
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

We bet that when Chris Henchy was in high school he never imagined he’d marry the head cheerleader. But this ordinary guy accomplished even more – he ended up with the Blue Lagoon dreamgirl Brooke Shields. She’s now starring on the new series “Lipstick Jungle.” Way to go, Chris.

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  1. She’d probably say she was the lucky one. With all the enablers, neurotics, addicts and nutcases in H-weird, she is lucky to have a stable, normal, loyal guy.

  2. man she’s had a lot of work in the last couple of years. can’t any of the beauties age gracefully?

  3. Are there not enough tall men left in this world that can be at least one inch taller than wifey-poo? Yet, for another example, Eva Longoria is too short and tiny for Tony.The world and all in it is topsy turvy.

  4. They look healthy & happy. They should with two beautiful children. This is not ordinary – especially in “Hollywood.”

  5. They look healthy & happy. They should with two beautiful children. This is not ordinary – especially in “Hollywood.”

  6. They look healthy & happy. They should with two beautiful children. This is not ordinary – especially in “Hollywood.”

  7. She’s still stunning, if a bit “harder” looking of late.
    Her husband looks as if he should be night-managing a Wendy’s in Akron, Ohio.

  8. Brooke will always be a hot piece of ass. I love her and think she’s beautiful. True her husband does look like the night manager at a diner!

  9. A CATCH?
    I’m fully hundred percent sure this woman must be locked away in the MADHOUSE!
    This woman really neighs like a HORSE and WHINNY’S like a MULE!!

  10. She just ain’t that purty. And he just ain’t that handsome.

  11. if you look at photos of him from about two years back, he looks hot and she doesn’t.
    i haven’t seen this show yet, but if its anything like “cashmere mafia”, it sucks.

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