We certainly weren’t surprised to hear that Bobby Brown was arrested for a probable DUI at 12:20 PM today in Reseda, California. Readers may recall, we had an encounter with Bobby in a Beverly Hills elevator around a month ago and at 12:30 in the afternoon he REEKED of alcohol. (He was in a very good mood also) Not a lot of celebrities drink that early in the day but Bobby and Whitney both had a serious drinking problem that took a back seat to drug abuse. Driving drunk AND talking on the phone is a lethal combination and we’re glad he’s off the road.

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  1. He’ll get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

    Our culture no longer enforces consequences for our actions. Drunk drivers should automatically loose their priviledge for driving for six months. No deals. The second time five years. After that, never drive again.

    Why do we tolerate drunks on the road to kill or maim our children and destroy lives?

  2. Does anyone know what the first ‘comment’ is? These type of things that is not really our comment seems to appear at the top of every subject.

  3. Yes, CC I too believe that drinking & driving should have a 100% NO tolerance law enforcement! There is no reason for it, just get yourself a DD.

    Indy, I think that first post is someone wanting you to go read their blog. They seem to be piggy backing off Janet’s blog. I’m guessing its one of Janet’s associates.

  4. Muffie, I think U may B right. I’m not clicking the damn thing on, ’cause it may have a virus. 🙁

  5. Another day in the life of Being Bobby Brown.
    Any headline will do for this misfit!!

  6. and what’s with the Paris Hilton porn tape ad on the side of the column? This site is starting to worry me

  7. Oh dear. Bobbi Kristina Brown will never know what it is like to have low maintenance family members.

  8. It is too bad that he can’t straighten himself out. He just has too much money and time on his hands.

  9. Nothing will happen to him…again. There are two justice systems in this country. One for celebrities/wealthy and another one for everyone else.

  10. wms,

    What’s your problem with me?

    I’ve been been blessed by God and so far I have had no strokes or heart attacks. I am a firm believer in balance. I don’t indulge without paying the price. I jog every single day even on vacations or the occasional business trip. I don’t miss a workout. I keep my metabolism high and my cholesterol and blood pressure low.

    I’ve been retired for many years now and I do what I can to stay healthy and enjoy life with my lovely wife. I’m within 15 pounds of what I was when I was in the service. We are also active volunteers for our community. That will keep you on your toes!

    You sound like a bitter person. Life is too short to think like that. The next time you feel the need to say something hateful to me, just take that hatefulness and shove it up your ass. : )

  11. Obama, Al Sharpton, the Black Panthers, Holder and Spike Lee along with the leftist media are trying to get someone killed.

    This would be more shocking if Obama and Holder had not gotten 300 Mexicans killed with their ‘Fast and Furious’ political maneuver, sending guns into Mexico.

    Filmmaker Spike Lee tweeted the wrong home address for George Zimmerman, the Sanford, Fla., man who many are claiming should be arrested for shooting and killing Trayvon Martin. The tweet could have potentially put the woman who actually lives at that address in danger.

    The Washington Times’ Kerry Picket went to the address that Lee tweeted as members of the New Black Panther Party were offering a $10,000 cash reward for Zimmerman’s capture, “dead or alive,” and others were demanding his arrest.

    “[T]he Edgewater Circle address Mr. Lee re-tweeted out is not part of the gated Retreat at Twin Lakes where the shooting took place and where Mr. Zimmerman lives,” Picket reported. “The area is not even a gated a community.”

    “In fact, I took a drive to that Edgewater Circle address that so many on Twitter re-tweeted and cursed, and I discovered through a neighbor, named Tim, who lives across the street from the address, that not only does George Zimmerman not live at the lakeside house but a woman by the name of Elaine does,” Picket added.

    Picket also said several news agencies have showed up at the address looking for Zimmerman, which – with the crowds the Panthers, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have whipped up into a frenzy – may have put the woman, Elaine, in danger.

    It’s unclear specifically which news agencies trekked to the address Lee tweeted and why they failed to report Lee’s inaccuracy.

    This report follows new revelations in the Martin case, including Zimmerman’s self-described membership in the Democratic Party, freshly surfaced tweets from Martin’s Twitter account, and Martin’s various suspensions from school.


  12. @ walt
    How many damn posts did you post this response on that had nothing to do with this post. You are truly pathetic.

    Typical crude end response of a hypocritical “christian”.

  13. wsm,

    what’s your problem with me dip shit? Mind your own business.

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