National Enquirer


Megan Fox made a surprise appearance at her former fiancé Machine Gun Kelly’s recent 34th birthday party. Many people were surprised because they assumed their relationship was over after they called off their engagement. We know that the couple are still together for now, working on the relationship with therapy sessions a few times a week. Their engagement is still on pause and they’re not technically in a committed relationship, but couple’s counseling is helping them decide whether they should stay together and work toward marriage or go their separate ways.

Blast from the past, Delta Burke, made a surprise appearance on the Glamorous Trash podcast and while she dished the dirt on what happened with her exit from Designing Women , what she didn’t reveal is that CBS is working on a reunion movie, bringing back Delta, Jean Smart and Annie Potts. We know that the tentative script has them reuniting in Atlanta for the funeral of Julia Sugarbaker played by the late Dixie Carter. It’s not a done deal yet, but if the stars align the funny women will be back in Atlanta making us laugh.

Catch and kill has been in the news a lot this week thanks to Donald Trump’s ongoing criminal trial in New York City. Former National Enquirer honcho David Pecker testified how the tabloids make deals to purchase unfavorable stories about certain celebrities and not print them in exchange for cooperation from the celebrity. Our longtime work with the tabloids certainly made us familiar with this concept and while we weren’t there when the Trump agreement was hashed out, we can share this juicy tidbit. Decades ago the Enquirer made a similar deal with Bill Cosby – in exchange for not publishing stories about his wandering eye, Cosby provided the tabloid with exclusive interviews and information for years.

David Beckham made the news twice this week. First when he posted a video to his social media of The Spice Girls reuniting to honor of Victoria Beckham‘s 50th birthday. His second headline was his $18.8 million lawsuit against Mark Wahlberg and his fitness company F 45. Here’s what we know about both stories… Not only did the Spice Girls reunite for Victoria’s birthday, but they’re planning to perform together at next year‘s Grammy awards as they are set to be honored. As for the lawsuit, we’re hearing that it’s going to get ugly unless it gets settled quickly. David is confiding to pals he has some sort of smoking gun, but he’s not revealing exactly what it is!

And finally, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce were vacationing in Carmel, California, this week but rest and relaxation weren’t the only reasons they were there. We can tell you this: The couple is looking to put down roots in California outside of Los Angeles, where Taylor already has a home. In addition to the Carmel and nearby Monterey area, they are also considering Santa Barbara. They are looking for a coastal community where they can settle down and raise a family. We heard that was the REAL reason they spent time up there and plan to visit Santa Barbara in the near future as well.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA





Does Sofia Vergara realize how lucky she is to have married nice guy Joe Manganiello? Her last fiancee, banking heir Nick Loeb, turned out to be a massive sleazeball in many ways. Sofia just won a court battle against him ruling that he cannot use IVF embryos they created together before they split. Remember, this is the guy The Enquirer exposed back in 2012, when two prostitutes came forward with info about his personal habits. The two took lie detector tests and described Nick as a sex addict who regularly indulged in viagra and cocaine fueled sex orgies with as many as five hookers at once in fancy NY hotel suites, with porn on every TV. Some of the girls cost $1000 a night. Their identities were kept a secret and after the story came out, Nick started calling hookers he knew and threatening them, trying to find out who sold the story. The story was published one week BEFORE Nick proposed to Sofia and she ACCEPTED! Unbelievable. Fortunately, she came to her senses (she should THANK The Enquirer) and they did not marry. Anyway, now Nick is promoting his conservative ANTI-ABORTION film Roe v Wade starring Jon Voight. Several actors and the original director of the film quit when they saw the “inaccurate” script and Nick ended up directing and acting in it himself. True to form, Nick never paid some of the actors who did appear in the film, and they are complaining to SAG. Sofia really dodged a bullet…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA -Sofia and Nick in 2014


We were SO delighted to learn that The National Enquirer was responsible for exposing the Roger Stone sex scandal in the mid 90’s when he was top advisor for Bob Dole’s campaign. Ironically, Dole was lamenting the “moral crisis in America.” Stone was fired after the lurid story about him and his wife advertising in swingers magazines for threesomes (with MEN!) calling themselves a “hot former model and her bodybuilder husband.” Those were the good old days – this scoop couldn’t happen today because the NE publisher, David Pecker, protects Donald Trump and his friends…

To see a photo large enough to read every delicious detail, visit my Facebook page and click on Enquirer page photo


We have to congratulate The National Enquirer for their fabulous scoop on the world’s richest man, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. Married Jeff has been besotted with beautiful TV presenter and entrepreneur Lauren Sanchez and sneaking around with her for at least eight months. (Bezos and Lauren’s husband Patrick Whitesell had been friends) Lauren was so thrilled with the romance that she showed her friends naked photos and love messages that Jeff texted her. Naughty girl! ONE of those friends couldn’t resist leaking the info to The National Enquirer a few months ago and the tabloid immediately started investigating and documenting the torrid romance, which they recently revealed with a flourish! Nicely done!

