    How do you know if I’m pallid ? Yes, I’m educated like that…Oh, BTW, do you “lood” good, or “look” good ? I want to know, since you’re an educated businesswoman and all….

  27. i was about to post a comment for what I thought about this ‘man’ but you all have said for me!!! but i do agree with the italian.

  28. Cynda money does NOT buy class or campassion. That MORON attaches his pathetic self esteem with animals skins that animals suffer pain and die for. So idiots like this guy – EGOMANIACS- can flaunt his stupid wealth. If you think that looks “damn good” then you need a reality check and have no soul. Let’s see someone scalp your head of hair ALIVE and make it into a stupid handbag so they can show off. You need better role models than this self-important ass.

  29. P Dookie needs to respect animals. That torture cape he is wearing is cruel and evil.

  30. He’s disgusting and so full of himself for absolutely no reason. How one person can think so much of himself is absolutely mind boggling. How he gets through a door is beyond me. What a huge turnoff!

  31. I was more disturbed over his picture with his infant daughters dressed as playboy bunnies minus the suit. This picture is just bad.

  32. This violent man hates women and mistreats them! He’s a damned abuser and a criminal punk with absolutely no class!

  33. Liberace’s ghost called-he wants his outfit back. How could any self respecting straight male dress in that showgirl outfit? GAG.
    Diddy has seen ScarFace one too many times LOL

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