We were happy to see Arsenio Hall turn out to be the winner on Celebrity Apprentice. Happily, neither of the smart but mean spirited women, Lisa Lampanelli or Aubrey O’Day, came out on top. When his talk show went off the air in the mid 90’s, Arsenio disappeared. During his heyday, he palled around with Eddie Murphy and they ruled the club scene and made funny movies. When that ended Arsenio dropped out of sight and we’re betting he felt forgotten by his showbiz friends. So it was nice to see him resurface on Celebrity Apprentice and use it as a way to get back in the spotlight. It worked. He’s got several offers for another talk show and seems thrilled with it all.

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  1. Thanks,I knew I missed something this morning- I forgot to check I’d drawn my eyebrows on.I’ll do that right now.

  2. He dropped out because he couldnt handle the heat of the press prying into his personal life…he’s a cross-dressing Queen! Just come on out Arsenio….good gawd…your almost 50!

  3. Phewf! I figured Clay was going to win by default, after losing to The Velvet Teddy Bear on AI.

    I’m sooo glad for Arsenio, he really was the best peron for the win. I can’t wait for him to get back on TV again. Great, great guy.

    Tagg, actually he said he dropped out because he chose to raise his son. His son is now a teenager, and Arsenio feels he can now concentrate on his career ambitions, once again. Maybe he’s in need of little cash boost to his bank account, as well? After all, raising a child is not a cheap feat.

    I just wish I could have seen Aubrey’s face, when he was anounced as the winner. Priceles. Eat that O’Day!!!

  4. Do many Americans actually watch the rubbish show with the insufferable Trump?

  5. “Dentures” are no problem any more nowaday’s.

  6. What is his marital status? Not married at 50 years of age? No family or offshoots to continue the family tree?

    Very suspect. Could he be an effeminate?

  7. I loved the Arsenio Hall show in the 90s!

    BUT, I really dislike The Apprentice because it’s a useless Corporate thing and I’m anti-Corporation.

    I will never watch Arsenio again. He’s ruined my respect for him.

  8. I can’t watch that show because it has Donald Trump and his elephant-killing son on it.

  9. I don’t know if Arsenio has been married, but he does have a 12yr old son

  10. He looks a lot like Star Jones. And he’s wearing way too much foundation.

  11. Hey Muffie…the Brooklyn bridge is for sale too!

    Btw: Arsenio owned his show…he doesnt have money issues.

  12. Tagg, I’ll be sure to check into that little morsel of info!!

  13. So happy that he brought some issues to life and had emotions and feeling and concern and worries about Aids into the spot light and yes I Gather understanding in that Direction because I had a sister who got that Disease and Died from it and yes it took it sweet time but her life ended Jan 23rd 2010 and her name was Joyce Patrice Kelly Hammond…Love the fact he was crying and feeling the emotion and care.

  14. I could tell some people drove him crazy and really got on his last good nerve but Arsenio had passion and drive and push but at the same time often blended everyone together and worked as a team and push and pulled and really busted his butt to make this happen and of course he really did an amazing job and really pulled it off and was a true blue under dog and really rocked it and hit it out of the park in many direction…Good for him and I am sure everyone who know this man is very proud of him and he should hold his head high.

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