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA


The National Enquirer dropped a BOMBSHELL today and it was almost like old times! The tabloid says Richard Simmons, 68, has been out of sight because he’s been having hormone treatments and secret surgeries to turn himself into a WOMAN! That explains a LOT! They claim he is now living as a female and calling himself Fiona. The Enquirer says lately he’s been going in and out of his house totally unrecognized. (She might be the woman next to you in the supermarket!) Apparently they have juicy photos to illustrate the story. And this scoop could easily be TRUE – remember the Enquirer wrote about Bruce Jenner having a sex change for YEARS before it happened! And the fact that the Enquirer’s lawyers okayed this headline story is another indication that it’s most likely accurate. If Richard wants to live as a woman – you go, girl! Live and let live! Can a reality show be far behind?



The National Enquirer just kicked Barry Manilow, 71, out of the closet and we predict that after he gets over the shock, he’ll be RELIEVED! Old fashioned Barry has always been secretive about his private life and feared that female fans would abandon him if he admitted he was gay. Of course, most of Barry’s fans assumed he was gay and didn’t care. Barry married his longtime manager and the head of his production company, Garry Kief, 66, last year in a secret celebration at his Palm Springs home. They had a ceremony but didn’t file papers to make the union legal. However, they ARE wearing rings. It’s nice that Barry can finally relax and be himself.
(Above, Barry and Garry at LAX)

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News



The NY Post’s Richard Johnson has backed up our story about Bill Cosby’s years-long deal with The National Enquirer. The Enquirer was first to get wind of all the girls in Cosby’s life and they worked out an arrangement with him. As long as Bill provided occasional interviews and exclusive stories about himself to the paper, they would not write about the many women he fooled around with. (He even leaked a story about his daughter’s drug problems) Now that his philandering has become public knowledge, the deal is presumably OFF.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News



The Enquirer’s sensational claim that Philip Seymour Hoffman was having a gay relationship with his best friend and co-writer David Bar Katz has the showbiz world in a turmoil. From what we’ve heard so far, the magazine claims to have an interview with Katz in which he admits that Hoffman was torn by his gay impulses, and his sexual ambivalence and the drug use destroyed his relationship with the mother of his children. Now it makes sense that if Katz WAS Hoffman’s secret lover, he knows he won’t inherit anything, so he might as well sell his story. But now Katz says he NEVER told the Enquirer he had a relationship with Hoffman! What’s going on here? The Enquirer doesn’t take chances on lawsuits unless they have plenty of proof. Their lawyers okay every word in the magazine. Has the Enquirer crossed the line? This will be a VERY interesting story as it develops.

Photo Credit: Hoffman at Sundance 2014 Pacific Coast News

UPDATE: The Enquirer has admitted they were duped by someone falsely identifying himself as David Bar Katz and apologized for the inaccurate story. We wonder if the fake Katz collected a bunch of money.


#johntravolta #gay #janetcharlton

We just KNEW the John Travolta gay expose was not over. This week’s National Enquirer has an interview with a former employee of John’s who was his secretary from 1978 to 1994, and she knew he was gay and it never bothered her. She also says she was aware of Travolta’s 6 year sexual relationship with his pilot Doug Gotterba in the 1980’s. Gotterba wouldn’t talk about it, but a later boyfriend of his DID reveal details about the gay relationship. The Enquirer also mentions that 16 year old Brooke Shields was once set up on a date with John to make him look straight. John’s lawyer must be delighted to see more hours of litigation ahead! (Photo above, John is kissing his “manny” Jeff Kathrein, who took such good care of his son Jett)


The Whitney Houston death photo scandal stirred up by the National Enquirer appears to be winding down. In spite of a call for a boycott, the issue sold very well for the tabloid, so they had no regrets. The people who run the funeral home denied involvement and pointed out that the cell phone photo was taken during a viewing, not the actual funeral. The strangest turn of all came when Whitney’s family asked the POLICE to investigate and find out who took the picture. As if the police could or would make such an effort! A private detective MIGHT nail the culprit who sold the photo, but maybe the family doesn’t REALLY want to know at this point. Accusing a relative or friend of Whitney would only prolong the sadness.