Shame, shame, shame on the Kardashians and Jenners for not sending a SINGLE family member to take part in the Women’s March. Too busy taking selfies? Keep in mind the Kardashian-Jenner family made their fortune because teen girls watched their TV shows. The Kardashians taught these young female fans to slather on their makeup and take off their clothes to attract men. (Advanced education is a no-no subject in their house.) Granted it would have been difficult to march in five inch stilettos along with a beauty squad and MALE bodyguards. While we’re on the subject, we have to point out that Madonna may have had good intentions, but she made a huge mistake in trying to out trash-talk Donald Trump. She sounded like an ignorant guy with a pickup truck and a gun in the glove compartment. For some reason Madonna thinks its cool to act like a man. She needs to take lessons from Gloria Steinem. Gloria knows that women are superior and gives truly motivating speeches. And they’re not all about HER.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Madonna should be jailed for a terrorist threat, you or I would be. She knows she has demented fans that would perhaps listen to her rantings. As for these nobody slores, they need to go away forever.

  2. I quote someone very wise: “Today I watched as women protested in the streets of Washington DC. One of the women said “We are every one of us under attack. Our safety and freedoms are on the chopping block and we are the only ones who can protect one another.”
    I stand up to defend the unborn. You do not own the unborn, they belong to the Creator. They, not you, are under attack. You would place their necks on the chopping block. They, not you, need protection. I stand up to defend and protect the unborn young against the noisome screech owls who howl for the right to kill them. Be silent, you noisome beasts, your shrieking offends God.”

  3. Madonna is a 60yr old piece of trash and as for the K’s I’m not a fan of them, but aren’t they allowed to make their own decision whether they wanted to be at the march without being ridiculed?

  4. Here’s what’s hysterical woman who WORK can do quite well in America and that’s what the K girls are doing; they will flourish even more under this administration.

  5. Madonna has done more damage to Women since 1983 (the last time she was relevant btw) than Trump ever will. A filthy and disgraceful Woman.

  6. that march was embarrassing. could not believe the vulgarity while having children in tow. just disgusting. It will be a cold day in hell that I MARCH for the right to rip the unborn to shreds. Ashley Judd as lost her mind.

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