So WHAT if Justin Bieber’s CSI episode failed in the ratings. He’s already got another deal with MTV as the new host of “Punk’d.” MTV has been eager to get Punk’d back on the air ever since Ashton Kutcher retired his 4 year old show in 2007. Ashton got tired of people panicking whenever they saw him, assuming they were part of a prank. Nobody trusted him. He’s back as executive producer and personally selected Justin to host- maybe because they have similar hair.

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  1. Or it could be because they are both milktoast boring and untalented?! Name ONE good movie Ashton has rode to box office glory (movie I said, not woman). Or ONE song that little creep that looks that he should be starring in Invasion of the Body Snatchers circa 1958 has warbled like a child in Sunday school choir. Migawd, they are interchangable completely with maybe the exception of a few wisdom teeth more with Ashton (not that they make him any more wise).
    Two bland, pasty, helmet-headed, chestless, muscleless, talentless, obnoxious creeps who somehow have managed to replicate themselves without sex (that 1958 scary movie again?)
    -Please just make it all go away and make the lights come back on…

  2. What do these two cluless wonders have in common? Where do I start: obnoxious, delusions of grandeur, prideful, stuck-up, no-talent. How can Demi be so dumb to stick with this serial cheater. And here’s hoping the kids will soon see that Justin is a little fluff who appeared and will hopefully be carried away with the next wind of Disney sleight of hand.

  3. Palermo, hahaha! Had the same thought. The show sounds like a snooze. I wouldn’t watch it for either of these two sissies.

  4. One is a cult freak in an open relationship with an ageing hag the other is an up and coming closet case.

    Just your regular H’wood coupling!

  5. Mel, don’t…you are giving all the pederasts boners.

  6. How lovely. Another failed enterprise to look foward to.

    Don’t they realize there’s a REASON that CSI episode failed? Bieber may be able to warble a bit, but put him in ANY other situation and he totally freezes up like a popsicle.

    And that freekin’ hair. I’m sick to death of it. When that phenomenon passes and his pitch drops, who/where will he be then?

    —Just another washed up has-been ‘tween act. Does “Hanson” ring a bell?

  7. I cannot believe that people think Bieber can even sing. He sounds like the average and unremarkable kid auditioning for the high school talent show.

    Thank God Bieber and Britney Spears live in different worlds, and there is a significant age difference, otherwise I would lay awake at night worrying that those two would eventually breed, and populate the planet with retarded talentless midgets with helmet-head hair extensions.

  8. THANKS Sebastian….NOW I will have nightmares all night long!!

  9. Sebastian, I think you’re half right with this one. Justin Bieber isn’t the greatest singer, but I heard him and he about 2 on a scale of 10, where Britney is -5. She has alot of noise in the background that covers her terrible voice.

  10. This two men are having woman around that want them and want to be with them and that is the common factor… They are both movie stars and can have all the woman they want.

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