Lady Gaga took a serious fashion turn last night at the American Music Awards and we miss her twisted sense of humor. In every photo from the event Gaga is posing like a runway model, trout pout and all. Her gigantic platform shoes, hidden under her long pants, even gave her the height of a model. Was she living a dream? Unfortunately, her personality and sense of fun seems to have evaporated. She DID look glamorous, but we love the old outrageous Gaga.
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
ripe for the madhouse?
A disgusting fraud
Gaga, the meat dress–and a convention of pit bulls. 😀
Outrageous is great early in one’s career. Soon, though, meat suits become sad.
Gaga’s evolving in a cruel industry. Hopefully she’ll age more gracefully than other female performers like M…
I’ve always thought she, and those like her, must have very low esteem for her own performing abilities if she feels the need to make herself look clownish in public constantly.
She’s very talented but her narcissism is getting in the way. She needs to get back to basics. Go back to the club scene that made you famous in the first place.