Here’s a first. At least as far as we know. When Barack Obama has a big rally like the recent one in Fort Worth, not only is every audience member carefully screened for weapons or contraband, but they are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to wear anything with a HOOD! Apparently the possibility of an attempted assassination is very real and a clear camera view of everyone’s face in the crowd is essential for security. It makes sense, but fashion-wise, who would have guessed that the sensible hood would someday become sinister?
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There is nothing odd about that. Its the same rule for public schools, at least in my state and every state I’ve lived in come to think of it. Obviously somehow a weapon can be hidden or something for them to enforce it.
Considering the fact that he was in Texas, I’m not surprised. Texas was responsible for JFK’s death.
Texans are the most well armed in the U.S.
There are more guns than people in Texas, 14.8 guns per capita. 23,000,000 people X 14.8 guns per person is a lot of guns. The average IQ in Texas is around 90.
Whatever…….He is still a Muslim, and the fact remains that Muslims were responsible for 9/11.
He’s a wise man. Hoods are the choice fashion of people who don’t want their faces seen. The habit originated with the ‘yobs’ in Britain. But what would happen if a Muslim woman (or a male terrosit disguised as one) in her black robes and fabric over her face were to approach the gathering?? That would be a political football! Yesterday, when I was at a mall in Washington State, I watched as a security guard approached a person who, to my utter disbelief, was walking around not only with a hoodie, but with it pulled right up and over his head so you couldn’t see any part of his or her face or hair. I’ve never seen anything like it. Clearly, the guard smelled something sinister. I wondered, too, if it was a burn victim because that’s how snug the fabric was around the person’s head. But I didn’t see any eye holes!
He’s a wise man. Hoods are the choice fashion of people who don’t want their faces seen. The habit originated with the ‘yobs’ in Britain. But what would happen if a Muslim woman (or a male terrosit disguised as one) in her black robes and fabric over her face were to approach the gathering?? That would be a political football! Yesterday, when I was at a mall in Washington State, I watched as a security guard approached a person who, to my utter disbelief, was walking around not only with a hoodie, but with it pulled right up and over his head so you couldn’t see any part of his or her face or hair. I’ve never seen anything like it. Clearly, the guard smelled something sinister. I wondered, too, if it was a burn victim because that’s how snug the fabric was around the person’s head. But I didn’t see any eye holes!
brian birchall: haha, funny stuff.
d2r2: grow up and think more openly about how muslims have as much diversity within its ranks as any other religion or group of people. many muslims condemn the 911 attacks.
To Bran Birchall, aka Rancher – you wrote:
“Considering the fact that he was in Texas, I’m not surprised. Texas was responsible for JFK’s death.”
Bran, you are sooo stupid for writing that.
So you are indicating that all of Texas is responsible for JFK’s death? What planet do you live on? Planet Dumbass?
The citizens of Texas were not responsible for his death – only Oswald. It just happened to occured in Dallas.
Don’t all presidential candidates screen the audience? So what’s the big deal!
The Clintons are capable of murder, Believe Me!!
Same as Hillary rallies and McCain rallies and Huckabee rallies and…*yawn*
It’s a secret service policy, not an Obama policy, stupid.
I totally understand that the comments section should be a place where everyone is free to express their OPINIONS – no matter how ignorant those comments may be.
And stating that Barack Obama is a Muslim is FALSE.
Allowing that FALSEHOOD to EXIST here in the comments section, is IRRESPONSIBLE and makes the site owner/moderator implicit in the further spreading of such a lie.
Thanks, Elle!
fiddlestix and d2r2: Agreed that not all Muslims were glad of 911. However, my gripe is: We allow mosques here, yet go to a Muslim country and try to start a Christian church and see how long you keep your head.
It is all over the internet that he is a Muslim. He took the oath of office not on the Bible, but the Quran.
The “hood” became sinister when Muslim terrorists attacked the World Trade Center.
Even if he considers himself Christian, Catholic, or atheist, he is still a Muslim, by birth, by going to a Muslim school, spurning the pledge of allegiance and by swearing on the Quran. I am not for him or Hillary. He is also in cahoots with Lewis Farrakhan (spelling?) All this is not gossip, but fact.
It’s not new, Janet. Even before 9/11 when I was in LA on vacation, most of the tv shows I got audience tickets for had the rule that hoodies were forbidden in their list of rules.
It’s not new, Janet. Even before 9/11 when I was in LA on vacation, most of the tv shows I got audience tickets for had the rule that hoodies were forbidden in their list of rules. They often have a gang association.
America is heading into the biggest depression since the thirties.
I believe the N.W.O. is more than willing to let a Democratic woman or black man wear it.
Hillary would get no respect from Arab leaders.
Obama couldn’t run a hot dog stand.
And the economy goes pa-uke!
Y’all are gonna run back to Republican town in the end crying “what have we done”?!
Your CREDIBILITY is in grave question so long as you do not remove the PATENTLY FALSE LIE that Obama is a Muslim.
I am a longtime fan and reader of your blog, and believe in free speech.
Do the right thing Janet. Step up.
FOR SHAME woman, if you shrink from your responsibility.
P.S. Dontcha just love it when SMEAR MONGERS attest that “it’s a fact” but then NEVER actually provide any LINK to those back up those, ah, “facts”?
Lazy. Lying. Fear+smear mongering. Loser(s).
Just sayin’.
Whether you hate Barack or not, he deserves all the security he can get. I sincerely hope nothing happens to him.
BTW, people can try to smear Obama as much as they like. They’ve been saying he’s a Muslim for months, and yet he’s on the road to getting the nomination. He’s already gotten a million donors; that’s 1 in every 300 Americans. And when the general comes around, watch as all the young people, sick and tired of all this bullshit, come out in droves to vote for him. We’re the ones who will have to pay for the Iraq war, and it’s high time we take our country back.
hillary clinton better WIN! BECAUSE I DON’T TRUST……. OBAMA!!!
America is already on the down-slide and it’s doubtful if anything significant can be done. Bush and co. have largely ruined us: almost 4000 killed and over 40,000 wounded and for what? So regardless of who wins…….