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19 thoughts on “ANYTHING TO DECLARE?

  1. b bobby you are an idiot
    I don’t understand why this creep is still
    not in jail!

  2. Some people are just messed up!! Lock this bastard up and throw away the key.

  3. This was not even remotely funny, is being a pedophile amusing to you?

  4. WTF?!?! Is that an actual child in a bag? Or is this some unfunny Photoshop joke? Either way, this guy is a convicted pedophile and the photo is not in the least amusing.

  5. Janet is a racist..she would have never run a photo like this if the child was not a minority. Her old posts about Vietnamese nail salons and why celebs with lots of money would go there etc..showed her true color.

  6. Janet is a racist..she would have never run a photo like this if the child was not a minority
    The reason why she showed an Asian child is because those are the children he RAPED..
    This has ZERO to do with racism.

  7. Maybe zero to do with racism but why post a photo giving more press to a fricken pervert and making a joke about it?

  8. How can we differiante between a gay person or a phedophile, when they want to adopt kids?

  9. I just don’t agree in allowing gay people adopting. What is going to happen to next generation of kids? AIDS are on the rise in Black and Latinos in NYC yet no numbers are out for white men who often times are married are predominantly having sex with black and latinos on the down low and they think they are safe yet they go home and have sex with their wife or girlfriends spreading diseases back to women.

  10. And that, 11:21 AM and 11:33 AM, is precisely why the USA is doomed. A once proud nation has fallen, thanks to the politically correct liberals and the heathens that do not heed the words of the Bible regarding homosexuality.

  11. wow man, weird people are commenting in here. there used to be some funny “regulars” once upon a time.
    wha’ happened?
    (as for the above pic…what a disgustng creep.)

  12. wow man, weird people are commenting in here. there used to be some funny “regulars” once upon a time.
    wha’ happened?
    the tribulation is not happening yet okay?
    (as for the above pic…what a disgustng creep.)

  13. Yeah, I get the whole joke — the only thing is, sex crimes against children are never funny. Not even in the slightest.

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