As much as we love Jerry Seinfeld, we are guilty of simply forgetting to watch his Crackle online series “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.” The 15 minute shows feature Jerry picking up another comedian in a cool car and driving to get coffee. The show just go renewed for the third season and we’re vowing to catch every episode. Alec Baldwin’s segment is both amusing and revealing – just ordering a sandwich can be an issue to him. (Click HERE to watch episode) Alec may be difficult, but he IS funny. Sometimes a show “about nothing” is the best kind…
I keep forgetting to watch it too Janet, thanks for the reminder.
Jerky guy banter, no thanks.
Baldwin is such a pig.
so try it as a plumber.
They are both over rated & suck!
I know Alec Baldwin is an asshole, but he sure is handsome.
There is another great conversation btw. Alec and Jerry. Alec interviewed Jerry for his WNYC radio show/podcast about a month ago. There is a link to it on the WNYC site. It is even better than the Coffee video. I am guessing that Jerry and Alec made a deal with each other – if you appear on my show, I will appear on your show.
I found it!
Seinfeld needs more money?
Jerry Seinfeld is a one trick pony that got lucky. He is a has been.
I can’t stand either one of these ass hats!
AB has some talent. But, agree he is a total pig. JS is annoying and got very VERY lucky. Last thing we need is more BS male banter from wealthy males. BORING.