Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
It looks like pregnant Christina Aguilera and her husband Jordan Bratman are taking a shortcut through a back alley here. Watch where you step, Christina! Apparently Jordan is eating for two right along with Christina, and he’s packed on a few pounds himself.
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Well he has a big fat COCK why do you think she is with him? For his looks above his waist? NOT.
Chrissie has the whitest bleached hair I have ever seen. By the time she hits 30, she will be thinning. And speaking of thinning, her rather plain looking spouse needs to diet STAT.
Even before she went platnium blonde, she had thin hair. I think that’s why she started experimenting with the loud extensions a while back. Anyway…Christina’s over-the-top, bigger-than-life persona seems to be who she is and as long as she’s happy, then how can anyone hate on her? And as for her husband’s looks…he’s obviously doing something right if they’ve got a baby on the way 🙂 Sometimes if you step outside of your “norm” for the type of people that you date and open you mind and your heart….you meet the most amazing people. Good luck and God Bless Christina!
Christina and Britney as most know, grew up together on the MickeyMouse Club. As to their voices, Christina can sing rings around Britney. Listen to Chris’s voice alone, forget the slutty clothes, partying, whatever. Chris can sing, Britney can’t. Too bad Brit can’t find a seemingly nice man like Jordan. They’ll be great parents, too.
She’s a whore
Janet, what is your problem with this guy? You are always posting nasty remarks about the way he looks. He doesn’t look fat to me.
I think the botox is getting to your brain, Janet. It’s leaching in.
Yeah Janet,,,get off the guys back,,,you always have a snarky remark for him. He seems like a pretty nice guy for this town,,low key,,has a job and has to put up with Cristina. Back away from the botox.
Is it just me? Not having the common courtesy to tell her fans on her website that she is pregnant? Just telling everyone but the people who made her famous? Since she doesn’t acknowledge me the fan as someone she needs to tell, I don’t acknowledge her either. Same goes for Miss JLO.
It IS just YOU,,,why do you feel like she has to tell YOU anything, you’re view of your place of importance in the world is distorted, and guess what,,,She just sings. Just sings. So quit buying into what the machine has been selling you and stay off their websites
“So quit buying into what the machine has been selling you and stay off their websites”…what machine?
the media machine,,the entertainment machine,,the publicity machine,,,if you can’t figure it out,,you’re very sad.Do you jut think this product ends up in your face and ears on it’s own,think about it
Mister/Ma’am, have you thought about therapy? You seem to have alot of anger.
“What therapy?”
LOL, that’s what I thought.