Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Britney Spears dressed to go to court this week. Afterward she made the inevitable stop at a gas station for sustenance. What do you think of her outfit?
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Britney Spears dressed to go to court this week. Afterward she made the inevitable stop at a gas station for sustenance. What do you think of her outfit?
Usually her dresses are the same length as this blouse with no panties underneath. So it’s nice to see her with her bottom half covered up for a change. I don’t think I’m the only one around who doesn’t want to see her birth canal exposed again.
Ugly talentless media whore! GO AWAY!!!
I think this annoying young woman has no idea of what constitutes appropriate dress for ANY occasion. If I were the judge, I would have sent her home to dress in a manner that showed respect for the proceedings. And tell her to wash her hair!
Perfect for a body that’s made of gas station burritos.
at least she’s wearing underwear…… or at least we hope she is. i like seeing her in clothes.. i mean she still looks like a fat pig but at least she’s a covered fat pig
she has pants on – that is a good thing, keep it up!
So wrong!!! I’m surprised the judge let her in his courtroom. Most people would be sent home to change. She should be scolded for showing such disrespect to the court. So lame.
What the hell is wrong with this girl? She is shockingly rude to the judge – who is being extremely patient with her – and acts like she is bored by the proceedings. I thought her mother and sister came to Los Angeles to help her! If I was her mother I would slap the shit out of her daughter until she becomes the darling little girl she once was! Out of all those kids who burst onto the scene 8 years ago Britney was one I would never in a million years think would end up like this. I had my money on Christina Agulera, whom I never liked. Talk about being wrong! Christina is the mature one who never lost track of her talent and her life. I think there is hope for Britney but not until she gets some sense slapped into her.
wal mart’s finest
I think she looks pretty.
Margo channing, I don’t know who is posting that text with my name under it? I think it’s a Faggot-friend who wants to get some kind of “REVENGE” or something because of all the nice words about FUCKING FAGGOTS around the net. I’m sure the girls know it’s really me when I post some text. That text from the other gerard Vandenberg is simply too complicated for me to understand and so write!!
I’m from Holland, you know?This new-fellow is definitely a FAGGOT-FRIEND!!
hot diggity dang, y’all – I shore do look purty!
margo channing, you’re a pretty naive human being, you whore!!
Also,,, I think her top is simply fabulous
and I would wear it to court just as or pair it with a wide black belt and wear it shopping with a pair of simple flats. Stunning.
A wide black belt??with black flats,,,daring! Mr. Vandenturd,,how astute you are,,I simply would have never thought of that combination. I do think you are spot on. How about that combination with a pair of black tights,,combined with the flats?? I know they (black tights and Britney) get a bad rap but the fall weather is coming. Keep those fashion tips coming Mr. Vandenturd,,who knew?you fabulous Dutch beast
Your looks were so damn horny. Eliminate the new hair-style, all the fucking make-up(less is more), those wide dresses, over-entousiastic smile!! I WANT THE “OLD” BRITNEY BACK!!
Only this inbreed could make Federlinkhole look like a King. Poor little Federlinkets.
Look at that fat pap in the background. His shirt, Wanted-gym membership pronto. Get a life.
Well when your in court is it just another ball game and people there are real squares and are boring and bland in there dress…Of course you can’t look like your going out and enjoying the summer weather and put on something sexy and hot!!!You always and forever dress down in court and wear really dark colors and have you hair placed in a bun and little make up and that is the way it is and it is alright to change your clothes after…Because she may want to go to the beach or go out the park or go to the Zoo but there is always another reason to change her clothes?