Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
Charlie Sheen’s exwife Denise Richards has an ear to ear grin because now the whole world knows she was RIGHT. Early on, Denise didn’t want her two daughters spending time in the home of their dad Charlie Sheen and his wife Brooke. She kept her reasons for those reservations to herself. But she DID appear to be an unreasonable exwife. Denise wants her daughters to have a relationship with their step brothers (Charlie’s twins) so eventually she did allow supervised visits. It looks like Denise knew what was going on in the Sheen house all along and didn’t want to be the whistle-blower. She must be getting a lot of child support because she’s kept her mouth shut through all of this.
If she knew there was drug activity going on and still let her very young children go over there without supervision then she endangered them. They could have gotten into the drugs and OD’d or gotten very ill, or drowned in (I’m sure) the pool when the druggies we’re looking. If those girls were MY kids I would had strenuously stuck to my guns and no matter WHAT came out I would have done anything to protect my kids from that life.
I’m sure all the kids have Nannies on hand 24/7. Can’t imagine Charlie or Brook wanting to be hands-on all the time – to self-absorbed to be good parents.
Denise – your hair looks great (as always) xx
……….just anyone?
What would the bitch have to say that wouldn’t reflect bad on her, she is a fucking ugly, man stealing, no talented whore.
Denise is a low-life alley-cat man-crazy slut, and she will never ever get a decent man. She has just a bad a rep (almost) as Charlie low-life. All their kids have been secondary thoughts to their moral-less, druggie lifestyle.
After marrying the hopeless druggie alcoholic whore-monger Charlie and then having a steamy affair with Richie Sambora, who would want her, except for a few one-night stands. These bimbos are clueless about high standards and they just live for the moment. Sooner or later, it will catch up to them, especially on Judgment Day.
Denise is no angel, but it has to be great vindication for her to see this stuff coming out about Charlie and Brooke.
I feel sorry for ALL of the children involved for having such messed-up parents.
Too many religious freaks here talking about “judgement day.” Ugh !!!
Patricia, I agree with you completely!! This site has an overabundance of Jesus freaks and Bible thumpers and gay bashing assholes…more so than any other site I have ever been to, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why? What’s the dynamic? Why here? It’s insane and the worst one is that crazy Captain America…he thinks every sinle man that is posted about is a “faggot”. I think HE is a disgusting asshole who has some sort of mental illness to see nothing but thast in every male he sees. And Janet LETS him keep posting his hateful drivel.
Regarding whoever above said “judgment day”….I seem to remember from church that a 35 year wise pastor mentioned this many times. I assume he got it from the Bible. Oh, I guess I’m baaaaad for commenting on the comment.
Those who do not believe there is a Judgment Day will be judged even more harshly on the coming Judgment Day. These are the Bible illiterate. Wait and see. Signed: proud to be a Bible thumper, etc.
It’s bad enough that Janet NEVER gets a story right, but she is just plain stupid also. Charlie’s sons are his daughters HALF-brothers, not STEP-brothers!
The last bastion of the ‘STUPID’, The Bible…..bring it on …… can’t wait for judgement day….. bambi you and your kind will be judged and found wanting…say hello to old nick for me!!!!!!!!!
The last bastion of the ‘STUPID’ is the Bible…..bring it on …… can’t wait for judgement day….. bambi you and your kind will be judged and found wanting…say hello to old nick for me!!!!!!!!!
Denise is doing a good job as a mother.
She follows all the rules and there children have the right to know there father and other family members.
Spending time together and getting to know each other more and find out there likes and dislikes.
Having a nice lunch together and having a nice snack together and playing and running and jumping and talking is fun and it is a really good way to Built a family to allow each other to get to know each other.
THIS WOMAN IS TRUELY AMAZING MOTHER AND…Puts everything into her family and she has massive respect from all the people around her that know her and love her.