Pete Wentz was guest DJ at the Atlanta club Fever last weekend and his Fall Out Boy band members and his girlfriend Ashlee Simpson came along for the ride. The guys had a great time – they were mobbed by babelicious admirers all night, and Ashlee, who’s usually the center of attention, just had to grin and bear it. Pete has lightened up on the eyeliner, hasn’t he?

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  1. He is Bi- Sexual I made out with him in Vegas b4 ASSley came along. It’s known he like to make-out with guys. He’s a good kisser very orally talented 😉

  2. Ashlee is what she is…..a man-crazy, dick-hungry slut. Apparently her sister was a great teacher. And their father is a minister. Oh, the hypocrisy of it all. The sky is falling, the sky is falling.

  3. Seems like Ashley can finally rest her head on something real. She likes the way that feels.

  4. when you date a celebrity, even a washed up one, you have no idea the balls women have. Your holding hands, sitting next to him and some woman comes up sits on his lap and stuffs her number in his pocket. It comes with the territory. She’s young and it’s so annoying even if you are self confident and secure in your relationship you just HAVE to deal. They are fans, he wants to be nice, his rep is that he is nice. But it does really suck!!!!

  5. Chicken Little you dumb WHORE… you can’t even lay eggs you old hen. You wish you had a man like Pete but you can’t blanche. Sit and spin b!tch.

  6. ashlee, I think you’re quite as dumb as your sister and wake up out of your”dream” that there is a chanche of having a nice family-life with your pete wentz asshole. This sucker loves the boy’s!!

  7. OMG this dude sucked me off once in a locker room. Damn, he was real good too.

  8. All of those girls look like cheap whores. Working girls… no doubt working the streets with their cheap MADE IN CHINA cha cha heels.

  9. Gee, what I always wanted–a guy who wears eyeliner.
    Where are the real men?

  10. We should be seriously praying (yes, praying!!) for these mis-guided souls. Is the following statement true or false: When one thinks of Hollywood, the words, porn, fornication, druggies, party hearty, greed, very low morals are all applicable to lala land. H’wood as well as the world is ripe for judgment. As a side note: Peter Wentz per his Wikipedia bio states that Pete himself says he likes boys, and Ashlee, etc. does not even care. Hon, you will care when you get a gross disease.

  11. she looks thrilled to death to be in that photo with those skanky ho’s. I bet he had to hold her hands all night so she didn’t start ripping out their weaves

  12. Actually, the girl on the far left is an old friend of mine, her name is amanda,she is very smart and is in school, and she is not a cheap whore. Who are you to judge thoses who you don’t know.

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