The “miracle birth” of octuplets has officially gone sour. Nadya Suleman’s eight babies were regarded with awe when the births were first announced, but the story of her private life has turned the public against her. The public was horrified to learn that this woman already had six children (including one autistic son) thanks to fertilization. They were further appalled to learn that Nadya reportedly worked at a fertilization clinic and chose to risk the health of her babies by refusing selective reduction. The legal and ethic ramifications for the doctors involved are staggering and what must the reluctant sperm donor, identified as David Solomon, be thinking? The premature babies are expected to rack up two million dollars in hospital bills before they are released, and millions later to treat expected health problems and possible handicaps. Since Nadia, 33, is a professional student, she lives with her parents – that’s three adults and 14 children in a three bedroom house. So Nadya is trying to drum up money by selling her story – so far Oprah and Diane Sawyer are eager to interview her. Will diaper companies donate the thousand diapers a month needed for these babies? Americans seem to have turned on this woman and assume she’s out of her mind. But we do have a twisted fascination for the details, so she probably will make a lot of money with those babies.

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  1. I want to vomit thinking of this mentally ill beast and the poor children who must be subjected to her insane selfishness. It’s virtually guaranteed that most, if not all of them will have medical problems for life. Any doctor who gave fertility drugs to or performed IVF on this woman must be identified, stripped of his/her license and brought up on charges. There is a lot of sketchy information about this whole “family” including the sow’s bankruptcy, the many names by which they go, the grandfather trying to sneak out to Iraq, the identity of the father(s) of these poor children. It’s a nightmare that the public will inevitably end up paying for. Nadya must be sterilized, at a minimum, and should probably be institutionalized. Any media outlet that pays this woman for her freakshow childbearing is only encouraging more of this grotesque behavior, and should be boycotted. If she does get paid to pimp out her babies, that money should go to the creditors she screwed when she declared bankruptcy.

  2. Selective fertilization is the murder of a child. One may wonder why the doctors went ahead with the implantation of so many eggs, and why she agreed, but once they’ve taken, they’re babies. PERIOD.

  3. mrschip, have you sent this moron a check to pay for raising these babies? Until you are footing the bill, STFU. Period.

  4. Ah, Anonymous 10:48 what a reasoned response! Now, murder is acceptable if these children prove to be costly to ‘us’ the taxpayers. How very Margaret Sanger of you. Well,what say you, Mr or Ms Fiscal Conservative? Do you support the use of taxes to kill these children? Can’t have it both ways.

  5. we can’t have people abusing medical treatment to conceive.
    I THOUGHT infertile couples choose IVF treatment as a last resort to conceive.
    This woman had previously given birth to 3 separate sets of twins!!!
    The question is why she was allowed to continue IVF treatment after having 6 children.
    There is no reason on earth why this woman (and others! using IVF treatment as a slot machine.
    The children born in her last litter weighed all of 2 pounds and could not breathe on their own.
    This has to stop.

  6. you want to talk about having it both ways, mrs chip?
    you use science to conceive (which is unnatural) but when SCIENCE asks women who have been implanted with several embryos to reduce the number of fetuses during their pregnancy to improve their chances of having a HEALTHY pregnancy and giving birth to HEALTHY children, you have the audacity to condemn the procedure.
    YOU can’t have it both ways.
    Those children did not ask to be conceived or born to a 3 ringed circus.
    Those children weigh less than two pounds.
    Those children were hooked up to ventilators and possibly face a lifetime of PREVENTABLE heath issues.
    YOU can’t have it both ways.

  7. the drs are in on this scam and should be censored.
    the media is presenting this scam as a miracle when in fact it is a wake up call of how IVF treatment is being abused by the mentally ill.
    this has to stop.


  9. Maybe all you right wing Bush supporters will want to “adopt” one of these little litter mates, and fund them through the age of 18. Sort of like Save the Children. Every month you get a picture for your money. Put your money where your mouth is, and take out your big fat foot.

