This is how Alec Baldwin makes light of the fact that he roughed up a photographer and now he’s in hot water. The NY Daily News cameraman caught Alec at the court house getting a marriage license and Alec DIDN’T like it. Baldwin attacked and now the guy has filed a report with police. So Alec playfully wore a sheet next time he left home, but he forgot that he wouldn’t be able to see very well. That lady perched on her walker is trying to figure it all out.
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Wonder how much his presence contributed to his movie with Cruise bombing.
Hilaria needs to run or she will end up like his ex-wife and treated like a filthy little pig.
Will the same Media that is firmly lodged in his butttt notice his anti-gay tweets at the Daily News Editor.
Nobody can fully understand him; in fact he doesn’t understand himself.
I have to agree with Chris above. This should be a glaring, glowing sign for Hilaria Thomas to run away from the impending marriage. Run fast and run far far away.
Baldwin is a talented actor. However, he has proved himself to be short tempered, physical and verbally abusive to those around him.
I also agree with Chris. I don’t understand why some women will not listen to people telling them a man is no good and will totally ruin their life. The last girl who married Charlie Sheen was warned to stay away from him, probably by more than one person and she ignored the warnings and now is a messed up addict, which I think he totally caused. Anyway, it mystifies me why the media and everybody seems to just love Alec Baldwin. He’s nothing like he used to be. He’s a fat, misogynist bully and he loves to pick on people who he considers to be inferior to himself. In short, he’s the worst kind of a hole imaginable. It makes me sick the way the media and the public is always fawning all over this arrogant pig.
Kitty , I agree. This guy has one hell of a temper. Run.
The girl that is marrying him must have been gagging when he walked out the house with a sheet over his head.
It is hot as hell in nyc and he is walking around with a blanket!?!?!?
“He’s nothing like he used to be. ”
– as if you actually know him (self-deluded, presumes intimate knowledge of subject)
“He’s a fat, misogynist bully and he loves to pick on people who he considers to be inferior to himself. ”
– and you are no doubt; slender, gracious to all, and magnanimous, it’s odd, as your post would argue quite the opposite, inferior like yourself, you actually mean…
“In short, he’s the worst kind of a hole imaginable. It makes me sick the way the media and the public is always fawning all over this arrogant pig.”
– in short ??? , as you drone on ?? He’s not nearly the worst a**hole, just a typical one, and you’re obviously jealous of his skill, fame and fortune,
admit it you old fat crone ! you are inferior, thats what really pisses you off
Serena is a fool.
He has massive anger issues, she would be insane to marry him
It’s New York City, that lady on the walker has seen much weirder things.
But wouldn’t it be a hoot if he had fallen in an open manhole?
In short… sum it up…..bottom line:
He is a loose cannon and has been a loose cannon for many years. Kitty has just profoundly and succintly elongated in correct words his many many problems. The main one is, he is sooo calm and nice when everyone agrees with him, but when he is crossed, watch out and get the hell away from him, you know his demons are stirred up.
That’s what he should have been wearing on that American Airlines flight.
You have a sick twisted way of thinking. That’s something I really like in a person. lol : )
He’s probably texting, too. But hey…it’s all about you, goofball.
So true, Indy.
can’t miss: THIS IS CHEAP AMERICAN HUMOR, folks!!
@Walt, 🙂