We LOVE LOVE LOVE Amber Rose for revealing the TRUE Kim Kardashian. Amber calls Kim a “homewrecker” and blames her for breaking up Amber’s romance with Kanye West. Amber says Kim set her sights on Kanye and sent sexy photos of herself to him, even though Kim was dating Reggie Bush at the time. Amber warned Kim to stop but she didn’t, and eventually that’s what ended Kanye and Amber’s long relationship. In retrospect, Kim did Amber a favor, but the sordid story reveals Kim’s self-centeredness and lack of respect for other women. It’s funny how Kim likes to think of herself as a “good person” who “tries to do the right thing” but her behavior indicates otherwise.



  1. anonTWO and muffie are the same gotdamn turd that keeps circling and circling but just wont flush. Nicole was a lady you foul mouthed gutter trash! A animal like you should never utter her name…pig!

  2. I get a kick out these dumbbunnies who talk shit like gutter trash,get all fired up defending these opportunistic blood money exploiting grifters when these bitches are skinning you alive. pathetic

  3. The only person I’m defending, Dickhead, is myself! You brought MY name up, dumb ass loooooser! Now go get back to your rim job would ya?

  4. tommy, the hillbily scumbag takes in the patoot- FOR ABSOFUCKINGLUETLY FREEEEEE!
    Tommy the greasy turd who think it was born human is scornful of whores like his mother and KK who make a dollar off of whoring, he whores for free!
    well, he has actually to pay his mom to sodomize him with the kim kardashian fashion doll while he wanks his 3 inch radish to playback of the 1994 oj trial.

  5. gutter talk= tommy.
    gutter trash= tommy
    tommy started the flaming (how appropriate is that word) and is now offended when he is flamed in turn.

    stupid fuck.

    you dont even realize you are denigrating the very people you claim to be honoring with your stupid, twisted obsessive messages posted here.

  6. Nicole Simpson did not know you and if she was the lady you say she is, she would have had nothing to do with a sad sack of greasy excrement like you.

    You denigrate Nicole Simpson’s memory posting your sad, ridiculous, twisted, obsessive little messages here.

    You cant even see that.

    This topic was NOT about Nicole Simpson or OJ Simpson, you made it so due to your ongoing issues.

    Now, put you head back up your mom’s crotch and shut the fuck up.

  7. anonTWO Go shoot yourself or better yet stick your ugly meat head into a garbage disposal. You are a disgusting foul mouthed idiot who no man would ever want to be with You are much to vulgar and ugly.

  8. That bitch Kris Jenner is tormented by so much guilt for failing to save Nicole she peddles her own daughters like the pimp she is. They’re the most hated family in the world. Their only fans are nutjobs like muffie and anonTWO Over and out

  9. “By tommy
    On January 6, 2012 at

    anonTWO Go shoot yourself or better yet stick your ugly meat head into a garbage disposal. You are a disgusting foul mouthed idiot who no man would ever want to be with You are much to vulgar and ugl”

  10. tommy, the hillbily scumbag takes in the patoot- FOR ABSOFUCKINGLUETLY FREEEEEE!

    Tommy the greasy turd who think it was born human is scornful of whores like his mother and KK who make a dollar off of whoring, he whores for free!

    actually, tommy has to pay his mom to sodomize him with the kim kardashian fashion doll while he wanks his 3 inch radish to playback of the 1994 oj trial.

  11. I must apologize to Janet’s readers I seemed to have kicked up some demons from the depths of hell who have risen up to defend their earthly sisters. It was not my intention to expose the readers of this fine blog to such vulgarity.

  12. gutter talk= tommy.
    gutter trash= tommy
    tommy started the flaming (how appropriate is that word) and is now oh so offended when he is flamed in turn.

    stupid fuck.

    you dont even realize you are denigrating the very people you claim to be honoring with your stupid, twisted obsessive messages posted here.

  13. tommy has to pay his mom to sodomize him with the kim kardashian fashion doll while he wanks his 3 inch radish to playback of the 1994 oj trial.

  14. By tommy
    On January 6, 2012 at

    “Go shoot yourself or better yet stick your ugly meat head into a garbage disposal. You are a disgusting foul mouthed idiot who no man would ever want to be with You are much to vulgar and ugl”

    and then:

    By tommy
    On January 6, 2012 at

    “I must apologize to Janet’s readers I seemed to have kicked up some demons from the depths of hell who have risen up to defend their earthly sisters. It was not my intention to expose the readers of this fine blog to such vulgarity.”.

