#elvispresley #janetcharlton
a href=”http://www.janetcharlton.com/images/2013/01/pictures.4ever.euelvcut.jpg”>

Let’s not forget to note that today, January 8, is the birthday of Elvis Presley. Of all his incarnations, we love to remember the rockabilly Elvis pictured above. Keep in mind what John Lennon once said: “Before Elvis there was nothing.”

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6 thoughts on “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ELVIS!

  1. If there ever was one man on earth more handsome that E, I don’t know who it is. (this is not E’s best photo, by far).

  2. Happy Birthday to the King! Peanut butter and banana sandwiches all around!

  3. I live about 20 miles from Graceland. You can’t believe how many fans come from many countries ….Jan. 8th for his birtday and August 16 for his death. There are many events planned, one is where several of his ex-girlfriends have a question and answer session. It is truly unbelievable…..million$ are pumped into the city’s economy. Whether you like him or dislike him, there has never been another that can command what happens here.

    I (heart) Elvis….never will be another.

  4. I love the “edgy” Elvis picture. That was a sexy look back then and he really was a sexy guy! Too many people only remember him in the jump suits and not the Levi jeans!

  5. is it a coincidence or what?
    never forget this again: JOHN DELOREAN’S BIRTHDAY IS THE 6th OF JANUARY.

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