Photo Credit: Splash News
Dustin Hoffman took his daughter shopping at A.P.C. in Soho. He must be the shortest one in his family. We’re sure he MEANT well, but Dustin was one of the Hollywood stars who signed an open letter in 1997 to then German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, PROTESTING the treatment of Scientologists in Germany. Fortunately, Chancellor Kohl ignored the Hollywood letter and Germany has gone farther than any other Western European country to RESTRICT the rights of Scientologists. Germans regard Scientology not as a religion but as a profit making enterprise and a cult. In fact, several prominent Germans have compared Tom Cruise to Goebbels the Nazi propaganda minister. We wonder if Dustin still supports Scientology.
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Janet have you ever visited Germany?
Comparing Tom Cruise to Goebbels is a little harsh non?
I would say he is closer in appearance and mannerisms to Otto Albrecht von Bolsching.
This because he was made with a SOFT ONE, folks!!
I have known this for some time, that Germany has great wisdom in knowing that Scientology is nothing but a money-grubbing demonic cult. Other countries that are against SCI are: France, Italy, Greece, Russia. And maybe Dustin does support SCI, if he admires one even shorter than him, namely tiny Tom SCI-master.
They are the most ethical people on earth and the biggest sinners while they are at it
It’s a cult and actors are drawn to it because of the egotistical “we are the most ethical, we have all the answers, we are the only ones who can help” while still allowing to sin and look down upon the rest of the “wog” people.
Who cares what Dustin really thinks.. Let him waste his life recruiting the deranged, ignorant and naive into devoting their work, health, money and freedoms to the society; and take his commission from the Scientolgy HQ’s. Remember he’s just an actor and money grubber not a genius and or feels especially kind towards the needy. A normal charity is funded by the support of donations, sponsorships and subsidies but he knows this isn’t an institution set up to provide true substantive help to the needy but has its own rules and regulations, he doesn’t believe in anything but good luck and wise investments. It is viewed as trouble making cult, excluding basic religious rights, it’s members interfer with politics, policies and creates unease among the trapped and brainswashed citizens of those nations that allow them to flourish.
Well maybe Dustbin thinks if he supports the scientology cult he’ll get movie parts. Let’s face it the short ugly douche is so over. When I look at him, I’m sick. Ditto Cruise, Will Smith, the Soprano fat prick, Travolta et al. They are all finished!
$cientology is nothing more then a CRIME SYNDICATE. They survive on the the lonely masses who unwillingly give their money over to this destructive cult. In return, they get nothing but harrassment and brainwashing!
It’s nice to know our Hollywood “Stars” don’t have influence in other countries like they do here, them thinking they can throw their weight around elsewhere is embarrassing.
The only day that little leprechaun should shine is next Tuesday, St. Patrick’s Day. Ever hear him being interviewd? What a retarded little elf. With his dumb-ness, he most likely is a Scientologist.