    Bipolar, huh?

    Medication might, MIGHT help you, Tommy.
    Ask your doctor to prescribe or adjust the correct dosage for you, little man.

  15. for the same fucking reason the Jersey Shore freaks are famous, they are on television!

    stupid ass.

  16. I apologize to the readers for the vulgarity spewing out this devil’s hole.

  17. OOOOH.

    clutch the pearls.

    little man is offended by the vulgarity posted here even as he posts this rubbbish:

    By tommy
    On January 6, 2012 at

    “Go shoot yourself or better yet stick your ugly meat head into a garbage disposal. You are a disgusting foul mouthed idiot who no man would ever want to be with You are much to vulgar and ugly”

    atupid, useless, little man.

  18. You really are not very bright. You probably didnt graduate from High School. You seem to be a vulgar uneducated low class skank who doesnt have much of a grasp of the meaning of words. You’re one nasty pile of shit

  19. I apologize to JC for flaming on her message board.
    I am done here, Miss Charlton.

    I will resume ignoring little man as I have done all these months he has posted his weird,twisted OJ obsessed messages in forums completely unrelated to OJ Simpson.

  20. I didnt know Janet was friends with Nicole. We should get together.

  21. Strom is like an eagle scout compared to muffie the sausage girl and anusTWO.

  22. I too, apologize to anyone who I may have offended by leaving my foul posts regarding the Jackass above. This guy is something else and he really makes my blood pressure skyrocket.

    PS. Jackass, in answer to your question: why is this family famous? As I stated above, they are super-famous now, because America had had enough of Paris Hilton(including the producer of the show, Ryan Seacrest) and therefore shot them into the Mega-celebrity stratosphere! Can you comprehend that concept?

  23. “sausage girl” hmm? That’s a new one. Well I guess your the expert on sausage’s right Rimmer?

  24. I dont accept your apology you vulgar pig. Now get on your knees and beg forgiveness.

  25. You wished Vermin! You are the last person in the universe I would EVER apologize to, Rimmer!

  26. anonTwo, please stop posting. Your posts are really offensive in the extreme.

  27. And you, too Muffie. Please be civil, or funny or clever, but enough with your vulgarity. It is extremely offensive.
    Take a pill.
    And you, too, anonTwo, take several pills.

  28. Tommy, I am just Patrick.
    You really are a hopeless, little weiner.
    Aren’t you.


    Kim= plastic surgery addicted whore
    Amber=beard who did not have sex with Kanye once!

    Reggie=…ya know, I’m beginning to think he’s closeted gay only a queen would associate with plastic whores and a beard!

    Team Tommy!

    And fuck the Kockroach Klan! Thats what I’m calling them from this point on KOCKROACHES. Kim Kockroach and Pimpmama Kochroach!! Disgusting creatures.

  30. Ha, Strom is an Eagle Scout compared to the last 20 posts. But never an enabler of PC.

    Glad to see JC or her shadow jumped in and showed her teeth.

  31. Hey Muffie!!, how about that game between the Bruins and Canucks today?

    (Trying to distract you my friend).

  32. The Bruins are dirty players. Good on the Canucks for winning this game on Bruins ice!

  33. Oh Denise, it was awwwwesome! It’s too bad they couldn’t have played that way in game 7. They are a much deeper team this year and I’m sure they will meet again in another playoff match up. Sorry for your loss, but it was sweet revenge for Me and all other Vancouver fans! Right Patrick? Hopefully Salo and Ebbit were not injured in the game.

    I even picked the right score for my hockey pool too, so it’s a good day for #1 Canucks fan.

  34. Oh what the he heck, let’s bump the comments to 100.

    PS. Thanks for the “distract”ion Denise! I definitely sighed a breath of relief when I saw it was you posting and not that other guy! I wasn’t up to another go ’round today!

  35. Hopefully next time the Bruins will keep their focus and discipline. As was reported in the Globe sports section, the Canucks are not a team that you can put on the power play too often if you hope to win.

  36. Agreed Denise.

    Last time I poste it was at 100 comments. Janet must have pulled a few posts.

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