DavidcutSpade_04%20copy.jpgWe give credit where credit is due. David Spade attended the Kitson fund-raiser and instead of mooching around for a gift bag or freebies like SOME actors do, he spent his OWN money and purchased a fund-raising Omnipeace T shirt. Keep in mind it’s not all that often that a celebrity voluntarily forks over some cash.

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  1. If the celebrities are so charity conscious, why not just write a check for $65 directly to the charity? Oh yeah, they want public credit for actually giving money away instead of grabbing for freebies and their accountant told them they’d get a tax deduction.

  2. Wow, he PAID for a T-SHIRT. What a selfless philanthropist! His generosity brings a tear to my eye.

  3. pretty dorky. im sure some african dictator and his minions will use the money to buy more weapons and fund a luxurious vacation in the south of france. also, the dictators need some more money to buy a new mercedes and fix the gold plating on their toilet seats. ohhhhhh man

  4. What?> Should we petition God to give him points for that in heaven. Real charity is helping your fellow man down on his luck directly yourself, without talking about it.

  5. True charity is anonymous. You don’t have to pat yourself on the back or bring attention to yourself.
    I agree with the comment that one should send a check directly to the charity.

  6. This is earth shattering. I smell sainthood for David. He’s our very own Mother Theresa. A true angel.

  7. he is nice but look at lauren graham next to him taking what she can get cheap scape she is

  8. he is nice but look at lauren graham next to him taking what she can get cheap scape she is

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