Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore were in a group of ten that visited the lounge at the Peninsula Hotel in Chicago recently and they made a distinct impression. He was in town promoting “The Guardian.” According to an observer “Demi looked absolutely gorgeous, but she DID have her hairdresser and makeup artist with her. Ashton was SO into her – he couldn’t do enough for Demi – it was really sweet. Some of Ashton’s relatives were with them – they were kind of unsophisticated and drank out of beer bottles. Ashton kept his family amused and paid them lots of attention. At one point somebody asked the server for something and Ashton made a point of adding PLEASE. We were surprised that he’s such a GENTLEMAN.”

About The Author

14 thoughts on “HE'S NO PUNK

  1. “they were kind of unsophisticated and drank out of beer bottles.”
    WHAT, They drank beer out of a BOTTLE!
    Lord have mercy.
    The nerve of some people!

  2. She brings along a hair dresser and make up artist. I think anyone would look good if they had a paid staff to make them look good.

  3. WHY IS THIS GOSSIP? Someone saying please! Oh my god, stop the presses!

  4. Some of Ashton’s relatives were with them – they were kind of unsophisticated and drank out of beer bottles.
    ….that’s hilarious!!
    i am 41 and wish i had the 26 year old cock of ashton

  5. Yeah, if I had all the plastic surgery and lipo Demi has had – I’d look great, too! I don’t mind these two – they just don’t interest me.

  6. Fake teeth, fake boobs, fake tan, fake everything. “She looks so good.” What a joke. She doesn’t look good, she looks plastic and phony, as most of them do who are afraid to get old and look their age.

  7. The gays are always nice to their beards, er, wives.
    All of mine were!

  8. Margo you got that right. Ashton is queerer than 2 moons at sunrise.

  9. Ashton is queerer than 2 moons at sunrise.
    LOL! Pass the bong!
    Talk about wishful thinking.

  10. Ah, what the hell. It’s nice to see somebody happy, even if it is a “beard” situation. What matters is that it works out for both of them. She has the cream of some young guy and he has a wife that can help him get ahead…no pun intended, really.

  11. Mimi got the bong now.
    Come on Mimi pass the damn thing lol

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