  10. These poor kids! Don’t this is going help them much.
    It is the media attention.

  11. This woman is beyond mentally ill and shame on Oprah and Diane Sawyer for trying to give this nutbag even more publicity. I cannot believe how sick this story is.
    Who is going to pay for all of this? WE ARE…WELFARE.
    That woman is incredibly selfish.

  12. First of all, is she a United States citizen? If not, she and the 14 kids should be shipped back to wherever she came from. I despise big fat Oprah and the big amazon deep-voiced Diane Sawyer. The world is upside down about everything, everywhere you look.

  13. Who cares what she does if she doesn’t ask for a dole from the government? Sheese! Mind your own business., or help her out to raise them to their fullest potential to work and pay back our debts. Speaker of the house wants to limit and kill all children over two per family on your tax dollar around the world and this woman wants as many as God and science will allow? There’s a fine line humorous aspect to what is evil and how good is defined.

  14. I agree with the first commenter completely…the voice of reason…couldn’t have said it better myself.
    This woman is a total nutjob spitting out babies like her daily poops…damn…^ already!! Enough woman…you don’t even have a father for them, a job to feed them, a home to shelter them, you have to live with your parents…you’re still a child yourself if you live this way… AND you already filed for bankrupcty…who the holy hell PAID for this circus act?
    This whole thing makes me just sick to my stomach!

  15. I have no respect for Diane Sawyer or Oprah either.
    ALL MEDIA has lost all credibility, they are just left wing media hacks with a big fat crush on a prez that lacks experience and leadership.
    Bigger Govt. more debt , more TAXES.


  17. gOVT control AND hOLLYWOOD immorality is destroying societies, everything that used to be right is now wrong hateful or intolerant.
    Yet Hollywood gets a BAILOUT with our tax dollars to make more filth and crap that destroys families and nobody wants to see in the first place but end up paying for.

  18. california really sucks for the middle class, no wonder their is an exodus that will result in state where only rich or poor exist.
    Out of control social services , illegals and crime, you couldn’t pay me to live there.

  19. “Maybe all you right wing Bush supporters will want to “adopt” one of these little litter mates, and fund them through the age of 18. Sort of like Save the Children. Every month you get a picture for your mone”.
    This silly mama is lucky Obama and this fool obama cult member didn’t get to her sooner, otherwise they would have demananded a 50 % reduction on the spot. Heck, they might still demand 8 after birth abortions as the costs rise.
    Look, obviously this woman is deranged and politics have nothing to do with this. No conservative supports this and liberals, well, you know how you are on abortion don’t you. The fool should get no cash and we should simply ignore her.

  20. The right wing extremists are always concerned about babies–til they are born

  21. Those are good questions: If she’s bankrupt, howinthehell did she afford fertility treatments, and who are the numbskull doctors treating her? Shame on all of them. I love Oprah, but she has no judgement, i.e., Tom Cruise,and Will Smith, and all the phony authors with their “memoirs.”
    Do the babies meow or bark?

  22. Not to mention how much money she will use up in the educational system with 8 cats and dogs that will need full-time para-professionals and specialized educational plans, and blah , blah, blah. She’s the Bernie Madoff of uteruses gone wild.

  23. mr. PRESIDENT? Take care of the social system there. So people don’t need to “BEG or STEAL” for diapers!!

  24. I think she did it knowing there’s money to be made, she was probably expecting what others usually get like money, a house, car seats etc, college funds for the kids and the clinic probably gave her free treatments thinking the publicity would bring business.

  25. It’s just another sad story of American irresponsibility. My heart goes out to the children, all 14 of them, who are the victims of this irresponsibility.

  26. That is exactly what she was thinking…huge publicity, $$$ pouring in, and possibly even the community building her a bigger house, such as happened with the McCaughey’s seven. The doctors that did this should be charged with a crime.

