Photo Credit: Splash News
Rihanna and Chris Brown’s PR people are frantically calling all over town trying to kill the story about Chris supposedly hitting his girlfriend Rihanna in a rage. We heard that Rihanna “disappeared” for awhile at a pre-Grammy party she atttended last night with Chris and that ignited the blow-up. Chris was NOT happy with her explanation and later when they were driving home alone together they started arguing and stopped the car. According to our source the fight turned physical and Chris struck Rihanna and she called 911. He supposedly ran away. Since Chris was on the lam and Rihanna was bruised, they both backed out of performing at the Grammys. Reps are trying to get the couple out of this nasty situation gracefully. Last we heard they claimed the pair had an “auto accident.”
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Any small-testicled coward (Chris Brown) who beats a woman should be sent to prison for a long time.
It is a shame that American society elevates street thugs to Heroes, look at Rihanna’s founder, the dirty street criminal J-zee who now travels in a yaucht in Monaco?
The girl-beating ‘artist’ Brown has been booked and arrested and released on $50,000 dollar bail folks!!!
The funny thing is that this loser drives around in a RENTED Lammborghini!
I did not write the above comment…someone on here has an obscession with me and has been writing using my name…coward…use your own name if you have the balls to say anything!!
The REAL Reta
Chris wanted anal from Rihanna and she wasn’t in the mood, so he hit her, then roughed it off of her. She likes it rough.
Let’s hope she dumps him and isn’t one of these stupid girls who thinks he won’t do it again.
Let’s hope she dumps him and isn’t one of these stupid girls who thinks he won’t do it again.
ooooh honey i told everybody chris beat up rihanna so she betta hav a black eye or sumt lol……….and o yea….did she even pinch the nigga????
Apparently he hit her upside the head with an Umbrella!
I read that she gave him an STD. If that’s true you can’t blame the guy for being really pissed off. And if it is true — shame on you Rhianna!
She bossed him about one too many times and he told her to get out and she went ballastic and says who pays your way cheap fool! Then they got it on.
It will be interesting to see what happens, she probably has someone on the side which is probably why she “disappeared” at the party, maybe she broke up with Chris that night and like most men he couldn’t take it.
Apparently JZ was collecting ‘rent’ from Rihanna in the toilet cubicle and Chris caught them mid-act.
i dnt think chris hit her at all
Leave him
chris brown wouldnt ever hit a girl he is not like that!!! ILoveYou chris ♥♥♥
why chris do not do that
Press charges, Rhianna!
Anyone saying she deserved it because he was pissed about something only embarasses themselves withth their ignorance of domestic violence. Chris is young, but he has crossed the line now, showing everyone he is just an everyday criminal.
Maybe this case will reveal to many that domestic violence is pychological terrorismn ot just physical only, and can happen TO ANYONE.
Pray for Rhianna!!! She is publically humiliated. He did that to her too & that is worse that the bruises & cuts & pain that will soon be gone. Hopefully the good will come from her now being able to break up with this monster manipulator.
OMG..!!! you guys are obviously not Chris Brown fans…maybe he did hit her but there is also a rumor saying that he contracted herpes from her and for the people who don’t know…you can get herpes from sharing a soda so be careful…anywayz maybe she hit him first and him hitting her was just a reaction because i have met chris brown multiple times and he never would hurt a woman…such bitchesz
i think dat this is all bull sh*t and people should just mind there beeswax.
well i think that chris brown woud not do such a thing 2 a woman bt if he did maybe it is because she did somthing worse so lets not critisize the guy with out noing the true story…and well chris u shoud now that i love u and ill always be a fan bt i think u shoud do smthing or even say sorry 2 rihanna .
I dnt think chris hit dat 304
I can’t belive you would say that she should leave him I think you should stay with him he is cute he didn’t meen to.
i still like him any way he did the right thing leave her ass
for all those who say that they should stay together, have you seen the picture, this girl got beat down its ridiculous! she bet not ever go back to him unless she wants to look even worse and it dont matter how much he say he love her cause by the looks of it he doesnt love her that much. but she needs to move on to bigger and better things , she is 21 now and chris is still 19, a kid, so she needs to find her a real man that wont hit her but love her right and leave that little boy to himself!