You can’t turn on the TV lately without seeing Ryan O’Neal describing Farrah Fawcett’s tragic “last hours.” These are all the talk show bookings that were cancelled when Michael Jackson died just hours after Farrah. Does anyone really want to know about Farrah’s last breathing moments? There’s no mystery here. We are sadly familiar with the way she died and happy she was nominated for an Emmy. Ryan seems to be milking it for all it’s worth as he describes her last days in detail in that quivering voice, and compares his “loss” to his movie “Love Story.”
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Ryan is a scumbag, pure and simple. Always was; always will be. Screwing Alana in the next room while Farrah hovered near death!
Screwing Alana in the next room while Farrah hovered near death!
News to me……
How and why could Farrah fall for this jerk is beyond me. He is a bully, ill-tempered redheaded fool. His tears are somewhat real maybe, but mostly he is still milking the sad story for his own self, to get sympathy, and to keep his name out there. bleeech.
Bloated, scary mess….not to mention drug addict, child beater – who DOES drugs with his kid and then lets him rot in jail….father of the year – boyfriend of the year.
He’s really disgusting and dispicable. Farrah was beautiful and sad that she is gone – but she was no “angel” either. I think she had a bit of an “issue” with the drink and the nose candy.
Having said that, he should keep his trap shut and go away.
Did it ever dawn on you that he wants the truth to be known?
Most people hide those facts and FARRAH wanted the public to understand her battle with cancer.
Ryan is no Father of the Year, but I think he is sharing just enough (what Farrah would have wanted) without getting graphic. Cancer is awful and he is sharing the details like Farrah did in her documentary.
Go chastise someone else. LIKE MICHAEL JACKSON and his BLOOD-SUCKING CLAN.
Not such a saint that Ryan…have we all forgotten how he was doing the horizontal hula with Leslie Stefanson whilst still married to his “beloved” Farah? How’d he explain that? Oh wait….they got divorced…that’s right.
By Giny
On July 21, 2009 at 6:04 pm
Not such a saint that Ryan…have we all forgotten how he was doing the horizontal hula with Leslie Stefanson whilst still married to his “beloved” Farah? How’d he explain that? Oh wait….they got divorced…that’s right.
Check your facts again. Farrah and Ryan never married. They broke up in 1997. Also, while you’re boning up on your facts, learn to spell FARRAH’s name.
I havent seen him or heard him. What is he saying?
I haven’t seen or heard him on anything either. But wouldn’t watch cause that overly reddened skin of his reminds me of a boiled lobster, and he looks like if you touched him with a needed he’s pop open like a balloon!
thanks………….NO MORE, folks!!
I he would have used a condom before going back door, farrah would most likely still be alive today.
Griffin is the one I feel for. Ryan is toxic and Alana was NOT having an affair with him. Are you kidding? She hates him too.
How callous you are, Janet – Id like to see how you behave when you lose your loved one
He is exploiting her death, plain and simple. How pissed he must have been that Michael Jackson died right when he (O’Neal) was all set to do the talk show rounds with his “Poor Pitiful Me” spiel. He STILL wants to do a sequel to the Farrah documentary, for God’s sake!
He is a 1000% horrible father and was a disgraceful boyfriend. Farrah was no angel herself, but she didn’t deserve this leech using her illness and death for his own gain. Ryan O’Neal is a toxic joke and I hope he reads these comments and gets a clue but I doubt a clue is visible to him. People like him are blind to their own bullshit.
Ryan O’Neal is just creepy. I feel for his loss, because I think he did love Farrah, but her last moments on this earth are something I would think he’d reserve for family and close friends, not the world, while getting paid for it. But that’s just how I would handle it.
I can’t wait for karma to deal him a big dose of reality…it’ll be fun to watch.
I seriously wanted to believe that Ryan’s lesson had become a full circle. IOW he lost his love; the love he royally screwed and so now Ryan is facing “no second chances”; Farrah is NOT coming back. Thus Ryan has to face this reality and it’s eating him up, KWIM?
So he awkwardly tries to make it right but he can’t; she’s dead and he was an ass and that’s all what people remember.
It wouldn’t matter how many people Ryan slept with – if he slept with anyone else. Having anal sex – if they did and only Ryan and Farrah know that – does not mean your partner “gave” you cancer or that you “caught” it. Let’s not forget that Ryan has wanted to marry Farrah for years and it was Farrah who said no until just a little over a week before she passed. He’s grieving, his son Redmond is grieving, and not everyone grieves the same. Let’s give them our prayers but let’s also not give them any grief – Farrah’s passing has seen to it that Ryan and Redmond have more than enough of that.
What did Farrah ever see in this guy?