  27. This whole thing is a travesty. They doctor(s) who allowed her to go ahead with IVF should have licensing reviews immediately. Oprah and Diane Sawyer should get a grip and not exploit those children, much to the mother’s chagrin. She should not make money off of these poor kids. There should be stricter guidlines to which indiviuals should adhere to before being allowed to proceed with IVF. I think the mother is a nutcake.Her own mother said when the babies come home, she will be gone! She also said she was disgusted with her daughter on the matter of having more children and that she has been obsessed since shildhood on becoming a mother. Her fallopian tubes are blocked and that is why she chose IVF to begin with. Is the state of California’s welfare program going to continue to allow this kind of raping of the system?

  28. This whole thing is a travesty. They doctor(s) who allowed her to go ahead with IVF should have licensing reviews immediately. Oprah and Diane Sawyer should get a grip and not exploit those children, much to the mother’s chagrin. She should not make money off of these poor kids. There should be stricter guidlines to which indiviuals should adhere to before being allowed to proceed with IVF. I think the mother is a nutcake.Her own mother said when the babies come home, she will be gone! She also said she was disgusted with her daughter on the matter of having more children and that she has been obsessed since shildhood on becoming a mother. Her fallopian tubes are blocked and that is why she chose IVF to begin with. Is the state of California’s welfare program going to continue to allow this kind of raping of the system?

  29. This is an outrage in a busted health care system where co-insurance is always increasing and even basic lab tests must often be paid out of pocket. I say drown the little buggers–and their mother–like the litter of unwanted kittens they are! I’ll be damned if I’ll pay a cent to support this skanky bitch or raise her freaks.

  30. Welcome to the

  31. If TLC would quit glamorizing multiple birth families like “John and Kate Plus 8” who did plead poverty and now have moved in a million dollar home in just 4 years. Research them. Perhaps this woman watched that show and the Gosselins showed how the freebie gravy train really runs.
    The doctors and media should know better, the parents of this woman should have gotten her some help or something. It is the poor children that will suffer in the long run for the rest of their lives.

  32. well done! How quickly we forget the “jon and kate” septuplets; kate WAS a nurse in the intensive care nursery and despite knowing all the complications that can come with higher order multiple births, chose to continue the pregnancy and only by LUCK had children with minimal special needs. They do, however, have a hit show and the counter thinks this is a great story not realizing all of the financial support that the public has inadvertly provided so that she may stay home in the million dollar house with her litter and her husband has yo work only one job. Why is this newer mother of a litter so different? Is she not as attractive or commercial enough for a show? Her story is just as unacceptable and irresponsible as jon and kate!

  33. You’re right 9:26, and Kate already had 2 kids there was no reason for her to go through the treatments. 11:11 thinks the babies should be drowned, could it be because they’re not blonde and blue eyed?

  34. A doctor was on some show and he said she was only implanted with two of the vials but since her body was used to the other treatments it multiplied on it’s own. Regardless, where did she get the money to do the implant. Also didn’t the hospital do a financial work up on her to see she was capable to to have these babies. Can the sperm donor be held liable for all this?
    Usually when stories like this appear there is always the outpouring of goodwill from the American public offering help with the babies and financial matters. This does not seem to be the case. Plus her mother say she is leaving as soon as the babies come home. How in the world is this woman going to take care of so many kids on her own

  35. Uh, selective fertilization or selective removal is sensible, you religious fanatics!

  36. OK! I have been doing alot of reading on this story and everything i read makes me more and more sick.
    First off, jon&kate plus8, should in NO WAY be compared to this idiot.
    They had a set of twins and were making it completely fine, when they decided to go ahead with another pregnancy,
    This woman did not have a home/food/time/father for 6 kids with out financial help, when she decided to go ahead and have more!!!!!!!
    She has been living off of welfare for years before she had these 8.
    Money that she claimed for the other children, paid for her new ones.
    You have to get a credit check and job verification to do pretty much anything anymore, but some doctor just gave this unfit mother 8 more child like it was nothing….
    This is not about abortion, the children should have never been placed in her womb in the first place!!!!!!
    It is obvious having that many children was not about FAMILY but some other twisted idea…..

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