We’ve always had a thing for Walt Disney and we’re sorry to say that one of his most popular original Mousketeers has died – Cheryl Holdridge. (she’s right behind Walt in the photo) Unlike many child stars, she went on to have an exciting and glamorous adult life. She married Barbara Hutton’s playboy son Lance Reventlow, who died in a auto racing crash, and her second husband was a Danish count. She kept her good looks and went to many Disney reunions through the years. Cheryl died of lung cancer.

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  1. Lance Reventlow died in a crash of a small aircraft, not a car crash.

  2. MY favorite Mouseketeer is bad girl Darlene, seated in the front.
    She went on to an adult life of crime and prison time!

  3. Cheryl Reventlow was our daughters God Mother.
    They used Reventlow as thier stage name at Harry Golds. My husband Stevan lived at Cheryls home along with “Dudley” Lance Reventlows man servant for a very long time.She was like a big sister to him. Our times in Aspen with her will always remain some of the most wonderful times ever.If you would like to share photos contact me at the above email address. Cheryl was one of the most generous person I’ve known I will always miss her.

  4. I was introduced to Ms. Post in 2007. We became fast friends and have stayed in touch by mail and phone between Santa Monica and Chicago. She was so very kind to me. she was sill beautiful inside and out.
    In 1958 while my mother was expecting me she came across the beautiful Cheryl in a scene from the show. I was named for her.
    Good Night Sweet Lady!

  5. We will always remember Cheryl Holdridge, long after later Mouseketeers like Britney Spears have gone. The only resemblance between them is that they were both blondes, Cheryl was a lovely lady, full of goodness. Condolences to all the other Mouseketeers who will be missing her. It goes to show just how temporary life is-live while you have it. This news has hit me between the eyes, so unexpected!

  6. I lived around the corner from Cheryl in Santa Monica. I passed by her condo yesterday. It looked so sad and deserted. There is still a Mickey Mouse Club logo in one of the windows.

  7. Private memorial services for Cheryl Holdridge will be held on Saturday, January 31 in San Pedro, California.

  8. I knew Cheryl slightly for many years. She always seemed to me to be a bubble of sunshine, talented, good humored and fun. In spite of the pressures of a career in show business that brought her the ups and downs of fame, and her prominent marriages, to me Cheryl always appeared grounded and unaffected, a person you’d really like to have as your next-door-neighbor, always ready with a hug and a smile.
    Sail on, Golden Girl, sail on by…and God speed.

  9. I knew Cheryl slightly for many years. She always seemed to me to be a bubble of sunshine, talented, good humored and fun. In spite of the pressures of a career in show business that brought her fame, and her prominent marriages, to me Cheryl always appeared grounded and unaffected, a person you’d really like to have as your next-door-neighbor, always ready with a hug and a smile.
    Sail on, Golden Girl, sail on by…and God speed.

  10. I knew Cheryl slightly for many years. She always seemed to me to be a bubble of sunshine, talented, good humored and fun. In spite of the pressures of a career in show business that brought her the ups and downs of fame, and her prominent marriages, to me Cheryl always appeared grounded and unaffected, a person you’d really like to have as your next-door-neighbor, always ready with a hug and a smile.
    Sail on, Golden Girl, sail on by…and God speed.

  11. I met Cheryl when we were both 14, and had long telephone conversations with her, off and on for about 5 years. I was 8 months younger than she was, but we had something special going on during those years. I lived in Santa Monica and she in Sherman Oaks. While I never dated her, we talked about dating issues many times, when we were about 16. She was waiting for her prince to come along, and it was clear that she was not going to be dating a younger poor boy like me. But I was a good sounding board for her, and she was so nice and kind to me.
    Many years later, my mom met Cheryl at the hospital when my mom was a nurse on duty for her husband, Lance, who had stacked up his race car. Cheryl and my Mom had a discussion about those long conversations from our teenage years, and according to my Mom, Cheryl had fond memories of those days. (me too!)
    I was living in Aspen at the time, and my Mom told me that Cheryl had a home there as well and I should look her up. I never did. I moved back to California, where I own an accommodations business, here in the tiny ski town of Bear Valley. So long Cheryl, I will always cherish the fond memory of your smile, your friendship and your kindness.

  12. Lance Reventlow was killed of small plane crash at Vail, Colorado, not from auto racing.
    I have met Cheryl several times. She was a very sweet person. I have several autographed pixs from her. I was saddened with tears running when I heard she passed away that night.
    Am an ardent fan of original MMC.

  13. By the way, Cheryl wasn’t an original Mouseketeer as she joined them in second year.
    Walt’s favorite Mouseketeer was ANNETTE. Not Cheryl. But, she had a sunny personality with beautiful smile. Believe me, I know all about the original Mickey Mouse Club as am an ardent fan from the beginning in October 3rd of 1955!

  14. Cheryl Holdridge was a nice woman and she is one of a kind. She was cremated per request.

  15. Did she inherit part of the Woolworth fortune? After Lance died did she inherit his millions?

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