Amy Winehouse MUST be getting sober because she did something surprisingly thoughtful. She, like others in the UK, know how puritanical Americans can be. (Especially after her visa experience.) Keeping this in mind, she drew a little black bikini top on the large topless female tattoo on her arm so it wouldn’t offend anyone watching her appearance on the Grammys! After the show, the makeshift top was washed off.
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All I know about Amy Winehouse is what I’ve read here and in other gossip sites. I finally saw a show on her today that included a lot of her pre-fame interviews, etc. It didn’t give me enough to comment on her vocal talent (which I have yet to hear), but I have to say she was MUCH more beautiful before she gained all the tattoos, the eye makeup and the beehive. Not to mention, of course, the drugs.
My question is, if she’s so bloody talented, then why does she resort to all the gimmicks (beehive, tats, eye gunk)?
Anyone else but me sick of this chick?????
She’s not unlike Debbie Harry, Madonna, Cher and all the other outrageous female performers before her. However, she does have an immense vocal gift and may be doing that gift a terrible disservice by all her so-called “gimmicks”.
Personally, I do believe her CD Back to Black was the best CD of last week. It was sheer perfection, so raw and pure. I’m glad the music academy recognized that, despite all her travails.
Americans arent puritanical. They just have a little something called common decency. English people don’t have to make fun of Americans, because some Americans have morals. Besides, if the US is so bad, then please stop selling your albums here, and trying to make profits from this country.
Tats just scream…”Low Class”….sorry, I’m not the first to make this statement. Her voice is just so-so.
She told us she was trouble
Dressing her tat shows a sense of humour. I think its funny.
And American’s are puritanical. Settled by the Puritans and been that way pretty much ever since.
Americans are not just puritanical — they’re sexual hypocrites. They love to brag about how “they’d hit it” when they see someone they think is “hot”; can’t keep them off porn sites or out of strip joints; they love to dress like Barbie whores. But, should you actually have sex or be perceived as dating more than three partners by a certain age, you’re immediately labeled a whore, slut, what have you. I’m American and am bored by this childish behavior.
covering the topless tat was a condition of doing the show.
She’s hot!
Janet, you need to change the name of your blog to ‘Amy Winehouse blog’ . You seem dangerously obsessed by aMy. Have you seeked out some talk therapy and add/adhd meds for this?
I’d like to hang with her to see what she is really like. I find her interesting in a sultry kinda way. A sense of humor in her song selection. I’m no good & rehab. She sings with alot of attitude.
Me too Anon 2:16 i always have this feeling when i see her that she would be fun to hang around with and a good friend!And she does sing with a lot of attitude…
..she’s so zany-quirky-sexy.
Seeee…that is what we love
about her, she is a muse
with a centuric voice…
Her mind leaves her again when it comes to herself!!
Anyone ever hear the mash-up of her song with Linda Ronstadt’s vintage hit “You’re No Good”? It’s the schnizzle. Do a feature on Linda, Janet, you must have some old photos of her lying around the house???